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Last active June 15, 2020 09:20
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za Toggle folds
c-r Redo
u Undo
c-p Search file
c-n Toggle nerdtree
c-s Search text in folder
s-h Move window left
s-l Move window right
c-h Move to left buffer
c-l Move to right buffer
gv Select previous selection in visual mode
V Select a line in visual mode
gg Beginning of page
G End of page
S-F CR Format using prettier
zj OR gd Jump to definition
vap Select a paragraph
dap Delete a paragraph
va} Select the block within }
guw To lowercase a word - gu and movement gu2w etc
gUw To uppercase a word
ci' Change inside ''
ca' Change around ''
dt' Delete until ', doesn't delete '
df' Delete until ', deletes ' too
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