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Created July 16, 2017 10:31
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This document describes how to setup a MYS2 environment to build OpenTESArena ( Note that this guide is exclusive for a 64 bits build.

MSYS2 installation

  1. Download and install last version from

  2. (OPTIONAL) Change language in .bashrc and restart shell

    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  3. Update packages

    $ pacman -Syu
    $ pacman -Su


Sometimes after the first step the system fails telling that the process could not be exited. Just close the shell and reopen it.

  1. Install mingw 64bits toolchain

    $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain --noconfirm
  2. Install cmake

    $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake --noconfirm


Do not install the package named cmake, use the one above.

  1. (OPTIONAL) Add make alias to .bashrc to avoid typing mingw32-make every time

    alias make="mingw32-make"

Other requirements

  1. (OPTIONAL) Install Git, or ignore it and just add yor current Git to the path.

    $ pacman -S git --noconfirm

Building OpenTESArena (64x)

  1. Install OpenAL (current version 1.18.0)

    $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-openal --noconfirm
  2. Install SDL2 (current version 2.0.5)

    $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 --noconfirm
  3. Install WildMIDI (current version 0.4.1)

    WildMidi is not available though package manager. First, you must install the unzip package and then do a manual installation.

    $ pacman -S unzip --noconfirm
    $ wget
    $ cp wildmidi-0.4.1-win64/mingw/*.h /mingw64/include/
    $ cp wildmidi-0.4.1-win64/mingw/*.a /mingw64/lib/
  4. Clone OpenTESArena and move the directory

    $ git clone
    $ cd OpenTESArena
  5. Create build directory and move into it

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
  6. Now, there are 2 ways to

  7. Create make files with cmake

    $ cmake \
     -D CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM="mingw32-make" \
     -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
     -G "Unix Makefiles" ..


Both "Unix Makefiles" and "MingGW Makefiles" work. However, Unix option does not require to remove sh from the shell path.

  1. Use make alias to build

    $ make
  2. Deploy

    1. Copy the generate .exe to a directory.

    2. Follow instruction it regarding setup of ARENA dir, options.txt and MIDI accordingly.

    3. Copy the required libraries to the deploy (found inside the msys64 directory and WildMidi zip):

      • libgcc_s_seh-1.dll

      • libopenal-1.dll

      • libstdc++-6.dll

      • libWildMidi.dll

      • libwinpthread-1.dll

      • SDL2.dll

Found issues

  1. .profile is not executed. So shell configurations must be set in .bashrc.
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