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Created December 31, 2023 22:24
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Build State Machine using Rust | Part 1 | Balances Module
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
pub struct Pallet {
balances: BTreeMap<String, u128>,
impl Pallet {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { balances: BTreeMap::new() }
fn set_balance(&mut self, who: &String, balance: u128) {
self.balances.insert(who.clone(), balance);
fn balance(&self, who: &String) -> u128 {
fn transfer(&mut self, from: &String, to: &String, amount: u128) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
// get the old balances
let from_old_balance = self.balance(from);
let to_old_balance = self.balance(to);
// calculate the new balances
let from_new_balance =
from_old_balance.checked_sub(amount).ok_or("Insufficient balance")?;
let to_new_balance = to_old_balance.checked_add(amount).ok_or("Exceeds MAX balance")?;
// set the new balances
self.set_balance(from, from_new_balance);
self.set_balance(to, to_new_balance);
mod tests {
fn init_balances() {
let mut balances = super::Pallet::new();
assert_eq!(balances.balance(&"alice".to_string()), 0);
balances.set_balance(&"alice".to_string(), 100);
assert_eq!(balances.balance(&"alice".to_string()), 100);
assert_eq!(balances.balance(&"bob".to_string()), 0);
fn test_transfer() {
let mut balances = super::Pallet::new();
balances.transfer(&"alice".to_string(), &"bob".to_string(), 100),
Err("Insufficient balance")
balances.set_balance(&"alice".to_string(), 100);
assert!(balances.transfer(&"alice".to_string(), &"bob".to_string(), 51).is_ok());
// check the balances
assert_eq!(balances.balance(&"alice".to_string()), 49);
assert_eq!(balances.balance(&"bob".to_string()), 51);
name = "rsm-tuts"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
mod balances;
fn main() {}
channel = "nightly"
# Basic
edition = "2021"
hard_tabs = true
max_width = 100
use_small_heuristics = "Max"
# Imports
imports_granularity = "Crate"
reorder_imports = true
# Consistency
newline_style = "Unix"
# Misc
chain_width = 80
spaces_around_ranges = false
binop_separator = "Back"
reorder_impl_items = false
match_arm_leading_pipes = "Preserve"
match_arm_blocks = false
match_block_trailing_comma = true
trailing_comma = "Vertical"
trailing_semicolon = false
use_field_init_shorthand = true
# Format comments
comment_width = 100
wrap_comments = true
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