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Pluralsight - Responsive Web Design (Ben Callahan)

#Module 1: Introduction

##Lesson 1: Introduction

  1. RWD 101
  2. RWD Process
  3. Applying RWD Styles
  4. RWD Retrofitting
  5. JS to the rescue
  6. Lessons learned
  7. What's next in RWD

#Module 2: Responsive Web Design 101

##Lesson 1: A fluid foundation

Ethan Marcotte: Article: Book: A Book Apart

3 techniques of responsiveness:

  • A fluid foundation
  • Flexible content
  • Media Queries

##Lesson 2: IE rounding and the Semantic Grid System

Skeleton : A beautiful boilerplate for mobile friendly development

CSS zen garden: A demonstration of what can be accomplished through CSS-based design.

###A Fluid Foundation

Accomplished using SASS

@column-width: 60;
@gutter-width: 20;
@columns: 12;
@total-width: 100%;

header { .column{12); }
article { .column(12); }
aside { .column(12); }

@media (min-width: 38em){
  article{ .column(8); }
  aside{ .column(4); }

##Lesson 3: Flexible Content

##Lesson 4: Media Queries

Media Queries

<link media="(min-width: 30em)" ...

<link media="screen and (min-width: 30em)" ...

@media (min-width: 30em) { ... }

@media screen and (min-width: 30em) { ... }

Media Types

  1. all
  2. braile
  3. embossed
  4. speech
  5. handheld
  6. projection
  7. screen
  8. tv
  9. print
  10. tty

Media Features

  1. width
  2. height
  3. device-width
  4. device-height
  5. orientation
  6. aspect ratio
  7. device-aspect-ratio
  8. color
  9. color-index
  10. monochrome
  11. resolution
  12. scan
  13. grid

Media Query Bookmarklet

##Lesson 5: Other RWD considerations

Modernizr tells you what HTML, CSS and JavaScript features the user’s browser has to offer.

#Module 3: RWD Process

##Lesson 1: A Myth about Process

##Lesson 2: Content Priority Prototype

##Lesson 3: Style Prototype

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