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gcanales75 / crea-VM-ansible-apache-slack.yml
Last active February 24, 2023 14:48
Playbook de Ansible para crear VM en vSphere, instala Apache y envia notificación a Slack
- name: Nueva VM, instala Apache y envia notificacion a Slack
hosts: localhost
user: root
sudo: true
## Prompt que nos pregunta como queremos llamar a la nueva maquina virtual
- name: "guest"
prompt: "Nombre VM?"
sangeeths / github-to-bitbucket
Created March 10, 2014 15:24
Forking a Github repo to Bitbucket
Go to Bitbucket and create a new repository (its better to have an empty repo)
git clone
cd myforkedrepo
Now add Github repo as a new remote in Bitbucket called "sync"
git remote add sync
Verify what are the remotes currently being setup for "myforkedrepo". This following command should show "fetch" and "push" for two remotes i.e. "origin" and "sync"
git remote -v