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Created March 21, 2019 21:27
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Methods refined via checker framework annotations (on return type only)
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Double): String
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Float): String
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Long): String
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Int): String
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Char): String
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Boolean): String
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Array[Char], x$1: Int, x$2: Int): String
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Array[Char]): String
>>> valueOf with type (x$0: Any): String
>>> toGenericString with type (): String
>>> newInstance with type (): T
>>> isInstance with type (x$0: Any): Boolean
>>> isAssignableFrom with type (x$0: Class[_]): Boolean
>>> isInterface with type (): Boolean
>>> isArray with type (): Boolean
>>> isPrimitive with type (): Boolean
>>> isAnnotation with type (): Boolean
>>> isSynthetic with type (): Boolean
>>> getName with type (): String
>>> getClassLoader0 with type (): ClassLoader
>>> getTypeParameters with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable[Class[T]]]
>>> getInterfaces with type (): Array[Class[_]]
>>> getGenericInterfaces with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.Type]
>>> getModifiers with type (): Int
>>> getSimpleName with type (): String
>>> getTypeName with type (): String
>>> isAnonymousClass with type (): Boolean
>>> isLocalClass with type (): Boolean
>>> isMemberClass with type (): Boolean
>>> getClasses with type (): Array[Class[_]]
>>> getFields with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.Field]
>>> getMethods with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.Method]
>>> getConstructors with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.Constructor[_]]
>>> getField with type (x$0: String): java.lang.reflect.Field
>>> getMethod with type (x$0: String, x$1: Class[_]*): java.lang.reflect.Method
>>> getConstructor with type (x$0: Class[_]*): java.lang.reflect.Constructor[T]
>>> getDeclaredClasses with type (): Array[Class[_]]
>>> getDeclaredFields with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.Field]
>>> getDeclaredMethods with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.Method]
>>> getDeclaredConstructors with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.Constructor[_]]
>>> getDeclaredField with type (x$0: String): java.lang.reflect.Field
>>> getDeclaredMethod with type (x$0: String, x$1: Class[_]*): java.lang.reflect.Method
>>> getDeclaredConstructor with type (x$0: Class[_]*): java.lang.reflect.Constructor[T]
>>> getProtectionDomain with type ():
>>> getRawAnnotations with type (): Array[Byte]
>>> getRawTypeAnnotations with type (): Array[Byte]
>>> getConstantPool with type (): sun.reflect.ConstantPool
>>> desiredAssertionStatus with type (): Boolean
>>> isEnum with type (): Boolean
>>> getEnumConstantsShared with type (): Array[T & Object]
>>> enumConstantDirectory with type (): java.util.Map[String, T]
>>> asSubclass with type [U](x$0: Class[U]): Class[_ <: U]
>>> isAnnotationPresent with type (x$0: Class[_ <: java.lang.annotation.Annotation]): Boolean
>>> getAnnotationsByType with type [A <: java.lang.annotation.Annotation](x$0: Class[A]): Array[A]
>>> getAnnotations with type (): Array[java.lang.annotation.Annotation]
>>> getDeclaredAnnotationsByType with type [A <: java.lang.annotation.Annotation](x$0: Class[A]): Array[A]
>>> getDeclaredAnnotations with type (): Array[java.lang.annotation.Annotation]
>>> casAnnotationType with type (x$0: sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType, x$1:
): Boolean
>>> getAnnotationType with type (): sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationType
>>> getDeclaredAnnotationMap with type ():
java.util.Map[Class[_ <: java.lang.annotation.Annotation],
>>> getAnnotatedSuperclass with type (): java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType
>>> getAnnotatedInterfaces with type (): Array[java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedType]
>>> length with type (): Int
>>> isEmpty with type (): Boolean
>>> charAt with type (x$0: Int): Char
>>> codePointAt with type (x$0: Int): Int
>>> codePointBefore with type (x$0: Int): Int
>>> codePointCount with type (x$0: Int, x$1: Int): Int
>>> offsetByCodePoints with type (x$0: Int, x$1: Int): Int
>>> getBytes with type (x$0: String): Array[Byte]
>>> getBytes with type (x$0: java.nio.charset.Charset): Array[Byte]
>>> getBytes with type (): Array[Byte]
>>> equals with type (x$0: Any): Boolean
>>> contentEquals with type (x$0: StringBuffer): Boolean
>>> contentEquals with type (x$0: CharSequence): Boolean
>>> equalsIgnoreCase with type (x$0: String): Boolean
>>> compareTo with type (x$0: String): Int
>>> compareToIgnoreCase with type (x$0: String): Int
>>> regionMatches with type (x$0: Int, x$1: String, x$2: Int, x$3: Int): Boolean
>>> regionMatches with type (x$0: Boolean, x$1: Int, x$2: String, x$3: Int, x$4: Int): Boolean
>>> startsWith with type (x$0: String, x$1: Int): Boolean
>>> startsWith with type (x$0: String): Boolean
>>> endsWith with type (x$0: String): Boolean
>>> hashCode with type (): Int
>>> indexOf with type (x$0: Int): Int
>>> indexOf with type (x$0: Int, x$1: Int): Int
>>> lastIndexOf with type (x$0: Int): Int
>>> lastIndexOf with type (x$0: Int, x$1: Int): Int
>>> indexOf with type (x$0: String): Int
>>> indexOf with type (x$0: String, x$1: Int): Int
>>> lastIndexOf with type (x$0: String): Int
>>> lastIndexOf with type (x$0: String, x$1: Int): Int
>>> substring with type (x$0: Int): String
>>> substring with type (x$0: Int, x$1: Int): String
>>> subSequence with type (x$0: Int, x$1: Int): CharSequence
>>> concat with type (x$0: String): String
>>> replace with type (x$0: Char, x$1: Char): String
>>> matches with type (x$0: String): Boolean
>>> contains with type (x$0: CharSequence): Boolean
>>> replaceFirst with type (x$0: String, x$1: String): String
>>> replaceAll with type (x$0: String, x$1: String): String
>>> replace with type (x$0: CharSequence, x$1: CharSequence): String
>>> toLowerCase with type (x$0: java.util.Locale): String
>>> toLowerCase with type (): String
>>> toUpperCase with type (x$0: java.util.Locale): String
>>> toUpperCase with type (): String
>>> trim with type (): String
>>> toCharArray with type (): Array[Char]
>>> intern with type (): String
>>> compareTo with type (x$0: Any): Int
>>> compareTo with type (x$0: T): Int
>>> length with type (): Int
>>> charAt with type (x$0: Int): Char
>>> subSequence with type (x$0: Int, x$1: Int): CharSequence
>>> isAnnotationPresent with type (x$0: Class[_ <: java.lang.annotation.Annotation]): Boolean
>>> getAnnotations with type (): Array[java.lang.annotation.Annotation]
>>> getAnnotationsByType with type [T <: java.lang.annotation.Annotation](x$0: Class[T]): Array[T]
>>> getDeclaredAnnotationsByType with type [T <: java.lang.annotation.Annotation](x$0: Class[T]): Array[T]
>>> getDeclaredAnnotations with type (): Array[java.lang.annotation.Annotation]
>>> forName with type (x$0: String): Class[_]
>>> forName with type (x$0: String, x$1: Boolean, x$2: ClassLoader): Class[_]
>>> getPrimitiveClass with type (x$0: String): Class[_]
>>> getExecutableTypeAnnotationBytes with type (x$0: java.lang.reflect.Executable): Array[Byte]
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