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Created September 25, 2020 13:00
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Commonly used markdown components

Markdown Syntax

file extension .md or .markdown

Property Syntax
Headings H1(#), H2(##), ..., H6(######)
Italic *text* *Italic* ➡️ Italic
Bold **text** **Bold** ➡️ Bold
Strikethrough ~~text~~ ~~Strike~~ ➡️ Strike
Unordered List * item1 or - item
Ordered List 1. item1
Blockquote > Quote
Inline Code `code` `code` ➡️ code
Syntax Highlighting ```programming_language ```
Images ![Alt text](url)
Links [Link text](url)
Mentions @username @abhi-github101 ➡️ @abhi-github101
Task - [ ] Task1 or - [x] Task2
SHA Referencing SHA-1 hash
Tables | td | td |
Emoji :emoji: :notebook: ➡️ 📓
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