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Last active December 22, 2015 08:19
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Open letter to my House Representative, Mark Pocan
Representative Pocan,
I'm writing to call on you to heed the words of our founding fathers, who warned us not to become entangled in foreign wars. I urge you to vote against any authorization for use of force in Syria.
Our history of choosing sides in revolutions has brought nothing but misery to all parties involved, particularly in the Middle East (except perhaps to Israel). One look no further than exactly one year ago when Libyans in Benghazi burned down our consulate and murdered multiple American citizens, including ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. This was after we spent over $1 billion helping oust Moammar Gaddafi from power, when we thought that we had done right by the Libyan people.
Even if well-intentioned, Arab people are rightfully suspicious of American intervention into their affairs due to our nasty history in that region. Specifically in regards to Syria, this intervention began in 1949 when the CIA supported a coup that installed Husni al-Za'im as dictator (see BBC article "The Baby and the Bath Water" for more info on our involvement in Syria). Even if we were to pick the "right side" in this civil war, our involvement will undoubtedly be looked upon with great suspicion and will win us no friends after the dust has settled. The only action that would win us friends in the Arab countries would be to cease our support of Israel (which I urge you to do, if given the chance!).
Beyond all thoughts of morality, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost us $3 trillion. We cannot afford any more foreign wars and I do not support the use of my tax dollars being spent on this bloodshed. Quite the opposite, in fact - I would be highly supportive of legislation that creates deep cuts in military spending, shutters the military bases we have abroad, and put a limit on the usage of our military as strictly for *national defense* and not as a roving police force to club nations that we disagree with.
If the military were used strictly for national defense, and only built up in times of crisis after we've been attacked (such as we were in WWII), I bet that you could cut over 90% of it. James Madison knew exactly what was up when he advocated for a small standing army but a strong armed populace in Federalist No. 46. A standing army grows restless and ends up being used as an offensive tool in exactly the way that the US military is used today.
Thank you for your consideration.
Abe Voelker
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