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Forked from zastari/python-mysql-repl-monitor
Created March 7, 2013 17:08
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python-bottle based MySQL replication monitor.
Configuration can be specified via [server.*] and [bottle] directivesin /etc/rack_replmon/monitor.conf. The monitor will parse any entry thatbegins with ^server as directives for a server to scan
Valid [server.*] directives:
host, port, user, passwd
Valid [bottle] directives:
host, port
If any server fails to meet the following replication requirements,
an error is returned:
- Slave lag > 60s
- Slave_IO_Thread not running
- Slave_SQL_Thread not running
If all tests succeed, the first line will match ^OK:
If any tests fail, the first line will match ^BAD:
from bottle import route, run, template
import MySQLdb as mdb
import ConfigParser
import sys
class Config(object):
def __init__(self):
self.settings = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"/etc/rack_replmon/monitor.conf")
def set_config(self, section):
option_dict = {}
if section in self.settings.sections():
options = self.settings.options(section)
for option in options:
option_dict[option] = self.settings.get(section, option)
return option_dict
def test_slave(dsn):
dbh = None
dbh = mdb.connect(host = dsn["host"], port = int(dsn["port"]), user = dsn["user"], passwd = dsn["passwd"]);
cur = dbh.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
cur.execute("SHOW SLAVE STATUS")
slave_status = cur.fetchall()
if slave_status[0]["Seconds_Behind_Master"] <= 60 and slave_status[0]["Slave_IO_Running"] == "Yes" and slave_status[0]["Slave_SQL_Running"] == "Yes":
return (1, "+ Checks for server %s:%s completed successfully" % (dsn["host"], dsn["port"]))
fail_print = " Relay coordinates: %s %d\n Master coordinates: %s %d\n IO Error: %d -- %s\n SQL Error: %d -- %s" % (slave_status[0]["Relay_Log_File"], slave_status[0]["Relay_Log_Pos"], slave_status[0]["Relay_Master_Log_File"], slave_status[0]["Exec_Master_Log_Pos"], slave_status[0]["Last_IO_Errno"], slave_status[0]["Last_IO_Error"], slave_status[0]["Last_SQL_Errno"], slave_status[0]["Last_SQL_Error"])
return (0, "x Replication Error: Checks failed for serv %s:%s\n%s" % (dsn["host"], dsn["port"], fail_print))
except mdb.Error, e:
return (0, "x Connection Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1]))
if dbh:
def enumerate_slaves(config):
test_success = 1
test_status_list = []
server_list = filter(lambda server_match : 'server' in server_match, config.settings.sections())
for server in server_list:
dsn = {"host" : "localhost", "port" : 3306, "user" : "root", "passwd" : ""}
(test_result, status_string) = test_slave(dsn)
if test_result == 0:
test_success = 0
if test_success == 1:
test_status_list.insert(0, "OK: All checks completed successfully\n")
test_status_list.insert(0, "BAD: At least one check failed\n")
return '\n'.join(test_status_list) + '\n'
config = Config()
def index(slave_status = enumerate_slaves(config)):
return template('{{slave_status}}', slave_status = slave_status)
bottle_server = {"host" : "localhost", "port" : 8080}
run(host = bottle_server["host"], port = bottle_server["port"])
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