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Created September 17, 2019 04:45
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# put in file lops.jl
# LinearOperator and hcat precompilation problem
using LinearOperators
using Profile
function foo()
N = 15; n = 5
lops = [ LinearOperator(randn(n,n)) for i=1:N ]
#C = hvcat(ntuple(x -> N, N), lops...)
C = hcat(lops...)
#y = C * randn(n * N)
@time y = C*randn(n * N)
@time y = C*randn(n * N)
C = sum(lops)
@time y = C*randn(n)
@time y = C*randn(n)
C = prod(lops)
@time y = C*randn(n)
@time y = C*randn(n)
@profile foo()
#using ProfileView
12.589108 seconds (956.13 k allocations: 46.069 MiB, 0.08% gc time)
0.000016 seconds (58 allocations: 11.453 KiB)
9669 ./client.jl:464; _start()
9669 ./client.jl:295; exec_options(::Base.JLOptions)
9669 ./Base.jl:31; include(::Module, ::String)
9669 ./loading.jl:1094; include_relative(::Module, ::St...
9669 ./boot.jl:328; include
113 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:599; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInstan...
113 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:568; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInstan...
107 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inferen...
107 ...tinterpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.Compil...
99 ...tinterpretation.jl:1160; typeinf_local(::Core.Compiler...
99 ...tinterpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array{...
99 ...tinterpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Array{A...
99 ...interpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ::Array...
5 ...interpretation.jl:609; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arra...
5 ...interpretation.jl:561; abstract_apply(::Any, ::Arr...
5 ...interpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ::Noth...
4 ...interpretation.jl:50; abstract_call_gf_by_type(::...
4 ./reflection.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
1 ...interpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_type(::...
1 ...nterpretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method(::Me...
1; typeinf_edge(::Method, ::...
1; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
1 ...erpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core....
1 ...erpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.C...
1 ...erpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, :...
1 ...rpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::A...
1 ...rpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 ...rpretation.jl:609; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 ...pretation.jl:561; abstract_apply(::Any...
1 ...pretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any...
1 ...pretation.jl:50; abstract_call_gf_by...
1 ...flection.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
1 ...interpretation.jl:811; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arra...
1 ...interpretation.jl:578; pure_eval_call(::Any, ::Arr...
93 ...interpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arra...
83 ...interpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_type(::...
83 ...nterpretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method(::Met...
83 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Method, ::...
82 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
82 ...terpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.C...
66 ...erpretation.jl:1160; typeinf_local(::Core.Co...
66 ...erpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::...
66 ...erpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::A...
66 ...rpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, :...
66 ...rpretation.jl:764; abstract_call(::Any, ...
66; return_type_tfunc(::...
66 ...pretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any,...
66 ...pretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_...
66 ...retation.jl:376; abstract_call_metho...
66 ...ypeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Met...
65 ...ypeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Com...
65 ...etation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(...
65 ...tation.jl:1160; typeinf_local(::...
65 ...tation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::...
65 ...tation.jl:847; abstract_eval_c...
65 ...tation.jl:608; abstract_call(:...
65 ...ation.jl:818; abstract_call(...
65 ...ation.jl:93; abstract_call_...
65 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_call...
65 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
65 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
65 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+1 65 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+2 65 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+3 64 ...ion.jl:845; abstract_ev...
+4 64 ...tion.jl:21; abstract_cal...
+5 64 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+6 64 ...ion.jl:376; abstract_ca...
+7 64 ...fer.jl:482; typeinf_edg...
+8 64 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+9 64 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+10 64 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+11 64 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+12 64 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+13 64 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+14 64 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+15 63 ...ion.jl:93; abstract_ca...
+16 63 ...ion.jl:376; abstract_ca...
+17 63 ...fer.jl:482; typeinf_edg...
+18 63 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+19 63 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+20 63 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+21 63 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+22 63 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+23 63 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+24 58 ...ion.jl:609; abstract_ca...
+25 58 ...ion.jl:561; abstract_ap...
+26 58 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+27 58 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+28 58 ...ion.jl:376; abstract_ca...
+29 58 ...fer.jl:482; typeinf_edg...
+30 57 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+31 57 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+32 57 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+33 57 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+34 57 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+35 57 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+36 1 ...ion.jl:635; abstract_ca...
+37 1 ...ncs.jl:1279; builtin_tfu...
+38 1 ...ncs.jl:1365; builtin_tfu...
+39 1 ...ncs.jl:1047; apply_type_...
+36 56 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+37 56 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+38 56 ...ion.jl:376; abstract_ca...
+39 56 ...fer.jl:482; typeinf_edg...
+40 55 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+41 55 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+42 55 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+43 55 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+44 55 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+45 55 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+46 55 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+47 55 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+48 55 ...ion.jl:376; abstract_ca...
+49 55 ...fer.jl:482; typeinf_edg...
+50 54 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+51 54 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+52 54 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+53 54 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+54 54 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+55 54 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+56 54 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+57 54 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+58 54 ...ion.jl:376; abstract_ca...
+59 54 ...fer.jl:482; typeinf_edg...
+60 50 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+61 50 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+62 10 ...ion.jl:1160; typeinf_lo...
+63 10 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+64 10 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+65 10 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+66 10 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+67 9 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+68 9 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+69 9 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+70 9 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+71 9 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+72 9 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+73 9 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+74 9 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+75 9 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+76 1 ...tion.jl:811; abstract_cal...
+77 1 ...tion.jl:586; pure_eval_ca...
+78 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+76 8 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+77 8 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+78 8 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+79 8 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+80 7 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+81 7 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+82 7 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+83 1 ...tion.jl:916; abstract_eva...
+84 1 ...tion.jl:905; abstract_eva...
+83 6 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+84 6 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+85 6 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+86 6 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+87 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+88 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+87 5 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+88 5 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+89 5 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+90 4 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+91 4 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+92 4 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+93 4 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+94 4 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+95 4 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+96 1 ...tion.jl:811; abstract_cal...
+97 1 ...tion.jl:586; pure_eval_ca...
+98 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+96 3 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+97 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+98 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+97 2 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+98 2 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+99 2 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+100 2 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+101 2 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+102 2 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+103 2 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+104 2 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+105 2 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+106 1 ...tion.jl:811; abstract_cal...
+107 1 ...tion.jl:586; pure_eval_ca...
+108 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+106 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+107 1 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+108 1 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+109 1 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+110 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+111 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+112 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+113 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+114 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+115 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+116 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+117 1 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+118 1 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+119 1 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+120 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+121 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+122 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+123 1 ...iver.jl:107; just_constru...
+124 1 ...2ssa.jl:656; construct_ss...
+125 1 ...ials.jl:455; setindex!
+90 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+91 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+92 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+93 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+94 1 ...tion.jl:808; assemble_inl...
+80 1 ...nfer.jl:67; typeinf(::Co...
+81 1 ...nfer.jl:126; cache_result...
+67 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+68 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+69 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+70 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+71 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+72 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+73 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+74 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+75 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+76 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+77 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+78 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+79 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+80 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+81 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+82 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+83 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+84 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+85 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+86 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+87 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+88 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+89 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+90 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+91 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+92 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+93 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+94 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+95 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+96 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+97 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+98 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+99 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+100 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+101 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+102 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+103 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+104 1 ...tion.jl:219; abstract_cal...
+105 1 ...tate.jl:115; Core.Compile...
+106 1 ...tate.jl:92; Core.Compile...
+107 1 ./boot.jl:423; Type
+108 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+62 40 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+63 40 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+64 40 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+65 40 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+66 40 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+67 39 ...ion.jl:93; abstract_ca...
+68 39 ...ion.jl:376; abstract_ca...
+69 39 ...fer.jl:482; typeinf_edg...
+70 38 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+71 38 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+72 38 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+73 1 ...ion.jl:901; abstract_ev...
+73 37 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+74 2 ...ion.jl:845; abstract_ev...
+75 2 ...tion.jl:21; abstract_cal...
+76 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+77 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+76 1 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+77 1 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+78 1 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+79 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+80 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+81 1 ...iver.jl:121; run_passes(:...
+82 1 ...sses.jl:525; getfield_eli...
+83 1 ...dict.jl:509; Type
+74 35 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+75 35 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+76 35 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+77 32 ...ion.jl:93; abstract_ca...
+78 32 ...ion.jl:376; abstract_ca...
+79 32 ...fer.jl:482; typeinf_edg...
+80 26 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+81 26 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+82 1 ...ion.jl:1160; typeinf_lo...
+83 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+84 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+85 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+86 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+87 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+88 1 ...tion.jl:216; abstract_cal...
+89 1 ...sult.jl:153; cache_lookup...
+90 1 ./array.jl:728; getindex
+82 25 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
+83 25 ...ion.jl:917; abstract_ev...
+84 25 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+85 25 ...ion.jl:608; abstract_ca...
+86 1 ...ion.jl:811; abstract_ca...
+87 1 ...tion.jl:586; pure_eval_ca...
+88 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+86 24 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+87 3 ...ion.jl:50; abstract_ca...
+88 3 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+87 8 ...ion.jl:93; abstract_ca...
+88 8 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+89 8 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+90 8 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+91 8 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+92 1 ...ion.jl:1160; typeinf_loc...
+93 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+94 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+95 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+96 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+97 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+98 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+99 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+100 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+101 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+102 1 ...iver.jl:107; just_constru...
+103 1 ...2ssa.jl:640; construct_ss...
+104 1 ...2ssa.jl:287; idf(::Core.C...
+105 1 ./array.jl:351; getindex
+106 1 ./boot.jl:423; Type
+107 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+92 7 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+93 7 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+94 7 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+95 7 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+96 7 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+97 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+98 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+97 6 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+98 6 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+99 6 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+100 5 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+101 5 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+102 5 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+103 5 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+104 5 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+105 5 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+106 5 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+107 5 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+108 5 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+109 5 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+110 4 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+111 4 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+112 4 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+113 4 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+114 4 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+115 4 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+116 4 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+117 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+118 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+117 3 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+118 3 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+119 3 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+120 2 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+121 2 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+122 2 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+123 2 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+124 2 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+125 2 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+126 2 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+127 2 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+128 2 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+129 2 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+130 2 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+131 2 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+132 2 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+133 2 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+134 2 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+135 2 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+136 2 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+137 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+138 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+137 1 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+138 1 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+139 1 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+140 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+141 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+142 1 ...iver.jl:127; run_passes(:...
+143 1 .../ir.jl:1296; compact!
+144 1 .../ir.jl:1298; compact!(::...
+145 1 ...ray.jl:1920; foreach
+146 1 .../ir.jl:1094; iterate
+147 1 .../ir.jl:1094; iterate(::C...
+120 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+121 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+122 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+123 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+124 1 ...tion.jl:808; assemble_inl...
+110 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+111 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+112 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+113 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+114 1 ...tion.jl:808; assemble_inl...
+100 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+101 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+102 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+103 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+104 1; assemble_in...
+105 1 ...ning.jl:717; analyze_meth...
+106 1 ...gacy.jl:10; inflate_ir(:...
+107 1 ...gacy.jl:14; inflate_ir(:...
+108 1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprarg...
+109 1 ./expr.jl:43; copy_exprs(:...
+110 1 ./expr.jl:37; copy(::Expr)
+111 1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprarg...
+112 1 ./array.jl:598; _array_for
+113 1 ...rray.jl:671; similar
+114 1 ...rray.jl:672; similar
+115 1 ./boot.jl:413; Type
+116 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+87 13 ...ion.jl:116; abstract_ca...
+88 13 ...ion.jl:223; abstract_ca...
+89 10 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+90 10 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
+91 9 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+92 9 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+93 9 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+94 9 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+95 1 ...tion.jl:609; abstract_cal...
+96 1 ...tion.jl:561; abstract_app...
+97 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+98 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+99 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+100 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+101 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+102 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+103 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+104 1; assemble_in...
+105 1 ...ning.jl:717; analyze_meth...
+106 1 ...gacy.jl:10; inflate_ir(:...
+107 1 ...gacy.jl:27; inflate_ir(:...
+108 1 ...r/ir.jl:392; iterate(::Co...
+95 8 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+96 7 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+97 7 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+98 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+99 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+100 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+101 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+102 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+103 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+104 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+105 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+106 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+107 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+108 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+109 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+110 1 ...iver.jl:102; just_constru...
+111 1 ...2ssa.jl:52; scan_slot_de...
+112 1 ./array.jl:853; push!
+113 1 ./array.jl:811; _growend!
+98 6 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+99 6 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+100 3 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+101 1 ...iver.jl:103; just_constru...
+102 1 ...tree.jl:108; construct_do...
+103 1 ...tree.jl:305; SNCA(::Core....
+104 1 ./array.jl:598; _array_for
+105 1 ...rray.jl:671; similar
+106 1 ...rray.jl:672; similar
+107 1 ./boot.jl:413; Type
+108 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+101 2 ...iver.jl:107; just_constru...
+102 1 ...2ssa.jl:736; construct_ss...
+103 1 ...2ssa.jl:182; rename_uses!
+104 1 ...2ssa.jl:163; fixemup!(::g...
+102 1 ...2ssa.jl:788; construct_ss...
+100 2 ...iver.jl:124; run_passes(:...
+101 1 ...sses.jl:866; adce_pass!(:...
+102 1 ...r/ir.jl:489; Type
+103 1 ...r/ir.jl:530; Core.Compile...
+104 1 ./boot.jl:423; Type
+105 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+101 1 ...sses.jl:908; adce_pass!(:...
+102 1 .../ir.jl:1291; complete(::...
+103 1 ./array.jl:598; _array_for
+104 1 ...rray.jl:671; similar
+105 1 ...rray.jl:672; similar
+106 1 ./boot.jl:413; Type
+107 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+100 1 ...iver.jl:126; run_passes(:...
+101 1 ...sses.jl:912; type_lift_pa...
+102 1 ./array.jl:351; getindex
+103 1 ./boot.jl:423; Type
+104 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+96 1 ...tion.jl:139; abstract_cal...
+91 1 ...ion.jl:1177; typeinf_loc...
+92 1 ...tate.jl:200; record_ssa_a...
+89 3 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+90 3 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+91 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+92 1 ...iver.jl:103; just_constru...
+93 1 ...tree.jl:108; construct_do...
+94 1 ...tree.jl:261; SNCA(::Core....
+95 1 ./array.jl:309; copy
+91 1 ...iver.jl:121; run_passes(:...
+92 1 ...sses.jl:525; getfield_eli...
+93 1 ...dict.jl:509; Type
+94 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+91 1 ...iver.jl:124; run_passes(:...
+92 1 ...sses.jl:867; adce_pass!(:...
+93 1 .../ir.jl:1094; iterate
+94 1 .../ir.jl:1151; iterate(::C...
+95 1 ...r/ir.jl:984; process_node!
+96 1 ...r/ir.jl:925; process_node...
+97 1 ...r/ir.jl:811; renumber_ssa...
+98 1 ...r/ir.jl:385; iterate
+99 1 ...r/ir.jl:391; iterate(::Co...
+100 1 ...r/ir.jl:285; getindex(::C...
+80 6 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+81 6 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+82 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+83 1 ...iver.jl:107; just_constru...
+84 1 ...2ssa.jl:736; construct_ss...
+85 1 ...2ssa.jl:182; rename_uses!
+86 1 ...2ssa.jl:123; fixemup!(::g...
+82 5 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+83 4 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+84 1 ...ning.jl:978; assemble_inl...
+85 1 ...ning.jl:932; process_simp...
+86 1 ...ning.jl:863; call_sig(::C...
+87 1 ...ties.jl:161; argextype
+88 1 ...ties.jl:181; argextype(::...
+89 1 ...ion.jl:1029; abstract_ev...
+84 1 ...ning.jl:992; assemble_inl...
+85 1 ./array.jl:352; getindex
+86 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+84 2 ...tion.jl:808; assemble_inl...
+83 1 ...ning.jl:73; ssa_inlining...
+84 1 ...ning.jl:548; batch_inline...
+85 1 ...ning.jl:307; ir_inline_it...
+86 1 ./array.jl:853; push!
+87 1 ./array.jl:811; _growend!
+77 3 ...ion.jl:116; abstract_ca...
+78 3 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+79 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+80 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+81 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+82 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+83 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+84 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+85 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+86 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+87 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+88 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+89 1 ...mize.jl:251; optimize(::C...
+90 1 ...mize.jl:143; isinlineable...
+91 1 ...mize.jl:374; inline_worthy
+92 1 ...mize.jl:301; statement_co...
+93 1 ./array.jl:728; getindex
+79 2 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+80 2 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+81 2 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+82 2 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+83 1; assemble_in...
+84 1 ...ning.jl:693; analyze_meth...
+85 1; find_inferr...
+86 1 ...sult.jl:166; cache_lookup...
+87 1 ./array.jl:704; iterate
+88 1 ./array.jl:200; length
+83 1 ...ion.jl:808; assemble_in...
+70 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+71 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+72 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+73 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+74 1 ...tion.jl:808; assemble_inl...
+67 1 ...ion.jl:116; abstract_ca...
+68 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+69 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+70 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+71 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+72 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+73 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+74 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+75 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+76 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+77 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+78 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+79 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+80 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+81 1 ...iver.jl:107; just_constru...
+82 1 .../; setindex!(::C...
+60 1 ...nfer.jl:21; typeinf(::Co...
+61 1 ...nfer.jl:153; finish
+62 1 ...nfer.jl:360; type_annotat...
+63 1 ...mize.jl:398; renumber_ir_...
+64 1 ...mize.jl:429; renumber_ir_...
+60 3 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+61 3 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+62 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+63 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+64 1; assemble_in...
+65 1 ...ning.jl:717; analyze_meth...
+66 1 ...gacy.jl:6; inflate_ir(::...
+67 1 ...sult.jl:124; matching_cac...
+62 1 ...iver.jl:120; run_passes(:...
+63 1 ...tree.jl:114; construct_do...
+64 1 ./array.jl:853; push!
+65 1 ./array.jl:811; _growend!
+62 1 ...iver.jl:121; run_passes(:...
+63 1 ...sses.jl:565; getfield_eli...
+64 1 ...ries.jl:86; is_known_cal...
+65 1 ...ries.jl:77; compact_expr...
+66 1 ...ties.jl:161; argextype
+67 1 ...ties.jl:181; argextype(::...
+68 1 ...ion.jl:1029; abstract_ev...
+69 1 ...tion.jl:240; isconst
+50 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+51 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+52 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+53 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+54 1; assemble_in...
+55 1 ...ning.jl:713; analyze_meth...
+40 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+41 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+42 1 ...iver.jl:115; run_passes(:...
+43 1 .../ir.jl:1296; compact!
+44 1 .../ir.jl:1298; compact!(::...
+45 1 ...ray.jl:1920; foreach
+46 1 .../ir.jl:1151; iterate(::C...
+47 1 ...r/ir.jl:984; process_node!
+48 1 ...r/ir.jl:925; process_node...
+49 1 ...r/ir.jl:819; renumber_ssa...
+30 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+31 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+32 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+33 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+34 1; assemble_in...
+35 1 ...ning.jl:722; analyze_meth...
+24 5 ...ion.jl:818; abstract_ca...
+25 3 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+26 3 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+27 3 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+28 2 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+29 2 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+30 2 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+31 2 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+32 2 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+33 2 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+34 2 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+35 1 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+36 1 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+37 1 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+38 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+39 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+40 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+41 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+42 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+43 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+44 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+45 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+46 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+35 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+36 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+37 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+38 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+39 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+40 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+41 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+42 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+43 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+44 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+45 1 ...tion.jl:219; abstract_cal...
+46 1 ...tate.jl:112; Core.Compile...
+47 1 ...ties.jl:108; retrieve_cod...
+28 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+29 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+30 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+31 1 ...iver.jl:102; just_constru...
+32 1 ...2ssa.jl:55; scan_slot_de...
+33 1 ...2ssa.jl:27; scan_entry!(...
+34 1 ...r/ir.jl:382; userefs
+35 1 ...r/ir.jl:268; Type
+36 1 ...r/ir.jl:263; Type
+25 2 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+26 2 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+27 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+28 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+29 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+30 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+31 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+32 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+33 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+34 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+35 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+36 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+37 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+38 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+39 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+40 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+41 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+42 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+43 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+44 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+45 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+46 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+47 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+48 1 ...iver.jl:107; just_constru...
+49 1 ...2ssa.jl:867; construct_ss...
+50 1 ...2ssa.jl:496; domsort_ssa!...
+51 1 ./array.jl:598; _array_for
+52 1 ...rray.jl:671; similar
+53 1 ...rray.jl:672; similar
+54 1 ./boot.jl:413; Type
+55 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+27 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+28 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+29 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+30 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+31 1; assemble_in...
+32 1 ...ning.jl:730; analyze_meth...
+33 1 ...ning.jl:20; Type
+15 1 ...ion.jl:116; abstract_ca...
+16 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+17 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+18 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+19 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+20 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+21 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+22 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+23 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+24 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+25 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+26 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+27 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+28 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+29 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+30 1; assemble_in...
+31 1 ...ning.jl:713; analyze_meth...
+3 1 ...ion.jl:847; abstract_ev...
+4 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+5 1 ...tion.jl:810; abstract_cal...
+6 1 ...tils.jl:46; argtypes_to_...
+7 1 ...ties.jl:39; anymap(::typ...
+8 1 ...tice.jl:200; widenconst(:...
1 ...ypeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Com...
1 ...optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Co...
1 .../driver.jl:115; run_passes(::Core...
1 ...air/ir.jl:1296; compact!
1 ...air/ir.jl:1298; compact!(::Core...
1 ...tarray.jl:1920; foreach
1; iterate
1; iterate(::Cor...
16 ...erpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Co...
16 ...erpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::...
16 ...erpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::A...
16 ...rpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, :...
1 ...rpretation.jl:810; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 .../typeutils.jl:46; argtypes_to_type
1 .../utilities.jl:39; anymap(::typeof(Core....
15 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ...
15 ...rpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
15 ...pretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method...
15 ...typeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Meth...
14 ...typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
14 ...retation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::...
14 ...etation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::C...
14 ...etation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::A...
14 ...etation.jl:847; abstract_eval_ca...
14 ...tation.jl:608; abstract_call(::...
14 ...tation.jl:818; abstract_call(:...
11 ...tation.jl:93; abstract_call_g...
11 ...ation.jl:376; abstract_call_...
1 ...infer.jl:452; typeinf_edge(...
1 ...ities.jl:128; specialize_me...
1 ...ties.jl:136; specialize_me...
10 ...infer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(...
8 ...infer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core...
8 ...tion.jl:1230; typeinf_nocy...
1 ...tion.jl:1160; typeinf_loca...
1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+1 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+2 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+3 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+4 1 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+5 1 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+6 1 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+7 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+8 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+9 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+10 1 ...ning.jl:73; ssa_inlining...
+11 1 ...ning.jl:548; batch_inline...
+12 1 ...ning.jl:307; ir_inline_it...
+13 1 ./boot.jl:380; Type
7 ...tion.jl:1174; typeinf_loca...
7 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+1 7 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+2 7 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+3 7 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+4 5 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+5 5 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+6 5 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+7 5 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+8 5 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+9 5 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+10 5 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+11 5 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+12 5 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+13 5 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+14 1 ...tion.jl:93; abstract_cal...
+15 1 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_cal...
+16 1 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
+17 1 ...nfer.jl:67; typeinf(::Co...
+18 1 ...nfer.jl:126; cache_result...
+14 4 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+15 4 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+16 3 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+17 3 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+18 3 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+19 3 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+20 3 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+21 3 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+22 3 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+23 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+24 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+23 2 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+24 2 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+25 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+26 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+27 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+28 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+29 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+30 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+31 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+32 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+33 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
+25 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+26 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+27 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+28 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+29 1 ...tion.jl:808; assemble_inl...
+16 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+17 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+18 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+19 1 ...ning.jl:73; ssa_inlining...
+20 1 ...ning.jl:530; batch_inline...
+21 1 ./array.jl:309; copy(::Array...
+4 2 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+5 1 ...tion.jl:219; abstract_cal...
+6 1 ...tate.jl:115; Core.Compile...
+7 1 ...tate.jl:73; Core.Compile...
+8 1 ...ties.jl:202; find_ssavalu...
+9 1 ...ties.jl:218; find_ssavalu...
+10 1 ...ties.jl:218; find_ssavalu...
+11 1 ./array.jl:704; iterate
+12 1 ./array.jl:200; length
+5 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+6 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+7 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+8 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+9 1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+10 1 ...tion.jl:808; assemble_inl...
2 ...infer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core...
2 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::Co...
1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
1 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining...
+1 1 ...tion.jl:808; assemble_inl...
1 ...iver.jl:121; run_passes(:...
1 ...sses.jl:663; getfield_eli...
+1 1 ...sses.jl:201; walk_to_defs...
+2 1 ...tice.jl:200; widenconst(:...
3 ...tation.jl:116; abstract_call_g...
3 ...tation.jl:223; abstract_call_m...
1 ...einfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core....
1 ...tion.jl:1230; typeinf_nocyc...
1 ...tion.jl:1174; typeinf_loca...
1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+1 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+2 1 ...tion.jl:635; abstract_cal...
+3 1 ...ncs.jl:1279; builtin_tfu...
+4 1 ...ncs.jl:1365; builtin_tfu...
+5 1 ...uncs.jl:487; typeassert_t...
2 ...einfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core....
2 ...imize.jl:169; optimize(::Co...
2 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(::...
2 ...ning.jl:70; ssa_inlining_...
1; assemble_in...
+1 1 ...ning.jl:720; analyze_meth...
1 ...ion.jl:808; assemble_in...
1 ...typeinfer.jl:67; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
1 ...ypeinfer.jl:126; cache_result(::Core...
1 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
1 ...ler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler....
1 ...ssair/driver.jl:121; run_passes(::Core.CodeIn...
1 ...ssair/passes.jl:572; getfield_elim_pass!(::Co...
1 ...sair/passes.jl:410; lift_comparison!(::Core...
1 ./abstractdict.jl:509; Type
10 ...interpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_type(::...
10 ...nterpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_with_...
9 ...iler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inf...
9 ...terpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.Co...
4 ...terpretation.jl:1160; typeinf_local(::Core.Com...
4 ...terpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::A...
4 ...terpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Arr...
4 ...erpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ::...
4 ...erpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, :...
4 ...rpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_ty...
4 ...rpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_...
3 .../typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compil...
3 ...pretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::C...
1 ...retation.jl:1160; typeinf_local(::Cor...
1 ...retation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any...
1 ...retation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call...
1 ...retation.jl:608; abstract_call(::An...
1 ...etation.jl:609; abstract_call(::A...
1 ...etation.jl:561; abstract_apply(:...
1 ...tation.jl:818; abstract_call(::...
1 ...tation.jl:116; abstract_call_g...
1 ...tation.jl:223; abstract_call_m...
1 ...einfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core....
1 ...tion.jl:1230; typeinf_nocyc...
1 ...tion.jl:1174; typeinf_loca...
1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+1 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+2 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+3 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+4 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+5 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+6 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+7 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+8 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+9 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+10 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+11 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+12 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+13 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+14 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+15 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+16 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+17 1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprarg...
+18 1 ./expr.jl:43; copy_exprs(:...
+19 1 ./expr.jl:37; copy(::Expr)
+20 1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprarg...
2 ...retation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Cor...
2 ...retation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any...
2 ...retation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call...
2 ...retation.jl:608; abstract_call(::An...
2 ...etation.jl:818; abstract_call(::A...
2 ...etation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf...
2 ...tation.jl:223; abstract_call_me...
2 ...einfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.C...
2 ...ation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycl...
2 ...ation.jl:1174; typeinf_local...
2 ...ation.jl:917; abstract_eval...
2 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eval...
2 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
2 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+1 2 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+2 2 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+3 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+4 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+5 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+6 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+7 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+8 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+9 1 ...tion.jl:609; abstract_cal...
+10 1 ...tion.jl:561; abstract_app...
+11 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+12 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+13 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+14 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+15 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+16 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+17 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+18 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+19 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+20 1 ...tion.jl:609; abstract_cal...
+21 1 ...tion.jl:561; abstract_app...
+22 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+23 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+24 1 ...tion.jl:218; abstract_cal...
+25 1 ...sult.jl:12; Type
+26 1 ...sult.jl:34; matching_cac...
+27 1 ...ties.jl:39; anymap(::typ...
+28 1 ./array.jl:598; _array_for
+29 1 ...rray.jl:671; similar
+30 1 ...rray.jl:672; similar
+31 1 ./boot.jl:413; Type
+32 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+3 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+4 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+5 1 ...iver.jl:127; run_passes(:...
+6 1 .../ir.jl:1296; compact!
+7 1 .../ir.jl:1296; compact!(::...
+8 1 ...r/ir.jl:531; Core.Compile...
+9 1 ./array.jl:351; getindex
+10 1 ./boot.jl:423; Type
+11 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
1 .../typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compil...
1 .../optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Comp...
1; run_passes(::Core.C...
1 ...r/driver.jl:107; just_construct_ssa(...
1 ...slot2ssa.jl:867; construct_ssa!(::C...
1 ...slot2ssa.jl:429; domsort_ssa!(::Cor...
1 ./array.jl:598; _array_for
1 ...ctarray.jl:671; similar
1 ...tarray.jl:672; similar
1 ./boot.jl:413; Type
1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
5 ...terpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Com...
5 ...terpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::A...
5 ...terpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Arr...
5 ...erpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ::...
5 ...erpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, :...
5 ...rpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_ty...
5 ...rpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_...
5 .../typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compil...
5 ...pretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::C...
5 ...retation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Cor...
5 ...retation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any...
5 ...retation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call...
5 ...retation.jl:608; abstract_call(::An...
1 ...etation.jl:811; abstract_call(::A...
1 ...etation.jl:586; pure_eval_call(:...
1 ...ection.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
4 ...etation.jl:818; abstract_call(::A...
4 ...etation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf...
4 ...tation.jl:223; abstract_call_me...
4 ...einfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.C...
4 ...ation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycl...
4 ...ation.jl:1174; typeinf_local...
4 ...ation.jl:917; abstract_eval...
4 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eval...
4 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
4 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+1 3 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+2 3 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+3 3 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+4 3 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+5 3 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+6 3 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+7 3 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+8 3 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+9 3 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+10 3 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+11 3 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+12 2 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+13 2 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+14 2 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+15 2 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+16 2 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+17 2 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+18 2 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+19 2 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+20 2 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+21 2 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+22 2 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+23 2 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+24 2 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+25 2 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+26 2 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+27 2 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+28 2 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+29 2 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+30 1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
+31 1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+32 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+33 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+34 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+35 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+36 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+37 1 ...tion.jl:39; abstract_cal...
+38 1 ./array.jl:352; getindex
+39 1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
+30 1 ...nfer.jl:21; typeinf(::Co...
+31 1 ...nfer.jl:153; finish
+32 1 ...nfer.jl:293; type_annotat...
+12 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+13 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+14 1 ...iver.jl:116; run_passes(:...
+15 1 ...ning.jl:73; ssa_inlining...
+16 1 ...ning.jl:539; batch_inline...
+1 1 ...tion.jl:137; abstract_cal...
1 ...iler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inf...
1 ...iler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler....
1 ...ssair/driver.jl:121; run_passes(::Core.CodeInf...
1 ...ssair/passes.jl:667; getfield_elim_pass!(::Co...
1 ...ssair/passes.jl:26; try_compute_fieldidx_expr
1 ...iler/tfuncs.jl:599; try_compute_fieldidx(::...
8 ...tinterpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Compiler...
8 ...ctinterpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array{A...
8 ...tinterpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Array{An...
8 ...tinterpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ::Array...
8 ...interpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ::Array...
4 ...interpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_type(::...
4 ...interpretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method(::Meth...
1 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:453; typeinf_edge(::Method, ::A...
1 ...ler/utilities.jl:120; inf_for_methodinstance
1; inf_for_methodinstance
3 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Method, ::A...
2 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.In...
2 ...terpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.C...
2 ...terpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Com...
2 ...terpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::A...
2 ...erpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Ar...
2 ...erpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, :...
2 ...rpretation.jl:609; abstract_call(::Any, :...
2 ...rpretation.jl:561; abstract_apply(::Any,...
2 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ...
2 ...rpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
2 ...pretation.jl:376; abstract_call_metho...
2 ...ypeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Meth...
1 ...ypeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
1 ...etation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(:...
1 ...etation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::...
1 ...etation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::...
1 ...tation.jl:847; abstract_eval_ca...
1 ...tation.jl:608; abstract_call(:...
1 ...tation.jl:818; abstract_call(:...
1 ...tation.jl:93; abstract_call_g...
1 ...ation.jl:376; abstract_call...
1 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(...
1 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Cor...
1 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_noc...
+1 1 ...ion.jl:1174; typeinf_loc...
+2 1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eva...
+3 1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
+4 1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+5 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+6 1 ...tion.jl:50; abstract_cal...
+7 1 ...tion.jl:808; _methods_by_...
1 ...ypeinfer.jl:73; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
1 ./int.jl:0; store_backedges(::C...
1 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.In...
1 ...ler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler....
1 ...ssair/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core.CodeIn...
1 ...air/inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
1 ./reflection.jl:808; assemble_inline_todo!(:...
4 ...interpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_type(::...
4 ...interpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_with_c...
3 ...iler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inf...
3 ...terpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.Co...
3 ...terpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Com...
3 ...terpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::A...
3 ...terpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Arr...
3 ...erpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ::...
1 ...erpretation.jl:609; abstract_call(::Any, :...
1 ...rpretation.jl:561; abstract_apply(::Any, ...
1 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 ...rpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
1 ...pretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method...
1 ...typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compi...
1 ...optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Com...
1 ...r/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core....
1 ...inlining.jl:73; ssa_inlining_pass!
1 ...nlining.jl:548; batch_inline!(::A...
1 ...nlining.jl:307; ir_inline_item!(...
1 ./boot.jl:380; Type
1 ...erpretation.jl:635; abstract_call(::Any, :...
1 ...ler/tfuncs.jl:1279; builtin_tfunction
1 ...ler/tfuncs.jl:1365; builtin_tfunction(::A...
1; apply_type_tfunc(::A...
1 ...erpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, :...
1 ...rpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_ty...
1 ...rpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_...
1 .../typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compil...
1 ...pretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::C...
1 ...retation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Cor...
1 ...retation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any...
1 ...retation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call...
1 ...retation.jl:608; abstract_call(::An...
1 ...etation.jl:818; abstract_call(::A...
1 ...etation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf...
1 ...tation.jl:223; abstract_call_me...
1 ...einfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.C...
1 ...timize.jl:169; optimize(::Core...
1 ...river.jl:112; run_passes(::C...
1 ...river.jl:107; just_construc...
1 ...iler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inf...
1 ...iler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler....
1 ...ssair/driver.jl:121; run_passes(::Core.CodeInf...
1 ...ssair/passes.jl:522; getfield_elim_pass!(::Co...
1 ...ler/ssair/ir.jl:489; Type
1; Core.Compiler.Increment...
5 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inferen...
5 ./compiler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler.Optimi...
4 ...ler/ssair/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core.CodeInfo, ::...
3 ...r/ssair/inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
2 .../ssair/inlining.jl:1016; assemble_inline_todo!(::Core...
1 .../ssair/inlining.jl:693; analyze_method!(::Int64, ::C...
1 ...ssair/inlining.jl:1276; find_inferred(::Core.Method...
1 ...nferenceresult.jl:166; cache_lookup(::Core.MethodI...
1 ./array.jl:704; iterate
1 ./array.jl:200; length
1 .../ssair/inlining.jl:717; analyze_method!(::Int64, ::C...
1; inflate_ir(::Core.CodeInfo, ...
1 ...r/ssair/legacy.jl:14; inflate_ir(::Core.CodeInfo, ...
1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprargs(::Array{Any,1})
1 ./expr.jl:43; copy_exprs(::Expr)
1 ./expr.jl:37; copy(::Expr)
1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprargs(::Array{Any...
1 ./array.jl:728; getindex
1 ./reflection.jl:808; assemble_inline_todo!(::Core...
1 ...r/ssair/inlining.jl:73; ssa_inlining_pass!
1 .../ssair/inlining.jl:548; batch_inline!(::Array{Any,1},...
1 .../ssair/inlining.jl:392; ir_inline_item!(::Core.Compi...
1 ...piler/ssair/ir.jl:1155; iterate(::Core.Compiler.Inc...
1 ...piler/ssair/ir.jl:1003; finish_current_bb!
1 ...iler/ssair/ir.jl:1033; finish_current_bb!(::Core....
1 ./array.jl:728; getindex
1 ...ler/ssair/driver.jl:121; run_passes(::Core.CodeInfo, ::...
1 ...ler/ssair/passes.jl:540; getfield_elim_pass!(::Core.Com...
1; is_known_call(::Expr, ::Any, :...
1 ...r/ssair/queries.jl:77; compact_exprtype
1 ...iler/utilities.jl:161; argextype
1 ...iler/utilities.jl:181; argextype(::Any, ::Core.Com...
1 ...nterpretation.jl:1030; abstract_eval_global
1 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:67; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inferen...
1 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:126; cache_result(::Core.Compiler.In...
151 ...perators.jl/lops.jl:11; foo()
28 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:599; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInstan...
28 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:568; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInstan...
26 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inferen...
26 ...tinterpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.Compil...
22 ...tinterpretation.jl:1160; typeinf_local(::Core.Compile...
22 ...tinterpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array...
22 ...interpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Array{A...
22 ...interpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arra...
22 ...interpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arra...
1 ...nterpretation.jl:45; abstract_call_gf_by_type(:...
1 ./reflection.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
19 ...nterpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_type(:...
19 ...nterpretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method(::Me...
19; typeinf_edge(::Method, ::...
14; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
14 ...erpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core....
1 ...erpretation.jl:1160; typeinf_local(::Core.C...
1 ...erpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::...
1 ...erpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::A...
1 ...rpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, :...
1 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 ...rpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
1 ...pretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method...
1 ...typeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Meth...
1 ...typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
1 ...retation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::...
1 ...etation.jl:1215; typeinf_local(::C...
13 ...erpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.C...
13 ...erpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, :...
6 ...erpretation.jl:845; abstract_eval_call(::A...
6 ...erpretation.jl:21; abstract_call_gf_by_ty...
2 ...rpretation.jl:50; abstract_call_gf_by_ty...
2 ./reflection.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
4 ...rpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_ty...
4 ...rpretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method(...
4 ...typeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Metho...
2 ...typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compi...
2 ...retation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::...
2 ...retation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Co...
2 ...retation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::An...
2 ...etation.jl:847; abstract_eval_cal...
2 ...etation.jl:608; abstract_call(::...
2 ...tation.jl:818; abstract_call(::...
2 ...tation.jl:50; abstract_call_gf...
2 ...ection.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
2 ...typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compi...
2 ...optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Com...
2 ...r/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core....
2 ...inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
2 ...lection.jl:808; assemble_inline_t...
7 ...erpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::A...
7 ...rpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, :...
1 ...rpretation.jl:810; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 .../typeutils.jl:46; argtypes_to_type
6 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ...
4 ...rpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
4 ...pretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method...
1 ...typeinfer.jl:452; typeinf_edge(::Meth...
1 ...tilities.jl:128; specialize_method
1 ...tilities.jl:136; specialize_method
3 ...typeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Meth...
2 ...typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
2 ...retation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::...
2 ...etation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::C...
2 ...etation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::A...
2 ...etation.jl:847; abstract_eval_ca...
2 ...tation.jl:608; abstract_call(::...
1 ...tation.jl:635; abstract_call(:...
1 ...funcs.jl:1279; builtin_tfunction
1 ...funcs.jl:1365; builtin_tfunc...
1 ...funcs.jl:764; getfield_tfun...
1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate(::Cor...
1 ...tation.jl:818; abstract_call(:...
1 ...tation.jl:50; abstract_call_g...
1 ...ction.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
1 ...typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
1 ...optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Co...
1 ...r/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core....
1 ...inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
1 ...lection.jl:808; assemble_inline_...
2 ...rpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
2 ...pretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method...
1 ...typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compi...
1 ...retation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::...
1 ...retation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Co...
1 ...retation.jl:920; abstract_eval(::An...
1 ...typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compi...
1 ...optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Com...
1 ...r/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core....
1 ...inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
1 ...lection.jl:808; assemble_inline_t...
5; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
5 ...ler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler...
1 ...ssair/driver.jl:112; run_passes(::Core.CodeIn...
1 ...sair/driver.jl:105; just_construct_ssa(::Co...
1 ./array.jl:503; collect(::Type{Core.Li...
1 ./array.jl:506; _collect
1 ...tractarray.jl:799; copyto!
1 ...tractarray.jl:807; copyto!(::Core.Compil...
4 ...ssair/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core.CodeIn...
4 ...air/inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
1; assemble_inline_todo!(...
1 ...r/inlining.jl:961; process_simple!(::Core...
1 ...r/inlining.jl:17; with_atype(::Core.Comp...
1 .../typeutils.jl:46; argtypes_to_type
3 ./reflection.jl:808; assemble_inline_todo!(...
2 ...nterpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_type(:...
2 ...nterpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_with_...
2 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.In...
2 ...terpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.C...
2 ...terpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Com...
2 ...terpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::A...
2 ...erpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Ar...
2 ...erpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, :...
2 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, :...
2 ...rpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
2 ...rpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_...
2 .../typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compil...
2 ...retation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::C...
2 ...retation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Co...
2 ...retation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::An...
2 ...retation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call...
2 ...etation.jl:608; abstract_call(::A...
2 ...etation.jl:818; abstract_call(::...
2 ...tation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf...
2 ...tation.jl:223; abstract_call_m...
1 ...einfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core....
1 ...ation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocyc...
1 ...tion.jl:1174; typeinf_local...
1 ...tion.jl:917; abstract_eval...
1 ...tion.jl:847; abstract_eva...
1 ...tion.jl:608; abstract_cal...
+1 1 ...tion.jl:818; abstract_cal...
+2 1 ...tion.jl:116; abstract_cal...
+3 1 ...tion.jl:223; abstract_cal...
+4 1 ...nfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Co...
+5 1 ...mize.jl:169; optimize(::C...
+6 1 ...iver.jl:112; run_passes(:...
+7 1 ...iver.jl:107; just_constru...
+8 1 ...2ssa.jl:624; construct_ss...
+9 1 ...2ssa.jl:514; compute_live...
+10 1 ./boot.jl:404; _array_for
1 ...einfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core....
1 ...imize.jl:169; optimize(::Cor...
1 ...river.jl:116; run_passes(::...
1 ...ining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_...
1 ...ning.jl:978; assemble_inl...
1 ...ning.jl:961; process_simp...
+1 1 ...ning.jl:17; with_atype(:...
+2 1 ...tils.jl:46; argtypes_to_...
+3 1 ...ties.jl:39; anymap(::typ...
4 ...tinterpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Compile...
4 ...tinterpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array{...
4 ...tinterpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Array{A...
4 ...interpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ::Array...
4 ...interpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arra...
1 ...interpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_type(::...
1 ...nterpretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method(::Met...
1 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Method, ::...
1 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
1 ...ler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler...
1 ...ssair/driver.jl:121; run_passes(::Core.CodeIn...
1 ...sair/passes.jl:710; getfield_elim_pass!(::C...
1 ...ib/julia/; fixup_node(::Core.Compil...
3 ...interpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_type(::...
3 ...nterpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_with_...
3 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.In...
3 ...terpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.C...
3 ...terpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Com...
3 ...terpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::A...
3 ...erpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Ar...
3 ...erpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, :...
3 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, :...
3 ...rpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
3 ...rpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_...
2 .../typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compil...
2 ...retation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::C...
2 ...retation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Co...
2 ...retation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::An...
2 ...retation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call...
2 ...etation.jl:608; abstract_call(::A...
1 ...etation.jl:810; abstract_call(::...
1 ...peutils.jl:46; argtypes_to_type
1 ...lities.jl:39; anymap(::typeof(...
1 ...attice.jl:204; widenconst(::Co...
1 ...etation.jl:818; abstract_call(::...
1 ...tation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf...
1 ...tation.jl:223; abstract_call_m...
1 ...einfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core....
1 ...imize.jl:169; optimize(::Cor...
1 ...river.jl:112; run_passes(::...
1 ...iver.jl:107; just_construc...
1 ...2ssa.jl:736; construct_ss...
1 ...2ssa.jl:182; rename_uses!
+1 1 ...2ssa.jl:160; fixemup!(::g...
1 .../typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compil...
1 .../optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Com...
1 ...r/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core.C...
1 ...inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
1 ...inlining.jl:978; assemble_inline_to...
1 ...nlining.jl:932; process_simple!(:...
1 ...nlining.jl:859; call_sig(::Core....
1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
2 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Inferen...
2 ./compiler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler.Optim...
1 ...ler/ssair/driver.jl:112; run_passes(::Core.CodeInfo, ::...
1; just_construct_ssa(::Core.Cod...
1 .../ssair/slot2ssa.jl:706; construct_ssa!(::Core.CodeIn...
1 ...piler/ssair/ir.jl:206; Type
1 ...ler/ssair/driver.jl:121; run_passes(::Core.CodeInfo, ::...
1; getfield_elim_pass!(::Core.Co...
1 ...piler/ssair/ir.jl:1144; iterate(::Core.Compiler.Incr...
1 ...piler/ssair/ir.jl:1047; process_newnode!(::Core.Com...
119 .../LinearOperators.jl:661; hcat(::LinearOperator{Float64,g...
54 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:599; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInstan...
1 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:566; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInsta...
1 ...r/inferencestate.jl:112; Core.Compiler.InferenceState(:...
1 ...mpiler/utilities.jl:108; retrieve_code_info
52 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:568; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInsta...
40 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Infere...
40 ...tinterpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.Compi...
1 ...interpretation.jl:1160; typeinf_local(::Core.Compile...
1 ...tinterpretation.jl:916; abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array...
1 ...interpretation.jl:908; abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array...
1 ...interpretation.jl:1029; abstract_eval_global
39 ...interpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Compile...
39 ...interpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::Array...
39 ...interpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::Array{...
39 ...interpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arra...
2 ...nterpretation.jl:810; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arr...
2 ...iler/typeutils.jl:46; argtypes_to_type
37 ...nterpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ::Arr...
3 ...nterpretation.jl:50; abstract_call_gf_by_type(...
3 ./reflection.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
18 ...nterpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_type(...
17 ...terpretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method(::Me...
1; typeinf_edge(::Method, :...
1 ...ferencestate.jl:112; Core.Compiler.InferenceS...
1; retrieve_code_info
16; typeinf_edge(::Method, :...
10; typeinf(::Core.Compiler....
10 ...erpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core...
10 ...rpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.C...
10 ...rpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, :...
10 ...rpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::...
10 ...rpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 ...rpretation.jl:810; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 .../typeutils.jl:46; argtypes_to_type
1 ...utilities.jl:39; anymap(::typeof(Core...
1 ...elattice.jl:204; widenconst(::Core.C...
9 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ...
5 ...pretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_...
5 ...pretation.jl:376; abstract_call_metho...
1 ...ypeinfer.jl:473; typeinf_edge(::Meth...
1 ...ncestate.jl:112; Core.Compiler.Infe...
1 ...tilities.jl:108; retrieve_code_info
4 ...ypeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Meth...
2 ...ypeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
2 ...optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Co...
2 .../driver.jl:112; run_passes(::Core...
2 .../driver.jl:103; just_construct_s...
1 ...omtree.jl:108; construct_domtre...
1 ...omtree.jl:257; SNCA(::Core.Com...
1 ./array.jl:598; _array_for
1 ...array.jl:671; similar
1 ...array.jl:672; similar
1 ./boot.jl:413; Type
1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
1 ...omtree.jl:117; construct_domtre...
1 ...omtree.jl:31; update_level!(::...
2 ...ypeinfer.jl:67; typeinf(::Core.Comp...
2 ...ypeinfer.jl:126; cache_result(::Cor...
4 ...pretation.jl:133; abstract_call_gf_by_...
4 ...encestate.jl:229; add_backedge!(::Cor...
4 ./array.jl:129; vect
4 ./boot.jl:423; Type
4 ./boot.jl:404; Type
6; typeinf(::Core.Compiler....
6 ...ler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler...
6 ...sair/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core.CodeI...
6; ssa_inlining_pass!
1 ...r/inlining.jl:1004; assemble_inline_todo!...
1 ...r/inlining.jl:1009; assemble_inline_todo!...
1 ./iterators.jl:138; iterate
1 ./iterators.jl:141; iterate(::Core.Compil...
2 ...r/inlining.jl:1016; assemble_inline_todo!...
2 ...r/inlining.jl:717; analyze_method!(::Int...
2 ...air/legacy.jl:10; inflate_ir(::Core.Cod...
1 ...air/legacy.jl:14; inflate_ir(::Core.Cod...
1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprargs(::Arra...
1 ./expr.jl:43; copy_exprs(::Expr)
1 ./expr.jl:37; copy(::Expr)
1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprargs(::Ar...
1 ./range.jl:5; Colon
1 ./range.jl:275; Type
1 ./range.jl:280; unitrange_last
1 ...air/legacy.jl:46; inflate_ir(::Core.Cod...
1 ./array.jl:309; copy
2 ./reflection.jl:808; assemble_inline_todo!...
1 ...nterpretation.jl:112; abstract_call_gf_by_type(...
14 ...nterpretation.jl:116; abstract_call_gf_by_type(...
1 ...terpretation.jl:218; abstract_call_method_with...
1 ...ferenceresult.jl:12; Type
1 ...erenceresult.jl:43; matching_cache_argtypes(:...
1 ...erenceresult.jl:60; matching_cache_argtypes(...
1 ./array.jl:357; getindex(::Type{Any}, :...
13 ...terpretation.jl:223; abstract_call_method_with...
3 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
3 ...terpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.C...
3 ...erpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Co...
3 ...erpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::...
3 ...erpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::A...
3 ...rpretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any, :...
1 ...rpretation.jl:811; abstract_call(::Any, ...
1 ...rpretation.jl:586; pure_eval_call(::Any,...
1 ./reflection.jl:808; _methods_by_ftype
2 ...rpretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any, ...
2 ...rpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_t...
2 ...pretation.jl:380; abstract_call_method...
9 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
9 ...ler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler...
4 ...ssair/driver.jl:112; run_passes(::Core.CodeIn...
3 ...sair/driver.jl:107; just_construct_ssa(::Co...
1; construct_ssa!(::Core....
1 ./array.jl:598; _array_for
1 ...tractarray.jl:671; similar
1 ...tractarray.jl:672; similar
1 ./boot.jl:413; Type
1 ./boot.jl:404; Type
1; construct_ssa!(::Core....
1 ...r/slot2ssa.jl:514; compute_live_ins(::Cor...
1 ./boot.jl:404; _array_for
1; construct_ssa!(::Core....
1 ./essentials.jl:455; setindex!(::Array{Any,...
1 ./expr.jl:60; copy_exprargs(::Array{A...
1 ./expr.jl:43; copy_exprs(::Expr)
1 ./expr.jl:36; copy(::Expr)
1 ./boot.jl:223; Type
3 ...ssair/driver.jl:116; run_passes(::Core.CodeIn...
3 ...air/inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
1; assemble_inline_todo!(...
1 ...r/inlining.jl:932; process_simple!(::Core...
1 ...r/inlining.jl:863; call_sig(::Core.Compi...
1 .../utilities.jl:161; argextype
1 ...utilities.jl:181; argextype(::Any, ::C...
1 ...retation.jl:1029; abstract_eval_global
2 ./reflection.jl:808; assemble_inline_todo!(...
1 ...ssair/driver.jl:120; run_passes(::Core.CodeIn...
1 ...air/domtree.jl:108; construct_domtree(::Cor...
1 ...air/domtree.jl:261; SNCA(::Core.Compiler.CFG)
1 ./array.jl:309; copy
1 ...ib/julia/; copy_exprs(::Core.PhiCNode)
1 ...ler/typeinfer.jl:73; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.I...
1; store_backedges(::Core.C...
1 ...nterpretation.jl:139; abstract_call_gf_by_type(...
11 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:33; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Infere...
11 ...mpiler/optimize.jl:169; optimize(::Core.Compiler.Opti...
4; run_passes(::Core.CodeInfo, :...
2; just_construct_ssa(::Core.Co...
2 .../ssair/slot2ssa.jl:55; scan_slot_def_use(::Int64, :...
1 ...ssair/slot2ssa.jl:29; scan_entry!(::Array{Core.Com...
1 ...ssair/slot2ssa.jl:30; scan_entry!(::Array{Core.Com...
1 ...piler/ssair/ir.jl:391; iterate(::Core.Compiler.Use...
1 ...iler/ssair/ir.jl:285; getindex(::Core.Compiler.U...
2; just_construct_ssa(::Core.Co...
1 ...ssair/slot2ssa.jl:736; construct_ssa!(::Core.CodeIn...
1 ...ssair/slot2ssa.jl:182; rename_uses!
1 ...ssair/slot2ssa.jl:172; fixemup!(::getfield(Core.Co...
1 ...iler/ssair/ir.jl:270; getindex
1 ...ssair/slot2ssa.jl:745; construct_ssa!(::Core.CodeIn...
7; run_passes(::Core.CodeInfo, :...
7 .../ssair/inlining.jl:70; ssa_inlining_pass!
2 ...ssair/inlining.jl:978; assemble_inline_todo!(::Cor...
2 ...ssair/inlining.jl:961; process_simple!(::Core.Comp...
2 ...ssair/inlining.jl:17; with_atype(::Core.Compiler....
2 ...iler/typeutils.jl:46; argtypes_to_type
1 ...ssair/inlining.jl:1010; assemble_inline_todo!(::Cor...
1 ...ssair/inlining.jl:1016; assemble_inline_todo!(::Cor...
1 ...ssair/inlining.jl:713; analyze_method!(::Int64, ::...
3 ./reflection.jl:808; assemble_inline_todo!(::Cor...
1 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:67; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Infere...
1 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:126; cache_result(::Core.Compiler.I...
9338 ...perators.jl/lops.jl:13; foo()
9338 ./util.jl:156; macro expansion
9338 ...mpiler/typeinfer.jl:599; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInsta...
9338 ...piler/typeinfer.jl:568; typeinf_ext(::Core.MethodInst...
9338 ...piler/typeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Compiler.Infer...
9338 ...interpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core.Comp...
9338 ...interpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core.Compil...
9338 ...interpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ::Arra...
9337 ...nterpretation.jl:845; abstract_eval_call(::Array...
9337 ...nterpretation.jl:21; abstract_call_gf_by_type(:...
9337 ...nterpretation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by_type(...
9337 ...terpretation.jl:376; abstract_call_method(::M...
9337; typeinf_edge(::Method, :...
9337; typeinf(::Core.Compiler....
9337 ...rpretation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(::Core...
9337 ...rpretation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(::Core....
9337 ...rpretation.jl:917; abstract_eval(::Any, ...
9337 ...rpretation.jl:847; abstract_eval_call(::...
9337 ...pretation.jl:608; abstract_call(::Any,...
9337 ...pretation.jl:818; abstract_call(::Any...
9332 ...retation.jl:93; abstract_call_gf_by...
9332 ...retation.jl:376; abstract_call_meth...
9332 ...ypeinfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge(::Met...
9331 ...ypeinfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Core.Com...
9331 ...tation.jl:1230; typeinf_nocycle(...
9331 ...tation.jl:1174; typeinf_local(:...
9331 ...tation.jl:917; abstract_eval(:...
9327 ...tation.jl:845; abstract_eval_c...
9327 ...tation.jl:21; abstract_call_g...
9327 ...ation.jl:93; abstract_call_...
4622 ...tion.jl:331; abstract_call...
4622 ...mits.jl:21; limit_type_si...
2236 ...mits.jl:206; type_more_co...
2236 ...mits.jl:81; is_derived_t...
2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+1 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+2 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+3 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+4 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+5 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+6 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+7 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+8 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+9 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+10 2236 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+11 2235 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+12 2235 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+13 2234 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+14 2234 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+15 2234 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+16 2233 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+17 2 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+17 2229 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+18 1 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+18 2 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+19 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+20 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+21 2 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+22 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+22 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+23 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+18 2224 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+19 1 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+19 3 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+19 1 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+19 2 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+20 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+21 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+22 2 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+23 2 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+19 2215 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+20 1 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+20 1 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+20 1 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+21 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+22 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+23 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+24 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+20 2209 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+21 1 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+21 3 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+21 5 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+21 1 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+21 9 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+22 9 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+23 9 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+24 5 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+25 3 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+25 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+26 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+24 4 ./int.jl:49; <
+21 2181 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+22 1 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+22 2 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+22 2 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+22 1 ...ts.jl:49; is_derived...
+23 1 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+22 2 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+22 2 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+22 7 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+23 7 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+24 7 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+25 2 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+25 5 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+26 5 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+22 2150 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+23 3 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+23 14 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+23 5 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+23 1 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+24 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+25 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+23 11 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+23 4 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+23 1 ...ts.jl:56; is_derived...
+23 16 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+24 16 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+25 16 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+26 2 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+26 13 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+27 11 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+27 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+28 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+26 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+23 2064 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+24 3 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+24 8 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+24 1 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+24 1 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+25 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+26 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+24 2 ...ts.jl:49; is_derived...
+25 2 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+24 8 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+24 3 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+24 23 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+25 23 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+26 23 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+27 4 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+28 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+27 17 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+28 13 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+28 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+28 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+29 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+27 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+24 1987 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+25 12 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+25 36 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+25 1 ...ts.jl:36; is_derived...
+25 10 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+25 5 ...ts.jl:39; is_derived...
+25 3 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+26 2 ...tors.jl:294; >
+27 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+25 2 ...ts.jl:47; is_derived...
+25 19 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+25 11 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+25 1 ...ts.jl:56; is_derived...
+25 47 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+26 47 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+27 47 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+28 11 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+29 5 ./int.jl:424; <=
+28 25 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+29 21 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+29 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+29 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+30 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+28 2 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+28 7 ./int.jl:49; <
+25 1758 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+26 12 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+26 43 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+26 3 ...ts.jl:36; is_derived...
+26 4 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+26 3 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+27 2 ...tors.jl:294; >
+28 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+26 1 ...ts.jl:47; is_derived...
+26 4 ...ts.jl:49; is_derived...
+27 4 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+26 21 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+26 14 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+26 1 ...ts.jl:56; is_derived...
+26 63 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+27 63 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+28 63 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+29 9 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+30 5 ./int.jl:424; <=
+29 46 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+30 43 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+30 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+30 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+31 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+29 2 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+29 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+26 1488 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+27 31 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+27 116 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+27 5 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+27 9 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+27 7 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+27 1 ...its.jl:43; is_derived...
+27 10 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+28 3 ...tors.jl:294; >
+29 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+27 7 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+27 8 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+28 8 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+27 53 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+27 38 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+27 5 ...its.jl:56; is_derived...
+27 139 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+28 139 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+29 139 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+30 19 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+31 10 ./int.jl:424; <=
+30 109 ...als.jl:589; getindex(:...
+31 98 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+31 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+31 9 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+32 9 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+30 7 ./int.jl:49; <
+27 827 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+28 22 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+28 44 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+28 2 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+28 12 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+28 2 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+28 3 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+29 2 ...tors.jl:294; >
+30 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+28 2 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+28 6 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+29 6 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+28 42 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+28 34 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+28 1 ...its.jl:56; is_derived...
+28 130 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+29 130 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+30 1 ...als.jl:0; iterate
+30 129 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+31 23 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+32 10 ./int.jl:424; <=
+31 95 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+32 84 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+32 3 ./int.jl:54; *
+32 8 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+33 8 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+31 6 ./int.jl:49; <
+28 461 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+29 18 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+29 85 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+29 6 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+29 8 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+29 3 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+29 3 ...its.jl:43; is_derived...
+29 7 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+30 4 ...tors.jl:294; >
+31 4 ./int.jl:49; <
+29 7 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+29 6 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+30 6 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+29 53 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+29 58 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+29 5 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+30 5 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+31 5 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+32 5 ./int.jl:49; <
+29 3 ...its.jl:68; is_derived...
+30 3 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+31 3 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+32 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+29 5 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+29 136 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+30 15 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+31 7 ./int.jl:424; <=
+30 109 ...als.jl:589; getindex(:...
+31 101 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+31 3 ./int.jl:54; *
+31 5 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+32 5 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+30 5 ...als.jl:590; getindex(:...
+28 3 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+29 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+28 3 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+28 1 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+28 1; contains_i...
+27 7 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+28 7 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+27 5 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+27 6 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+27 9 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+27 143 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+28 22 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+29 7 ./int.jl:424; <=
+28 107 ...als.jl:589; getindex(:...
+29 92 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+29 4 ./int.jl:54; *
+29 11 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+30 11 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+28 2 ...als.jl:590; getindex(:...
+28 1 ./int.jl:53; +
+26 19 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+27 18 ...ion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+26 9; getindex(:...
+26 8; getindex(:...
+26 25; iterate
+27 7 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+28 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+27 18 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+28 14 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+28 4 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+29 4 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+26 5; contains_i...
+25 3 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+26 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+25 1; getindex(:...
+25 1; getindex(:...
+25 1; is_derived...
+25 43; iterate
+26 3 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+27 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+26 39 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+27 33 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+27 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+27 5 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+28 5 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+25 2; contains_i...
+24 5 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+25 5 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+24 2; getindex(:...
+24 1; getindex(:...
+24 9; iterate
+25 2 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+26 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+25 7 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+26 7 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+23 5 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+24 3 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+23 1; getindex(:...
+23 14; iterate
+24 1 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+24 12 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+25 10 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+25 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+26 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+24 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+23 1; contains_i...
+22 1; getindex(:...
+22 1; getindex(:...
+22 6; iterate
+23 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+23 3 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+24 2 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+24 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+25 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+22 1; contains_i...
+21 1 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+21 7; iterate
+22 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+23 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+22 4 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+23 4 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+20 1; getindex(:...
+20 1; is_derived...
+19 1; iterate
+20 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+21 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+18 1 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+19 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+18 1; getindex(:...
+17 2; iterate
+18 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+19 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+16 1; iterate
+11 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+12 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
2386 ...mits.jl:267; type_more_co...
2386 ...its.jl:206; type_more_c...
2386 ...its.jl:81; is_derived_...
2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+1 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+2 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+3 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+4 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+5 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+6 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+7 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+8 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+9 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+10 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+11 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+12 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+13 2386 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+14 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+14 2385 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+15 2385 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+16 2384 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+17 2383 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+18 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+18 2 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+19 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+20 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+21 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+22 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+21 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+18 2379 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+19 1 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+19 1 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+20 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+21 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+22 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+23 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+19 2377 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+20 3 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+20 1 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+20 4 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+21 4 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+22 4 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+23 3 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+24 3 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+23 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+20 2364 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+21 1 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+21 1 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+21 3 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+22 3 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+23 3 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+24 2 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+24 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+25 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+21 2356 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+22 3 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+22 5 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+22 1 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+22 1 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+22 1 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+23 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+24 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+25 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+26 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+22 2330 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+23 2 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+23 3 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+23 3 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+24 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+25 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+23 3 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+23 2 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+23 15 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+24 15 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+25 15 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+26 2 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+27 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+26 10 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+27 9 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+27 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+28 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+26 2 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+26 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+23 2294 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+24 4 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+24 19 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+24 1 ...ts.jl:36; is_derived...
+24 3 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+24 2 ...ts.jl:39; is_derived...
+24 9 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+24 8 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+24 20 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+25 20 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+26 20 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+27 6 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+28 4 ./int.jl:424; <=
+27 10 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+28 8 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+28 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+29 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+27 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+24 2193 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+25 2 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+25 12 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+25 5 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+25 1 ...ts.jl:39; is_derived...
+25 1 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+25 1 ...ts.jl:47; is_derived...
+25 7 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+25 4 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+25 24 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+26 24 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+27 24 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+28 2 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+29 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+28 20 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+29 18 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+29 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+30 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+28 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+25 2103 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+26 7 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+26 37 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+26 3 ...ts.jl:36; is_derived...
+26 11 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+26 1 ...ts.jl:39; is_derived...
+26 1 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+27 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+28 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+26 3 ...ts.jl:47; is_derived...
+26 1 ...ts.jl:49; is_derived...
+27 1 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+26 22 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+26 13 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+26 44 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+27 44 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+28 44 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+29 12 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+30 5 ./int.jl:424; <=
+29 25 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+30 24 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+30 1 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+31 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+29 2 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+29 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+26 1890 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+27 11 ...ts.jl:0; is_derived...
+27 35 ...ts.jl:33; is_derived...
+27 4 ...ts.jl:36; is_derived...
+27 7 ...ts.jl:38; is_derived...
+27 4 ...ts.jl:44; is_derived...
+28 3 ...tors.jl:294; >
+29 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+27 3 ...ts.jl:49; is_derived...
+28 3 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+27 23 ...ts.jl:50; is_derived...
+27 18 ...ts.jl:51; is_derived...
+27 2 ...ts.jl:56; is_derived...
+27 70 ...ts.jl:57; is_derived...
+28 70 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+29 70 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+30 10 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+31 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+30 53 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+31 47 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+31 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+31 5 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+32 5 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+30 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+30 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+27 1614 ...ts.jl:58; is_derived...
+28 24 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+28 93 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+28 9 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+28 10 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+28 4 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+28 2 ...its.jl:43; is_derived...
+28 10 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+29 6 ...tors.jl:294; >
+30 6 ./int.jl:49; <
+28 3 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+28 9 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+29 9 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+28 73 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+28 46 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+28 4 ...its.jl:56; is_derived...
+28 122 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+29 122 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+30 122 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+31 21 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+32 12 ./int.jl:424; <=
+31 86 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+32 72 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+32 4 ./int.jl:54; *
+32 10 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+33 10 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+31 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+31 7 ./int.jl:49; <
+28 982 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+29 20 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+29 159 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+29 6 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+29 14 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+29 1 ...its.jl:43; is_derived...
+29 6 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+30 3 ...tors.jl:294; >
+31 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+29 3 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+29 3 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+30 3 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+29 51 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+29 36 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+29 1 ...its.jl:56; is_derived...
+29 138 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+30 138 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+31 1 ...als.jl:0; iterate
+31 137 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+32 26 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+33 17 ./int.jl:424; <=
+32 97 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+33 82 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+33 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+33 13 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+34 13 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+32 2 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+32 5 ./int.jl:49; <
+29 468 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+30 27 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+30 84 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+30 5 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+30 17 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+30 6 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+30 4 ...its.jl:43; is_derived...
+30 5 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+31 2 ...tors.jl:294; >
+32 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+30 4 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+30 6 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+31 6 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+30 61 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+30 54 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+30 4 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+31 4 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+32 4 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+33 4 ./int.jl:49; <
+30 1 ...its.jl:68; is_derived...
+31 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+32 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+33 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+30 8 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+30 142 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+31 13 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+32 4 ./int.jl:424; <=
+31 117 ...als.jl:589; getindex(:...
+32 98 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+32 6 ./int.jl:54; *
+32 13 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+33 13 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+31 5 ...als.jl:590; getindex(:...
+31 1 ./int.jl:53; +
+29 4 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+30 2 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+29 7 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+29 4 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+29 1 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+29 6; contains_i...
+28 6 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+29 4 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+28 1 ...its.jl:68; is_derived...
+29 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+30 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+31 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+28 3 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+28 5 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+28 137 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+29 22 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+30 14 ./int.jl:424; <=
+29 102 ...als.jl:589; getindex(:...
+30 93 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+30 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+30 7 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+31 7 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+29 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(:...
+28 2; contains_i...
+27 13 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+28 13 ...ion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+27 10; getindex(:...
+27 1; getindex(:...
+27 1; is_derived...
+27 26; iterate
+28 4 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+29 3 ./int.jl:424; <=
+28 19 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+29 19 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+28 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+27 4; contains_i...
+26 4 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+27 2 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+26 1 ...ts.jl:68; is_derived...
+27 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+28 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+29 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+26 6; getindex(:...
+26 1; getindex(:...
+26 1; is_derived...
+26 37; iterate
+27 5 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+28 3 ./int.jl:424; <=
+27 27 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+28 25 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+28 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+28 1 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+29 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+27 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+25 5 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+26 4 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+25 1; getindex(:...
+25 1; getindex(:...
+25 13; iterate
+26 2 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+27 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+26 10 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+27 9 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+27 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+28 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+26 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+25 1; contains_i...
+24 4 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+25 4 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+24 1; getindex(:...
+24 21; iterate
+25 4 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+25 17 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+26 14 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+26 3 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+27 3 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+23 3; iterate
+24 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+24 2 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+25 2 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+23 1; contains_i...
+22 1 ...ts.jl:60; is_derived...
+23 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+22 2; getindex(:...
+22 8; iterate
+23 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+23 5 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+24 5 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+21 1; iterate
+20 1; iterate
+21 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+22 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+16 1; iterate
+17 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+18 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
4705 ...tion.jl:376; abstract_call...
4705 ...nfer.jl:482; typeinf_edge...
4705 ...nfer.jl:12; typeinf(::Co...
4705 ...ion.jl:1230; typeinf_no...
4705 ...on.jl:1174; typeinf_lo...
4705 ...on.jl:917; abstract_e...
+1 4705 ...on.jl:847; abstract_e...
+2 4705 ...on.jl:608; abstract_c...
+3 4705 ...on.jl:818; abstract_c...
+4 4705 ...ion.jl:93; abstract_c...
+5 1565 ...on.jl:331; abstract_c...
+6 1565 ...its.jl:21; limit_type...
+7 743 ...its.jl:206; type_more_...
+8 743 ...its.jl:81; is_derived_...
+9 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+10 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+11 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+12 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+13 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+14 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+15 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+16 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+17 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+18 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+19 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+20 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+21 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+22 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+23 743 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+24 1 ...its.jl:51; is_derived_...
+24 1 ...its.jl:57; is_derived_...
+25 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+26 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+27 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+28 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+24 741 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+25 740 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+26 739 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+27 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived_...
+27 736 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+28 735 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+29 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived_...
+29 1 ...its.jl:50; is_derived_...
+29 733 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+30 1 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+30 2 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+30 2 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+30 1 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+30 2 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+31 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+32 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+33 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+33 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+34 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+30 724 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+31 1 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+32 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+33 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+34 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+35 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+31 717 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+32 5 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+32 5 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+32 1 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+32 8 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+32 8 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+33 8 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+34 1 ...ials.jl:0; iterate
+34 7 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+35 5 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+36 4 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+36 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+37 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+35 1 ...ials.jl:590; getindex(::C...
+35 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+32 676 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+33 2 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+33 4 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+33 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+33 1 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+33 1 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+33 5 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+34 5 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+35 5 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+36 4 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+37 3 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+37 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+38 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+36 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+33 650 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+34 3 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+34 16 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+34 1 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+34 2 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+34 4 ...its.jl:43; is_derived...
+34 1 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+35 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+36 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+34 1 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+34 1 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+35 1 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+34 3 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+34 4 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+34 9 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+35 9 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+36 9 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+37 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+37 7 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+38 6 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+38 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+39 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+37 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+34 578 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+35 1 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+35 8 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+35 2 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+35 4 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+35 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+35 3 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+36 2 ...tors.jl:294; >
+37 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+35 3 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+36 3 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+35 9 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+35 2 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+35 32 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+36 32 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+37 32 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+38 7 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+39 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+38 22 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+39 20 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+39 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+39 1 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+40 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+38 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+35 484 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+36 5 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+36 44 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+36 2 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+36 6 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+36 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+36 3 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+36 2 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+37 2 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+36 25 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+36 13 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+36 1 ...its.jl:56; is_derived...
+36 54 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+37 54 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+38 54 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+39 7 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+40 4 ./int.jl:424; <=
+39 36 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+40 32 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+40 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+40 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+41 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+39 5 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+39 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+36 250 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+37 7 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+37 9 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+37 2 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+37 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+37 1 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+38 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+39 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+37 1 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+38 1 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+37 17 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+37 12 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+37 1 ...its.jl:56; is_derived...
+37 35 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+38 35 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+39 35 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+40 6 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+41 4 ./int.jl:424; <=
+40 24 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+41 22 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+41 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+42 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+40 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+40 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+37 132 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+38 11 ...its.jl:0; is_derived_...
+38 31 ...its.jl:33; is_derived_...
+38 2 ...its.jl:36; is_derived_...
+38 6 ...its.jl:38; is_derived_...
+38 1 ...its.jl:44; is_derived_...
+39 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+40 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+38 1 ...its.jl:47; is_derived_...
+38 15 ...its.jl:50; is_derived_...
+38 17 ...its.jl:51; is_derived_...
+38 1 ...its.jl:57; is_derived_...
+39 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+40 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+41 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+38 1 ...als.jl:0; is_derived_...
+38 35 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+39 7 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+40 3 ./int.jl:424; <=
+39 26 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+40 23 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+40 3 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+41 3 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+37 4 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+37 1 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+37 2 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+37 3; contains_i...
+36 3 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+36 3 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+36 2 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+36 46 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+37 8 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+38 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+37 34 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+38 32 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+38 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+39 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+37 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+35 3 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+36 3 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+35 2 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+35 2 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+35 7 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+36 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+36 6 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+37 6 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+34 2 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+35 2 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+34 15 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+35 15 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+36 15 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+33 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+34 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+33 1 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+33 2 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+34 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+34 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+35 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+33 1; contains_i...
+32 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+33 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+32 1 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+32 10 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+33 9 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+34 8 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+34 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+35 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+31 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+32 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+31 2 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+31 1 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+31 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+32 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+33 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+30 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+31 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+27 2 ...its.jl:60; is_derived_...
+28 2 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+26 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+27 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+28 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+25 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+26 1 ...ials.jl:590; getindex(::C...
+7 822 ...its.jl:267; type_more_...
+8 822 ...its.jl:206; type_more_...
+9 822 ...its.jl:81; is_derived_...
+10 822 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+11 822 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+12 822 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+13 821 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+14 821 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+15 821 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+16 821 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+17 821 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+18 821 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+19 820 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+20 820 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+21 820 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+22 820 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+23 1 ...its.jl:50; is_derived_...
+23 819 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+24 819 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+25 818 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+26 818 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+27 1 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+28 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+29 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+30 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+27 816 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+28 1 ...its.jl:0; is_derived_...
+28 815 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+29 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+29 1 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+30 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+31 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+32 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+29 811 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+30 1 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+30 1 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+30 808 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+31 1 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+31 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+31 5 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+32 5 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+33 5 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+34 3 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+35 3 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+34 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+31 796 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+32 2 ...its.jl:33; is_derived_...
+32 2 ...its.jl:50; is_derived_...
+32 3 ...its.jl:57; is_derived_...
+33 3 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+34 3 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+35 2 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+36 2 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+35 1 ...ials.jl:590; getindex(::C...
+32 787 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+33 8 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+33 3 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+33 2 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+33 5 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+34 5 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+35 5 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+36 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+37 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+36 2 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+37 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+37 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+36 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+33 761 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+34 3 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+34 1 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+34 4 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+34 11 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+35 11 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+36 11 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+37 2 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+38 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+37 6 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+38 5 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+38 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+39 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+37 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+34 727 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+35 3 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+35 6 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+35 1 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+35 4 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+35 2 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+36 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+37 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+35 4 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+35 8 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+35 10 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+36 10 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+37 10 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+38 3 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+39 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+38 7 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+39 6 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+39 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+40 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+35 655 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+36 3 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+36 21 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+36 2 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+36 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+36 1 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+37 1 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+36 8 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+36 3 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+36 33 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+37 33 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+38 33 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+39 4 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+40 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+39 25 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+40 22 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+40 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+40 1 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+41 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+39 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+39 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+36 550 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+37 9 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+37 31 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+37 3 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+37 4 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+37 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+37 1 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+37 3 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+38 3 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+37 26 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+37 15 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+37 56 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+38 56 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+39 56 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+40 8 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+41 3 ./int.jl:424; <=
+40 39 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+41 33 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+41 4 ./int.jl:54; *
+41 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+42 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+40 2 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+40 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+37 316 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+38 6 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+38 45 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+38 1 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+38 2 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+38 2 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+38 3 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+39 2 ...tors.jl:294; >
+40 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+38 1 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+38 3 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+39 3 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+38 15 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+38 12 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+38 1 ...its.jl:56; is_derived...
+38 41 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+39 41 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+40 1 ...als.jl:0; iterate
+40 40 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+41 3 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+42 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+41 29 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+42 27 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+42 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+41 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+41 3 ./int.jl:49; <
+38 158 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+39 13 ...its.jl:0; is_derived_...
+39 30 ...its.jl:33; is_derived_...
+39 3 ...its.jl:36; is_derived_...
+39 4 ...its.jl:38; is_derived_...
+39 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived_...
+39 4 ...its.jl:44; is_derived_...
+40 2 ...tors.jl:294; >
+41 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+39 2 ...its.jl:47; is_derived_...
+39 1 ...its.jl:49; is_derived_...
+40 1 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+39 26 ...its.jl:50; is_derived_...
+39 12 ...its.jl:51; is_derived_...
+39 2 ...its.jl:57; is_derived_...
+40 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+41 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+42 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+39 1 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+39 1 ...als.jl:0; is_derived_...
+39 42 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+40 5 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+41 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+40 33 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+41 26 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+41 2 ./int.jl:54; *
+41 5 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+42 5 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+40 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+38 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+38 3 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+38 3 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+37 3 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+38 3 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+37 1 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+37 1 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+37 1 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+37 47 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+38 4 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+39 2 ./int.jl:424; <=
+38 39 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+39 31 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+39 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+39 7 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+40 7 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+38 2 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+36 7 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+37 7 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+36 6 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+36 3 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+36 3 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+37 2 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+38 2 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+35 3 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+36 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+35 1 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+35 1 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+35 16 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+36 5 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+37 3 ./int.jl:424; <=
+36 11 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+37 11 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+34 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+35 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+34 3 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+34 4 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+35 2 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+36 2 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+35 1 ...ials.jl:590; getindex(::C...
+33 1 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+33 5 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+34 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+35 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+34 3 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+35 3 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+31 4 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+32 4 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+33 3 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+33 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+34 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+30 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+31 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+32 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+29 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+30 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+31 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+27 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+13 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived_...
+14 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+5 3140 ...on.jl:376; abstract_c...
+6 3140; typeinf_ed...
+7 3140 ...fer.jl:12; typeinf(::...
+8 3140 ...on.jl:1230; typeinf_n...
+9 3140 ...on.jl:1174; typeinf_l...
+10 3140 ...on.jl:917; abstract_e...
+11 3137 ...on.jl:845; abstract_e...
+12 3137 ...ion.jl:21; abstract_c...
+13 3137 ...ion.jl:93; abstract_c...
+14 1577 ...on.jl:331; abstract_c...
+15 1577 ...its.jl:21; limit_type...
+16 777 ...its.jl:206; type_more_...
+17 777 ...its.jl:81; is_derived_...
+18 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+19 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+20 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+21 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+22 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+23 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+24 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+25 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+26 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+27 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+28 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+29 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+30 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+31 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+32 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+33 777 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+34 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+34 773 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+35 773 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+36 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+36 770 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+37 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived_...
+37 769 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+38 3 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+38 1 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+38 2 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+38 1 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+38 3 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+39 3 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+40 3 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+41 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+42 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+41 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+38 757 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+39 2 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+39 1 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+39 750 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+40 2 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+40 5 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+40 1 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+41 1 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+40 1 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+40 4 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+40 1 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+41 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+42 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+43 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+44 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+40 727 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+41 1 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+41 5 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+41 1 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+41 2 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+41 10 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+42 10 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+43 10 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+44 10 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+45 9 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+45 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+41 701 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+42 2 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+42 17 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+42 1 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+42 2 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+42 1 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+42 1 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+42 1 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+43 1 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+42 9 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+42 5 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+42 13 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+43 13 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+44 13 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+45 13 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+46 12 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+46 1 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+47 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+42 618 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+43 3 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+43 9 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+43 3 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+43 3 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+43 1 ...its.jl:43; is_derived...
+43 2 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+44 2 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+43 12 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+43 2 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+43 23 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+44 23 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+45 23 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+46 6 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+47 5 ./int.jl:424; <=
+46 14 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+47 12 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+47 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+47 1 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+48 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+46 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+43 522 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+44 4 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+44 42 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+44 2 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+44 2 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+44 2 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+44 1 ...its.jl:43; is_derived...
+44 2 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+45 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+46 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+44 2 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+44 3 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+45 3 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+44 24 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+44 22 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+44 35 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+45 35 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+46 35 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+47 8 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+48 4 ./int.jl:424; <=
+47 22 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+48 18 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+48 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+48 3 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+49 3 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+47 5 ./int.jl:49; <
+44 290 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+45 11 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+45 17 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+45 3 ...its.jl:38; is_derived...
+45 2 ...its.jl:47; is_derived...
+45 3 ...its.jl:49; is_derived...
+46 3 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+45 23 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+45 13 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+45 39 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+46 39 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+47 1 ...als.jl:0; iterate
+47 38 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+48 5 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+49 3 ./int.jl:424; <=
+48 31 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+49 29 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+49 2 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+50 2 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+45 150 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+46 8 ...its.jl:0; is_derived_...
+46 35 ...its.jl:33; is_derived_...
+46 3 ...its.jl:38; is_derived_...
+46 5 ...its.jl:44; is_derived_...
+47 2 ...tors.jl:294; >
+48 2 ./int.jl:49; <
+46 1 ...its.jl:47; is_derived_...
+46 3 ...its.jl:49; is_derived_...
+47 3 ...tors.jl:45; supertype
+46 19 ...its.jl:50; is_derived_...
+46 13 ...its.jl:51; is_derived_...
+46 3 ...its.jl:56; is_derived_...
+46 4 ...its.jl:57; is_derived_...
+47 4 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+48 4 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+49 4 ./int.jl:49; <
+46 3 ...als.jl:0; is_derived_...
+46 29 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+47 27 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+48 24 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+48 3 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+49 3 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+47 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+45 3 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+45 2 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+45 1; contains_i...
+44 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+44 1 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+44 2 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+44 3 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+44 58 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+45 7 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+46 3 ./int.jl:424; <=
+45 45 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+46 34 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+46 11 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+47 11 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+45 1 ...als.jl:590; getindex(::...
+43 4 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+44 4 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+43 6 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+43 2 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+43 5 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+44 2 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+44 3 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+45 2 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+45 1 ./int.jl:54; *
+42 1 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+43 1 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+42 1 ...its.jl:68; is_derived...
+43 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+44 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+45 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+42 1 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+42 1 ...als.jl:0; is_derived...
+42 18 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+43 5 ...als.jl:585; getindex(::...
+44 4 ./int.jl:424; <=
+43 11 ...als.jl:589; getindex(::...
+44 10 ...als.jl:452; sizeof
+44 1 ...ter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+45 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+42 1; contains_i...
+41 2 ...its.jl:60; is_derived...
+42 2 ...tion.jl:505; isconcretetype
+41 1 ...als.jl:593; getindex(:...
+41 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+42 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+43 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+40 1 ...its.jl:68; is_derived...
+41 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+42 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+43 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+40 6 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+41 6 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+42 5 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+42 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+43 1 ...nter.jl:105; unsafe_load
+39 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+40 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+41 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+38 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+39 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+40 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+36 1 ...als.jl:585; getindex(:...
+36 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+37 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+38 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+34 1 ...als.jl:604; iterate
+35 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+36 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+16 800 ...its.jl:267; type_more_...
+17 800 ...its.jl:206; type_more_...
+18 800 ...its.jl:81; is_derived_...
+19 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+20 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+21 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+22 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+23 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+24 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+25 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+26 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+27 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+28 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+29 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+30 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+31 800 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+32 1 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+33 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+34 1 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+35 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...
+36 1 ./int.jl:424; <=
+32 798 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+33 798 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+34 1 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+34 795 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+35 1 ...its.jl:33; is_derived_...
+35 794 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+36 794 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+37 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived_...
+37 793 ...its.jl:58; is_derived_...
+38 1 ...its.jl:0; is_derived...
+38 2 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+38 1 ...its.jl:36; is_derived...
+38 1 ...its.jl:39; is_derived...
+38 1 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+38 784 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+39 4 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+39 1 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+40 1 ...tors.jl:294; >
+41 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+39 1 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+39 2 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+40 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+41 2 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+42 1 ...ials.jl:589; getindex(::C...
+43 1 ...ials.jl:452; sizeof
+42 1 ./int.jl:49; <
+39 772 ...its.jl:58; is_derived...
+40 3 ...its.jl:33; is_derived...
+40 1 ...its.jl:44; is_derived...
+40 1 ...its.jl:50; is_derived...
+40 2 ...its.jl:51; is_derived...
+40 4 ...its.jl:57; is_derived...
+41 4 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+42 4 ...ials.jl:604; iterate
+43 1 ...ials.jl:585; getindex(::C...