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Save abenevaut/39bb1bf0a4aef3334b13b74f28183820 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop., top snippets for your portfolio or blog with spatie/schema-org

use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$author = Schema::person()
->name('John Doe')
->jobTitle('Web Developer')
->worksFor(Schema::organization()->name('Tech Solutions Inc.'))
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$blogPost = Schema::blogPosting()
->headline('Titre de l\'article')
->articleBody('Contenu de l\'article...')
$blog = Schema::blog()
->name('Le Blog de John Doe')
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$comment = Schema::comment()
->author(Schema::person()->name('Jane Doe'))
->text('Ceci est un commentaire sur l\'article.');
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$event = Schema::event()
->name('Conférence sur le Développement Web')
->location(Schema::place()->name('Centre des Congrès')->address('123 Rue Exemple, Paris, France'))
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$imageObject = Schema::imageObject()
->description('Une photo de démonstration');
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$localBusiness = Schema::localBusiness()
->name('Tech Solutions Inc.')
->streetAddress('123 Rue Exemple')
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$organization = Schema::organization()
->name('Tech Solutions Inc.')
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$portfolioProject = Schema::creativeWork()
->name('Projet de Développement Web')
->description('Description du projet...');
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$product = Schema::product()
->name('Produit Exemple')
->description('Description du produit exemple.')
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$service = Schema::service()
->name('Développement Web')
->description('Service de développement web complet')
->serviceType('Développement de site web');
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$termsOfService = Schema::termsOfService()
->name('Conditions Générales d\'Utilisation')
->mainEntityOfPage('Contenu des termes de service...');
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$videoObject = Schema::videoObject()
->name('Titre de la vidéo')
->description('Description de la vidéo')
use Spatie\SchemaOrg\Schema;
$webPage = Schema::webPage()
->description('Page d\'accueil de John Doe')
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