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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Fabric Workshop

Automate everything!

For Fabric to work we need couple things: - Python 2 - Virtualenv - PIP

Create project directory and move to it::

$ mkdir hello_world $ cd hello_world

Of course we are using git:

$ git init

To setup virtualenv with pip:

$ curl -O
$ tar -xzf virtualenv*tar.gz
$ ./virtualenv-1.11.6/ -p python2 venv
$ rm -rI virtualenv*
$ source venv/bin/activate 

Finally we start our work on project. As we automate everything, create dependency file called `requirements.txt`:

$ cat > requirements.txt << EOF
Then we install our only requirement in python virtual environment::

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Now we have Fabric setup in our project. Fabric by default uses modules called to look for tasks. So we create one:

$ cat > << EOF
from fabric.api import run 

def host_type():
    run('uname -s')

To test out if our tasks works, we run:

$ fab -H localhost host_type

It should ask credentials for localhost and print out type of the system. Ignore python bytecode:

$ cat > .gitignore << EOF

Now we are ready to add changes to repository:

$ git add --all
$ git commit -m "Add project deployment script draft"

Execute arbitary Python function via the command line. Execute shell commands ower SSH. Looks for file called

You execute tasks using syntax <task name>:<arg>,<kwarg>=<value>.

There are multiple strategies to move files between hosts. - You can tar them and move through SSH connection. Can be slow and time consuming. - You can rsync them to remote host.


Triple check trailing slash meaning in source and destination argument.

To separate sensitive information, it is possible to write configuration in ~/.fabricrc or passed by specifying -c flag.


By default handles failures. Be aware of commands with non standard exit codes.

Suppressing warning messages

from fabric.api import settings, local, abort from fabric.contrib.console import confirm

def test():
with settings(warn_only=True):

result = local('./ test my_app', capture=True)

if result.failed and not confirm('Test failed. Continue anyway?):

abort('Aborting at user request')

Change files on remote host Run commands in parallel

Passing in arguments Use colon command:<argument> to pass in arguments from comandline.


env.hosts = ['host1', 'host2'] env.user = 'ubuntu'

You can configure your execution using ENV global variable.

Fabfile used in combination with Salt-Stack

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import subprocess
import sys
VENV_VERSION = '1.9.1'
PYTHON = 'python2'
INITIAL_ENV = 'venv'
def shellcmd(cmd, echo=True):
"""Run 'cmd' in the shell and return its standard out."""
if echo:
print('[cmd] {0}'.format(cmd))
proc = subprocess.Popen(
if echo:
while proc.poll() is None:
output = proc.stdout.readline()
print(output, end='')
return proc
def main():
"""Download and install virtualenv."""
dirname = 'virtualenv-' + VENV_VERSION
tgz_file = dirname + '.tar.gz'
# Fetch virtualenv from PyPI
venv_url = PYPI_VENV_BASE + '/' + tgz_file
shellcmd('curl -O {0}'.format(venv_url))
# Untar
shellcmd('tar xzf {0}'.format(tgz_file))
# Create the initial env
shellcmd('{0} {1}/ {2} --distribute'.format(
# Install the virtualenv package itself into the initial env
shellcmd('{0}/bin/pip install {1}'.format(INITIAL_ENV, tgz_file))
# Cleanup
shellcmd('rm -rf {0} {1}'.format(dirname, tgz_file))
# Install development dependencies
shellcmd('{0}/bin/pip install fabric'.format(
if __name__ == '__main__':
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