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Last active February 19, 2024 12:23
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Swift cURL Printer

Ever wanted to generate cURL from URLRequest for faster debugging? Simply convert URLRequest in cURL format (Swift)

// ExtensionURLRequest.swift
// Created by Abhishek Maurya on 16/07/20.
// Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension URLRequest {
public func cURL(pretty: Bool = false) -> String {
let newLine = pretty ? "\\\n" : ""
let method = (pretty ? "--request " : "-X ") + "\(self.httpMethod ?? "GET") \(newLine)"
let url: String = (pretty ? "--url " : "") + "\'\(self.url?.absoluteString ?? "")\' \(newLine)"
var cURL = "curl "
var header = ""
var data: String = ""
if let httpHeaders = self.allHTTPHeaderFields, httpHeaders.keys.count > 0 {
for (key,value) in httpHeaders {
header += (pretty ? "--header " : "-H ") + "\'\(key): \(value)\' \(newLine)"
if let bodyData = self.httpBody, let bodyString = String(data: bodyData, encoding: .utf8), !bodyString.isEmpty {
data = "--data '\(bodyString)'"
cURL += method + url + header + data
return cURL
// UtilityFunction.swift
// Created by Abhishek Maurya on 23/10/20.
// Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.
import Alamofire
import Foundation
class UtilityFunction: NSObject {
internal static let shared: UtilityFunction = {
return UtilityFunction()
// Call this funcction inside Alomofire.request and pass the data response
class func debugApiResponse<T>(_ response: DataResponse<T>, pretty: Bool = false) {
if let statusCode = response.response?.statusCode {
print("Status code: " + String(statusCode))
if let request = response.request?.cURL(pretty: pretty) {
print("Request cURL: \n" + request)
} else {
if let url = response.request?.url?.absoluteString {
print("URL: \n" + url)
if let headers = response.request?.allHTTPHeaderFields {
print("Headers: \n\(headers as AnyObject)")
if let data = {
if let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers), let jsonData = try? json, options: .prettyPrinted), pretty {
print("Response JSON pretty-printed: \n" + String(decoding: jsonData, as: UTF8.self))
} else if let jsonString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
print("Response JSON: \n" + jsonString)
if let responseHeader = response.response?.allHeaderFields, responseHeader.keys.count > 0 {
var header = "{\(pretty ? "\\\n" : "")"
for (key,value) in responseHeader {
header += " \"\(key): \(value)\",\(pretty ? "\\\n" : "")"
print("Response Header: \n\(header.dropLast())\(pretty ? "\\\n" : "")}")
// If you want to use cURL() with Alomofire request
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Rukh commented Feb 19, 2024

Cleaned up the code and updated it to modern Swift. Also added the ability to embed any binary data, even those that cannot be decoded into String

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