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Forked from codecademydev/Graph.js
Last active August 17, 2023 18:44
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const testSingleVertexGraph = require('./testSingleVertexGraph.js');
const testSimpleGraph = require('./testSimpleGraph.js');
const testDisconnectedGraph = require('./testDisconnectedGraph.js');
const testGraph = require('./testGraph.js');
const PriorityQueue = require('./PriorityQueue.js');
const dijkstras = (graph, startingVertex) => {
const distances = {};
const previous = {};
const queue = new PriorityQueue();
queue.add({ vertex: startingVertex, priority: 0 });
graph.vertices.forEach((vertex) => {
distances[] = Infinity;
previous[] = null;
distances[] = 0;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
const { vertex } = queue.popMin();
vertex.edges.forEach((edge) => {
const alternate = edge.weight + distances[];
const neighborValue =;
if (alternate < distances[neighborValue]) {
distances[neighborValue] = alternate;
previous[neighborValue] = vertex;
queue.add({ vertex: edge.end, priority: distances[neighborValue] })
return { distances, previous };
const results = dijkstras(testGraph, testSimpleGraph.vertices[0]);
module.exports = dijkstras;
class Graph {
constructor(isDirected = false, isWeighted = false) {
this.vertices = [];
this.isDirected = isDirected;
this.isWeighted = isWeighted;
addVertex(data) {
const newVertex = new Vertex(data);
return newVertex;
removeVertex(vertex) {
this.vertices = this.vertices.filter(v => v !== vertex);
addEdge(vertexOne, vertexTwo, weight) {
const edgeWeight = this.isWeighted ? weight : null;
if (vertexOne instanceof Vertex && vertexTwo instanceof Vertex) {
vertexOne.addEdge(vertexTwo, edgeWeight);
if (!this.isDirected) {
vertexTwo.addEdge(vertexOne, edgeWeight);
} else {
throw new Error('Expected Vertex arguments.');
removeEdge(vertexOne, vertexTwo) {
if (vertexOne instanceof Vertex && vertexTwo instanceof Vertex) {
if (!this.isDirected) {
} else {
throw new Error('Expected Vertex arguments.');
getVertexByValue(value) {
return this.vertices.find(vertex => === value);
print() {
const vertexList = this.vertices;
vertexList.forEach(vertex => vertex.print());
class Vertex {
constructor(data) { = data;
this.edges = [];
addEdge(vertex, weight) {
if (vertex instanceof Vertex) {
this.edges.push(new Edge(this, vertex, weight));
} else {
throw new Error('Edge start and end must both be Vertex');
removeEdge(vertex) {
this.edges = this.edges.filter(edge => edge.end !== vertex);
print() {
const edgeList = =>
edge.weight !== null ? `${} (${edge.weight})` : || [];
const output = `${} --> ${edgeList.join(', ')}`;
class Edge {
constructor(start, end, weight = null) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
this.weight = weight;
module.exports = {
class MinHeap {
constructor() {
this.heap = [null];
this.size = 0;
add(value) {
popMin() {
if (this.size === 0) {
return null;
this.swap(1, this.size);
const min = this.heap.pop();
return min;
bubbleUp() {
let current = this.size;
while (current > 1 && this.heap[getParent(current)] > this.heap[current]) {
this.swap(current, getParent(current));
current = getParent(current);
heapify() {
let current = 1;
let leftChild = getLeft(current);
let rightChild = getRight(current);
// Check that there is something to swap (only need to check the left if both exist)
while (this.canSwap(current, leftChild, rightChild)){
// Only compare left & right if they both exist
if (this.exists(leftChild) && this.exists(rightChild)) {
// Make sure to swap with the smaller of the two children
if (this.heap[leftChild] < this.heap[rightChild]) {
this.swap(current, leftChild);
current = leftChild;
} else {
this.swap(current, rightChild);
current = rightChild;
} else {
// If only one child exist, always swap with the left
this.swap(current, leftChild);
current = leftChild;
leftChild = getLeft(current);
rightChild = getRight(current);
swap(a, b) {
[this.heap[a], this.heap[b]] = [this.heap[b], this.heap[a]];
exists(index) {
return index <= this.size;
canSwap(current, leftChild, rightChild) {
// Check that one of the possible swap conditions exists
return (
this.exists(leftChild) && this.heap[current] > this.heap[leftChild]
|| this.exists(rightChild) && this.heap[current] > this.heap[rightChild]
const getParent = current => Math.floor((current / 2));
const getLeft = current => current * 2;
const getRight = current => current * 2 + 1;
module.exports = MinHeap;
class PriorityQueue {
constructor() {
this.heap = [null];
this.size = 0;
add({vertex, priority}) {
this.heap.push({vertex, priority});
isEmpty() {
return this.size === 0;
popMin() {
if (this.size === 0) {
return null
const min = this.heap[1];
this.heap[1] = this.heap[this.size];
return min;
bubbleUp() {
let current = this.size;
while (current > 1 && this.heap[getParent(current)].priority > this.heap[current].priority) {
this.swap(current, getParent(current));
current = getParent(current);
heapify() {
let current = 1;
let leftChild = getLeft(current);
let rightChild = getRight(current);
// Check that there is something to swap (only need to check the left if both exist)
while (this.canSwap(current, leftChild, rightChild)){
// Only compare left & right if they both exist
if (this.exists(leftChild) && this.exists(rightChild)) {
// Make sure to swap with the smaller of the two children
if (this.heap[leftChild].priority < this.heap[rightChild].priority) {
this.swap(current, leftChild);
current = leftChild;
} else {
this.swap(current, rightChild);
current = rightChild;
} else {
// If only one child exist, always swap with the left
this.swap(current, leftChild);
current = leftChild;
leftChild = getLeft(current);
rightChild = getRight(current);
swap(a, b) {
[this.heap[a], this.heap[b]] = [this.heap[b], this.heap[a]];
exists(index) {
return index <= this.size;
canSwap(current, leftChild, rightChild) {
// Check that one of the possible swap conditions exists
return (
this.exists(leftChild) && this.heap[current].priority > this.heap[leftChild].priority
|| this.exists(rightChild) && this.heap[current].priority > this.heap[rightChild].priority
const getParent = current => Math.floor((current / 2));
const getLeft = current => current * 2;
const getRight = current => current * 2 + 1;
module.exports = PriorityQueue;
const testGraph = require('./testGraph.js');
const dijkstras = require('./dijkstras.js');
const shortestPathBetween = () => {
// Retrieve shortest path between vertices A and G
const a = testGraph.getVertexByValue('A');
const g = testGraph.getVertexByValue('G');
const results = shortestPathBetween(testGraph, a, g);
module.exports = shortestPathBetween;
const { Graph } = require('./Graph.js');
const testDisconnectedGraph = new Graph(true, true);
const a = testDisconnectedGraph.addVertex('A');
const b = testDisconnectedGraph.addVertex('B');
const c = testDisconnectedGraph.addVertex('C');
const d = testDisconnectedGraph.addVertex('D');
const e = testDisconnectedGraph.addVertex('E');
const f = testDisconnectedGraph.addVertex('F');
const g = testDisconnectedGraph.addVertex('G');
testDisconnectedGraph.addEdge(a, b, 1);
testDisconnectedGraph.addEdge(b, c, 1);
testDisconnectedGraph.addEdge(d, e, 1);
testDisconnectedGraph.addEdge(e, f, 1);
module.exports = testDisconnectedGraph;
const { Graph } = require('./Graph.js');
const testGraph = new Graph(true, true);
const a = testGraph.addVertex('A');
const b = testGraph.addVertex('B');
const c = testGraph.addVertex('C');
const d = testGraph.addVertex('D');
const e = testGraph.addVertex('E');
const f = testGraph.addVertex('F');
const g = testGraph.addVertex('G');
testGraph.addEdge(a, c, 100);
testGraph.addEdge(a, b, 3);
testGraph.addEdge(a, d, 4);
testGraph.addEdge(d, c, 3);
testGraph.addEdge(d, e, 8);
testGraph.addEdge(e, b, -2);
testGraph.addEdge(e, f, 10);
testGraph.addEdge(b, g, 9);
testGraph.addEdge(e, g, -50);
module.exports = testGraph;
const { Graph } = require('./Graph.js');
const testSimpleGraph = new Graph(true, true);
const a = testSimpleGraph.addVertex('A');
const b = testSimpleGraph.addVertex('B');
const c = testSimpleGraph.addVertex('C');
testSimpleGraph.addEdge(a, b, 1);
testSimpleGraph.addEdge(b, c, 1);
module.exports = testSimpleGraph;
const { Graph } = require('./Graph.js');
const testSimpleGraph = new Graph(true, true);
const a = testSimpleGraph.addVertex('A');
module.exports = testSimpleGraph;
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