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Last active December 9, 2015 23:59
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  • Save abelsonlive/4348124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save abelsonlive/4348124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# after successfully installing hiR, start here:
# setup
# read in every text file to a single character vector #
# set working directory
# list all the file paths in this directory
files <- list.files()
# select only those file paths that contain ".txt"
text_files <- files[grep("\\.txt", files)]
# read in individual text files and convert to a character vector...
corpus <- unlist(laply(text_files, readLines), .progress="text")
# run topic model #
# these are the only parameters you need to worry about for now:
# adjust "min_word_count" up if you want to remove noise,
# adjust n_topics based off of the results
# you may think, for instance, that a topic in being subsumed by another,
# or two topics should really be one. this is totally subjective
# include words in "stop_words_to_add" that aren't meaningful given the context
results <- lda(corpus, # this is a character vector of text documents
stem_words=TRUE, # this usually produces better results.
min_word_count=2, # how many times a word must appear to be included
n_topics=10, # number of topics to infer
stop_words_to_add=c("") )
results[[1]] # these are the top 20 words per topic. use these to infer what each topic is "about."
results[[2]] # this is a data.frame with stats about each document, including the topic assignments ("topic_a" and "topic_b")
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