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Created May 21, 2015 16:41
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Williams concepts template for Codeigniter 3
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006, EllisLab, Inc.
* @license
* @link
* @since Version 1.0
* @filesource
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* CodeIgniter Template Class
* This class is and interface to CI's View class. It aims to improve the
* interaction between controllers and views. Follow @link for more info
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author Colin Williams
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Libraries
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Colin Williams.
* @version 1.4.1
class Template {
var $CI;
var $config;
var $template;
var $master;
var $regions = array(
'_scripts' => array(),
'_styles' => array(),
var $output;
var $js = array();
var $css = array();
var $parser = 'parser';
var $parser_method = 'parse';
var $parse_template = FALSE;
* Constructor
* Loads template configuration, template regions, and validates existence of
* default template
* @access public
function Template()
// Copy an instance of CI so we can use the entire framework.
$this->CI =& get_instance();
// Load the template config file and setup our master template and regions
if (isset($template))
$this->config = $template;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Use given template settings
* @access public
* @param string array key to access template settings
* @return void
function set_template($group)
if (isset($this->config[$group]))
$this->template = $this->config[$group];
show_error('The "'. $group .'" template group does not exist. Provide a valid group name or add the group first.');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set master template
* @access public
* @param string filename of new master template file
* @return void
function set_master_template($filename)
if (file_exists(APPPATH .'views/'. $filename) or file_exists(APPPATH .'views/'. $filename . EXT))
$this->master = $filename;
show_error('The filename provided does not exist in <strong>'. APPPATH .'views</strong>. Remember to include the extension if other than ".php"');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Dynamically add a template and optionally switch to it
* @access public
* @param string array key to access template settings
* @param array properly formed
* @return void
function add_template($group, $template, $activate = FALSE)
if ( ! isset($this->config[$group]))
$this->config[$group] = $template;
if ($activate === TRUE)
show_error('The "'. $group .'" template group already exists. Use a different group name.');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize class settings using config settings
* @access public
* @param array configuration array
* @return void
function initialize($props)
// Set master template
if (isset($props['template'])
&& (file_exists(APPPATH .'views/'. $props['template']) or file_exists(APPPATH .'views/'. $props['template'] . ".php")))
$this->master = $props['template'];
// Master template must exist. Throw error.
show_error('Either you have not provided a master template or the one provided does not exist in <strong>'. APPPATH .'views</strong>. Remember to include the extension if other than ".php"');
// Load our regions
if (isset($props['regions']))
// Set parser and parser method
if (isset($props['parser']))
if (isset($props['parser_method']))
// Set master template parser instructions
$this->parse_template = isset($props['parse_template']) ? $props['parse_template'] : FALSE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set regions for writing to
* @access public
* @param array properly formed regions array
* @return void
function set_regions($regions)
if (count($regions))
$this->regions = array(
'_scripts' => array(),
'_styles' => array(),
foreach ($regions as $key => $region)
// Regions must be arrays, but we take the burden off the template
// developer and insure it here
if ( ! is_array($region))
else {
$this->add_region($key, $region);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Dynamically add region to the currently set template
* @access public
* @param string Name to identify the region
* @param array Optional array with region defaults
* @return void
function add_region($name, $props = array())
if ( ! is_array($props))
$props = array();
if ( ! isset($this->regions[$name]))
$this->regions[$name] = $props;
show_error('The "'. $name .'" region has already been defined.');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Empty a region's content
* @access public
* @param string Name to identify the region
* @return void
function empty_region($name)
if (isset($this->regions[$name]['content']))
$this->regions[$name]['content'] = array();
show_error('The "'. $name .'" region is undefined.');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set parser
* @access public
* @param string name of parser class to load and use for parsing methods
* @return void
function set_parser($parser, $method = NULL)
$this->parser = $parser;
if ($method)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set parser method
* @access public
* @param string name of parser class member function to call when parsing
* @return void
function set_parser_method($method)
$this->parser_method = $method;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write contents to a region
* @access public
* @param string region to write to
* @param string what to write
* @param boolean FALSE to append to region, TRUE to overwrite region
* @return void
function write($region, $content, $overwrite = FALSE)
if (isset($this->regions[$region]))
if ($overwrite === TRUE) // Should we append the content or overwrite it
$this->regions[$region]['content'] = array($content);
} else {
$this->regions[$region]['content'][] = $content;
// Regions MUST be defined
show_error("Cannot write to the '{$region}' region. The region is undefined.");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write content from a View to a region. 'Views within views'
* @access public
* @param string region to write to
* @param string view file to use
* @param array variables to pass into view
* @param boolean FALSE to append to region, TRUE to overwrite region
* @return void
function write_view($region, $view, $data = NULL, $overwrite = FALSE)
$args = func_get_args();
// Get rid of non-views
unset($args[0], $args[2], $args[3]);
// Do we have more view suggestions?
if (count($args) > 1)
foreach ($args as $suggestion)
if (file_exists(APPPATH .'views/'. $suggestion . EXT) or file_exists(APPPATH .'views/'. $suggestion))
// Just change the $view arg so the rest of our method works as normal
$view = $suggestion;
$content = $this->CI->load->view($view, $data, TRUE);
$this->write($region, $content, $overwrite);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parse content from a View to a region with the Parser Class
* @access public
* @param string region to write to
* @param string view file to parse
* @param array variables to pass into view for parsing
* @param boolean FALSE to append to region, TRUE to overwrite region
* @return void
function parse_view($region, $view, $data = NULL, $overwrite = FALSE)
$args = func_get_args();
// Get rid of non-views
unset($args[0], $args[2], $args[3]);
// Do we have more view suggestions?
if (count($args) > 1)
foreach ($args as $suggestion)
if (file_exists(APPPATH .'views/'. $suggestion . EXT) or file_exists(APPPATH .'views/'. $suggestion))
// Just change the $view arg so the rest of our method works as normal
$view = $suggestion;
$content = $this->CI->{$this->parser}->{$this->parser_method}($view, $data, TRUE);
$this->write($region, $content, $overwrite);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Dynamically include javascript in the template
* NOTE: This function does NOT check for existence of .js file
* @access public
* @param string script to import or embed
* @param string 'import' to load external file or 'embed' to add as-is
* @param boolean TRUE to use 'defer' attribute, FALSE to exclude it
* @param boolean TRUE to use 'version' attribute, FALSE to exclude it
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
function add_js($script, $type = 'import', $defer = FALSE, $version = TRUE)
$success = TRUE;
$js = NULL;
switch ($type)
case 'import':
$filepath = base_url() . $script;
if ($version && $file_version)
$file_version = filemtime($script);
$filepath .= '?v='.$file_version;
$js = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'. $filepath .'"';
if ($defer)
$js .= ' defer="defer"';
$js .= "></script>";
case 'embed':
$js = '<script type="text/javascript"';
if ($defer)
$js .= ' defer="defer"';
$js .= ">";
$js .= $script;
if ($version && $file_version)
$file_version = filemtime($script);
$script .= '?v='.$file_version;
$js .= '</script>';
case 'external':
$js = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'. $script .'"';
if ($defer)
$js .= ' defer="defer"';
$js .= "></script>";
$success = FALSE;
// Add to js array if it doesn't already exist
if ($js != NULL && !in_array($js, $this->js))
$this->js[] = $js;
$this->write('_scripts', $js);
return $success;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Dynamically include CSS in the template
* NOTE: This function does NOT check for existence of .css file
* @access public
* @param string CSS file to link, import or embed
* @param string 'link', 'import' or 'embed'
* @param string media attribute to use with 'link' type only, FALSE for none
* @param boolean TRUE to use 'version' attribute, FALSE to exclude it
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
function add_css($style, $type = 'link', $media = FALSE, $version = TRUE)
$success = TRUE;
$css = NULL;
$file_version = filemtime($style);
$filepath = base_url() . $style;
if ($version && $file_version)
$filepath .= '?v='.$file_version;
switch ($type)
case 'link':
$css = '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="'. $filepath .'"';
if ($media)
$css .= ' media="'. $media .'"';
$css .= ' />';
case 'import':
$css = '<style type="text/css">@import url('. $filepath .');</style>';
case 'embed':
$css = '<style type="text/css">';
$css .= $style;
$css .= '</style>';
$success = FALSE;
// Add to js array if it doesn't already exist
if ($css != NULL && !in_array($css, $this->css))
$this->css[] = $css;
$this->write('_styles', $css);
return $success;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Render the master template or a single region
* @access public
* @param string optionally opt to render a specific region
* @param boolean FALSE to output the rendered template, TRUE to return as a string. Always TRUE when $region is supplied
* @return void or string (result of template build)
function render($region = NULL, $buffer = FALSE, $parse = FALSE)
// Just render $region if supplied
if ($region) // Display a specific regions contents
if (isset($this->regions[$region]))
$output = $this->_build_content($this->regions[$region]);
show_error("Cannot render the '{$region}' region. The region is undefined.");
// Build the output array
foreach ($this->regions as $name => $region)
$this->output[$name] = $this->_build_content($region);
if ($this->parse_template === TRUE or $parse === TRUE)
// Use provided parser class and method to render the template
$output = $this->CI->{$this->parser}->{$this->parser_method}($this->master, $this->output, TRUE);
// Parsers never handle output, but we need to mimick it in this case
if ($buffer === FALSE)
// Use CI's loader class to render the template with our output array
$output = $this->CI->load->view($this->master, $this->output, $buffer);
return $output;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Load the master template or a single region
* Use render() to compile and display your template and regions
function load($region = NULL, $buffer = FALSE)
$region = NULL;
$this->render($region, $buffer);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Build a region from it's contents. Apply wrapper if provided
* @access private
* @param string region to build
* @param string HTML element to wrap regions in; like '<div>'
* @param array Multidimensional array of HTML elements to apply to $wrapper
* @return string Output of region contents
function _build_content($region, $wrapper = NULL, $attributes = NULL)
$output = NULL;
// Can't build an empty region. Exit stage left
if ( ! isset($region['content']) or ! count($region['content']))
return FALSE;
// Possibly overwrite wrapper and attributes
if ($wrapper)
$region['wrapper'] = $wrapper;
if ($attributes)
$region['attributes'] = $attributes;
// Open the wrapper and add attributes
if (isset($region['wrapper']))
// This just trims off the closing angle bracket. Like '<p>' to '<p'
$output .= substr($region['wrapper'], 0, strlen($region['wrapper']) - 1);
// Add HTML attributes
if (isset($region['attributes']) && is_array($region['attributes']))
foreach ($region['attributes'] as $name => $value)
// We don't validate HTML attributes. Imagine someone using a custom XML template..
$output .= " $name=\"$value\"";
$output .= ">";
// Output the content items.
foreach ($region['content'] as $content)
$output .= $content;
// Close the wrapper tag
if (isset($region['wrapper']))
// This just turns the wrapper into a closing tag. Like '<p>' to '</p>'
$output .= str_replace('<', '</', $region['wrapper']) . "\n";
return $output;
// END Template Class
/* End of file Template.php */
/* Location: ./system/application/libraries/Template.php */
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abelrgr commented May 21, 2015

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