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Last active August 13, 2018 22:50
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Final Report to the work done on Systers Portal during Google Summer Of Code 18'

Systers Portal - GSoC 18' Final Report

Project Overview

Systers Portal is a portal for Systers communities which enables them to post and share information within and with other communities and schedule events.The primary goal of Portal is to enable users to be able to schedule and participate in meetups to accomplish tasks in collaboration with each other. It has also provisions for voluntarily supporting and sponsoring meetups as well as requesting for new communities.


  • Mentors - Yatna Verma, Poojitha Nandigam
  • Admin - Prachi Manchanda

Tech Stack

  • python3.6
  • django1.11.6
  • html
  • css
  • javascript
  • geopy & gdal

Potential Timeline

Link to Timeline

Wiki Report

Link to Wiki Report

Work Done

  • Upgrading UI in accordance with branding guidelines.

    Systers Page Upgrade - PR Link

    About Us Page Upgrade - PR Link

    Contact Page Upgrade - PR Link

    Communities Page Upgrade - PR Link

    Navbar Upgrade - PR Link

    Favicon Upgrade - PR Link

  • Creating API to communicate with VMS - PR Link

  • Including the API documentation in the Portal docs - PR Link , Documentation Link

  • Writing tests for the API - PR Link

  • Solving browse button issue - PR Link

  • Adding search options for meetups - PR Link

  • Adding filter options for meetups - PR Link

  • Writing tests for the search and filter options - PR Link

  • Enabling Signup via Facebook, Twitter , Github ang Google - PR Link

  • Sending email-notifications for various community actions to concerned members - PR Link

  • Writing tests for the notifications - PR Link

  • Adding the End Date field and ID field to meetups and sent them along with description via the API - PR Link

  • Enabling multiple day meetup scheduling - PR Link

Documentation Added

The API to communicate with VMS - PR Link , Documentation Link


Introductory Blog First Coding Week Second Coding Week Third Coding Week Fourth Coding Week Fifth Coding Week Sixth Coding Week Seventh Coding Week Eighth Coding Week Ninth Coding Week Tenth Coding Week Eleventh Coding Week Twelfth Coding Week

Final Demonstration


  • wasn’t familiar with testing before.
  • wasn’t accustomed to the style checks
  • wasn’t acquainted with such proper contribution rules.
  • wasn’t ever such punctual with deadlines while contributing before.
  • was my first time with blogs.
  • wasn’t good at skribbl played in the happy hour.

Future Development Opportunities

  • an app for Portal can be made.
  • scheduling multiple day meetups with different times for each.
  • gist of hosted meetups can be added to benefit non-attendees.
  • Subscribe feature for users to notify them instantly about events.
  • analysing member behaviour by judging comments in discussion area through Machine Learning.

Take Aways

  • learned testing.
  • gained more familiarity with django libraries like rest framework, gdal and geopy.
  • learned how to structure a project code properly.
  • learned to write a blog.
  • learned about pinax notifications.
  • got acquainted with open source principles.
  • learnt to be punctual by constantly catering to deadlines.
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