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Created June 29, 2012 08:13
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Haskell LZW compression
-- Could use a few rounds of cleanup...
import Data.Char
import Data.List
dictionary :: [String]
dictionary = [[chr c] | c <- [0 .. 127]]
prefixes :: [String] -> String -> [(Int, String)]
prefixes xs y = [(i, xs !! i) | i <- [0 .. (length xs) -1], xs !! i `isPrefixOf` y]
longest :: [(Int, String)] -> (Int, String)
longest xs = helper xs (0,"")
helper [] acc = acc
helper (x:xs) acc
| (length $ snd acc) < (length $ snd x) = helper xs x
| otherwise = helper xs acc
step :: [String] -> String -> (Int, String, String)
step dict s = helper $ longest $ prefixes dict s
helper (idx, item) = (idx, item, drop (length item) s)
extend :: [String] -> String -> String -> [String]
extend dict _ [] = dict
extend dict matched s =
let new_elem = matched ++ [head s] in
if new_elem `elem` dict then dict else dict ++ [new_elem]
first (a, b, c) = a
second (a, b, c) = b
third (a, b, c) = c
reduce :: [String] -> String -> [Int]
reduce dict s = helper dict "" s []
helper dict _ "" acc = acc
helper dict matched remaining acc = let
step_result = step dict remaining
extended_dict = (extend dict (second step_result) (third step_result))
helper extended_dict (second step_result) (third step_result) (acc ++ [first step_result])
compress :: String -> String
compress = map chr . reduce dictionary
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