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Last active February 14, 2021 14:56
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import functools
from typing import Type, Union, Sequence, Any, List, Dict
import moderngl as mgl
import numpy as np
class Uniform:
def __init__(self, shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1,
dtype: Union[np.dtype, Type, str] = "f4"):
self._array = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
self._offset = 0
def nbytes(self) -> int:
return self._array.nbytes
def tobytes(self) -> bytes:
return self._array.tobytes()
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None) -> Any:
if instance is None:
return self
if len(self._array > 1):
return self._array.tolist()
elif len(self._array == 1):
return self._array[0]
raise RuntimeError("array has 0 length")
def __set__(self, instance: "UniformBlock", value: Any):
val_len = len(value)
except TypeError:
val_len = 1
if val_len == len(self._array):
self._array[:] = value
raise ValueError("provided value does not have matching length")
instance.buffer.write(self._array.tobytes(), offset=self._offset)
class UniformBlock:
__buffer_size__ = 0
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
offset = 0
for name in dir(cls):
attrib, = getattr(cls, name),
if isinstance(attrib, Uniform):
# move uniform to private member
attrib._offset = offset
offset += attrib.nbytes
cls.__buffer_size__ = offset
def __init__(self, ctx: mgl.Context):
self.ctx = ctx
self.buffer = ctx.buffer(reserve=self.__class__.__buffer_size__)
def use(self):
# =======================================================================================
class MyUniformBlock(UniformBlock):
color = Uniform(4, "i4")
size = Uniform(2) # defualts to f4
width = Uniform() # defaults to one f4
ctx = mgl.create_standalone_context()
ub = MyUniformBlock(ctx)
ub.width = 1
ub.size = 7, 8
ub.color = 1, 2, 3, 4
# vbo.render(...)
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