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Created November 25, 2020 13:31
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Generate translation into a django project for a specific language
This file can be used to generate translation into a django project for a specific language.
Things to keep in mind:
- This may not work on larger files.
- This script not be helpful for(it should be able to translate almost everything else):
- Strings that span multiple lines.
- Strings that contain some parameter.(e.g `msg_id "This {value} is strange"`)
- Install googletrans using the command `pip install googletrans`(\
Many thanks to them for this project
- In case, your IP get blocked by google, try to increase the sleep time.
- Change the parameters to the translate function on line 59 as per your requirements.
- This is not supposed to be a "end-all". Please verify your translations personally after running the script.\
It is only meant to reduce some sort of labour not all :-p
- Make sure that you place this file in the same directory as the translation files(`django.po` and `djangojs.po`).\
Otherwise you will have to change the path for opening the translation files.
- I am not sure this is completely legal. :)
import math
import time
import os
from googletrans import Translator
start = time.time()
translator = Translator()
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def time_taken_in_mins():
diff = (time.time() - start) / 60
minutes = math.floor(diff)
seconds = (diff - minutes) * 60
time_taken = f'{minutes} minutes'
if seconds:
time_taken += f' {seconds :.2f} seconds'
return time_taken
file_loc = os.path.join(here, file)
with open(file_loc, mode='r') as f:
all_contents = f.readlines()
starting_pattern, ending_pattern = 'msgid "', '"'
count = 0
for (line_num, line) in enumerate(all_contents):
line = line.strip()
if line:
if line.startswith(starting_pattern) and line.endswith(ending_pattern):
msg = line.lstrip(starting_pattern).rstrip(ending_pattern)
if msg:
translated_msg = translator.translate(msg, src='en', dest='hi').text
all_contents[line_num + 1] = 'msgstr "' + translated_msg + '"\n'
count += 1
print(f'{count} strings translated in {time_taken_in_mins()} minutes')
with open(file_loc, mode='w') as f:
print(f'Process completed in {time_taken_in_mins()}')
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