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Created August 31, 2015 22:22
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  • Save abhigenie92/ddf6bb030000809e04a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save abhigenie92/ddf6bb030000809e04a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
D/CMBaseReceiver( 1678): com.cleanmaster.login.bindphone.mobileinfo.h 0ms
I/Timeline( 1640): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:org.test.myapp time:2789192
I/ActivityManager( 758): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=org.test.myapp/ (has extras)} from uid 10025 on display 0
V/WindowManager( 758): addAppToken: AppWindowToken{2a0ae0d0 token=Token{25714893 ActivityRecord{1c033982 u0 org.test.myapp/ t8020}}} to stack=1 task=8020 at 0
W/BroadcastQueue( 758): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) } from com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet (pid=1640, uid=10025) requires due to receiver
W/BroadcastQueue( 758): Permission Denial: receiving Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) } to requires due to sender com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet (uid 10025)
V/WindowManager( 758): Adding window Window{1d4d7c83 u0 Starting org.test.myapp} at 4 of 8 (after Window{3887b36f u0$DevelopmentSettingsActivity})
I/ActivityManager( 758): Start proc 10393:org.test.myapp:python/u0a169 for activity org.test.myapp/
I/art (10393): Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
I/LoadedApk(10393): No resource references to update in package common
I/LoadedApk(10393): No resource references to update in package com.xdnax.cm12.bluefaded
I/LoadedApk(10393): No resource references to update in package com.xdnax.cm12.bluefaded
W/ResourceType(10393): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
V/python (10393): metadata fullscreen is0
I/SDLSurface(10393): Surface will NOT be transparent
W/ResourceType(10393): For resource 0x01030224, entry index(548) is beyond type entryCount(88)
W/ResourceType(10393): For resource 0x01030224, entry index(548) is beyond type entryCount(88)
W/ResourceType(10393): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
D/OpenGLRenderer(10393): Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
D/Atlas (10393): Validating map...
E/art (10393): dlopen("/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/", RTLD_LAZY) failed: dlopen failed: library "/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/" not found
E/art (10393): dlopen("/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/", RTLD_LAZY) failed: dlopen failed: library "/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/" not found
I/python (10393): Starting audio thread
V/WindowManager( 758): Adding window Window{2970730 u0 org.test.myapp/} at 4 of 9 (before Window{1d4d7c83 u0 Starting org.test.myapp})
I/Adreno-EGL(10393): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.1_RB1. ()
I/Adreno-EGL(10393): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.25.03.06
I/Adreno-EGL(10393): Build Date: 04/15/15 Wed
I/Adreno-EGL(10393): Local Branch: mybranch9068252
I/Adreno-EGL(10393): Remote Branch: quic/LA.BF.1.1.1_rb1.19
I/Adreno-EGL(10393): Local Patches: NONE
I/Adreno-EGL(10393): Reconstruct Branch: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.1_RB1. + NOTHING
I/OpenGLRenderer(10393): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer(10393): Enabling debug mode 0
V/WindowManager( 758): Adding window Window{2a80e92e u0 SurfaceView} at 4 of 10 (before Window{2970730 u0 org.test.myapp/})
I/SDLSurface(10393): Choose egl configuration
I/SDLSurface(10393): Try to use graphics config R8G8B8A8S8
W/SDLSurface(10393): Create egl surface
I/libSDL (10393): Physical screen resolution is 1080x1845
I/ActivityManager( 758): Displayed org.test.myapp/ +219ms
I/Python: (10393): Layout Triggered, Keyboard_height: 75
I/libSDL (10393): Physical screen resolution is 1080x1845
I/python (10393): Initialize Python for Android
I/Timeline(10393): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@2fb6456f time:2789479
I/python (10393): ['/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7/site-packages', '/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/site-python']
I/python (10393): Android path ['/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/', '/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7', '/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7/site-packages', '/data/data/org.test.myapp/files', '/data/data/org.test.myapp/files/_applibs']
I/python (10393): Android kivy bootstrap done. __name__ is __main__
I/python (10393): Run user program, change dir and execute
I/Timeline( 758): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{1c033982 u0 org.test.myapp/ t8020} time:2789760
I/python (10393): [INFO ] [Logger ] Record log in /data/data/org.test.myapp/files/.kivy/logs/kivy_15-09-01_1.txt
I/python (10393): [INFO ] [Kivy ] v1.9.0
I/python (10393): [INFO ] [Python ] v2.7.2 (default, Aug 31 2015, 15:11:57)
I/python (10393): [GCC 4.8]
I/python (10393): [INFO ] [Factory ] 173 symbols loaded
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): readRilMessage: Buffer = [B@c417602 HexData = [010000000404000011000000514f454d484f4f4bef0308000100000003]
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): Rcvd UNSOL response with 28 bytes data for SUB0
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): Response ID 525295 is not served in this process.
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): To broadcast an Intent via the notifier to external apps
D/QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager( 7700): handleMessage what = 0
D/QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager( 7700): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/AutostartService( 1678): set fg pkgname:org.test.myapp
I/cm.log.servpro( 1678): [Privacy]/ com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet is not in contact list
I/python (10393): /data/data/org.test.myapp/files/lib/python2.7/site-packages/kivy/core/image/ RuntimeWarning: import cdrom: No module named cdrom
I/python (10393): (ImportError: No module named cdrom)
I/python (10393): [INFO ] [Image ] Providers: img_tex, img_dds, img_gif, img_pygame (img_pil, img_ffpyplayer ignored)
I/python (10393): [INFO ] [Text ] Provider: pygame
I/python (10393): Traceback (most recent call last):
I/python (10393): File "/home/abhigenie92/Desktop/test/.buildozer/android/app/", line 10, in <module>
I/python (10393): File "/home/abhigenie92/Desktop/test/.buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/build/python-install/lib/python2.7/", line 8, in <module>
I/python (10393): ImportError: No module named _csv
I/python (10393): Python for android ended.
I/art (10393): System.exit called, status: 0
I/AndroidRuntime(10393): VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.
I/WindowState( 758): WIN DEATH: Window{2970730 u0 org.test.myapp/}
W/WindowManager( 758): Force-removing child win Window{2a80e92e u0 SurfaceView} from container Window{2970730 u0 org.test.myapp/}
W/WindowManager( 758): Failed looking up window
W/WindowManager( 758): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@1d9edfa9 does not exist
W/WindowManager( 758): at
W/WindowManager( 758): at
W/WindowManager( 758): at$DeathRecipient.binderDied(
W/WindowManager( 758): at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(
I/WindowState( 758): WIN DEATH: null
I/ActivityManager( 758): Process org.test.myapp:python (pid 10393) has died
W/ActivityManager( 758): Force removing ActivityRecord{1c033982 u0 org.test.myapp/ t8020}: app died, no saved state
W/InputMethodManagerService( 758): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 10393 uid 10169
I/Timeline( 1640): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@9876746 time:2790545
D/ConnectivityService( 758): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 60
D/ConnectivityService( 758): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
D/ConnectivityService( 758): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService( 758): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 1148): CM callback handler got msg 524290
I/Timeline( 758): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{4b7012 u0 com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet/ t8000} time:2790816
W/OpenGLRenderer( 1640): Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
D/AutostartService( 1678): set fg pkgname:com.cyanogenmod.trebuchet
I/cm.log.servpro( 1678): [Privacy]/ org.test.myapp is not in contact list
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): readRilMessage: Buffer = [B@c417602 HexData = [010000000404000011000000514f454d484f4f4bef0308000100000003]
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): Rcvd UNSOL response with 28 bytes data for SUB0
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): Response ID 525295 is not served in this process.
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): To broadcast an Intent via the notifier to external apps
D/QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager( 7700): handleMessage what = 0
D/QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager( 7700): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): readRilMessage: Buffer = [B@c417602 HexData = [010000000404000011000000514f454d484f4f4bfa0308000100000000]
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): Rcvd UNSOL response with 28 bytes data for SUB0
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): Response ID 525306 is not served in this process.
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): To broadcast an Intent via the notifier to external apps
D/QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager( 7700): handleMessage what = 0
D/QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager( 7700): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): readRilMessage: Buffer = [B@c417602 HexData = [010000000404000011000000514f454d484f4f4bfa0308000100000000]
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): Rcvd UNSOL response with 28 bytes data for SUB0
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): Response ID 525306 is not served in this process.
D/QcrilMsgTunnelSocket( 7700): To broadcast an Intent via the notifier to external apps
D/QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager( 7700): handleMessage what = 0
D/QcrilMsgTunnelIfaceManager( 7700): Broadcasting intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1148): ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED on sub: 1 mServiceState: 0 0 voice home data home Vodafone IN Vodafone 40411 Vodafone IN Vodafone 40411 GSM HSPA CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false
D/CellBroadcastReceiver(10075): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) }
D/CellBroadcastReceiver(10075): Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
D/CellBroadcastReceiver(10075): Service state changed! 0 Full: 0 0 voice home data home Vodafone IN Vodafone 40411 Vodafone IN Vodafone 40411 GSM HSPA CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false Current state=-1
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): enabling emergency cell broadcast channels
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 1148): ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED on sub: 1 mServiceState: 0 0 voice home data home Vodafone IN Vodafone IN 40411 Vodafone IN Vodafone IN 40411 GSM EDGE CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false
D/CellBroadcastReceiver(10075): onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x10 (has extras) }
D/CellBroadcastReceiver(10075): Intent ACTION_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGED
D/CellBroadcastReceiver(10075): Service state changed! 0 Full: 0 0 voice home data home Vodafone IN Vodafone IN 40411 Vodafone IN Vodafone IN 40411 GSM EDGE CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false Current state=-1
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4097 to 4097 from client
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4098 to 4098 from client
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4099 to 4099 from client
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4096 to 4096 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): enabled emergency cell broadcast channels
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): disabling cell broadcast channel 50
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 50 to 50 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): disabling channels 919-928
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 919 to 928 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): disabling cell broadcast ETWS test messages
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4355 to 4355 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): disabling cell broadcast CMAS test messages
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4380 to 4382 from client
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4100 to 4100 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): enabling emergency cell broadcast channels
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4097 to 4097 from client
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4098 to 4098 from client
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4099 to 4099 from client
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4096 to 4096 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): enabled emergency cell broadcast channels
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): disabling cell broadcast channel 50
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 50 to 50 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): disabling channels 919-928
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 919 to 928 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): disabling cell broadcast ETWS test messages
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4355 to 4355 from client
D/CellBroadcastConfigService(10075): disabling cell broadcast CMAS test messages
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4380 to 4382 from client
D/IccSmsInterfaceManager( 1617): [IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4100 to 4100 from client
D/QC-time-services( 238): Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 13
D/QC-time-services( 238): Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 0
D/QC-time-services( 238): Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 1441059616000
D/QC-time-services( 238): Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!!
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:Received base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 0,value = 1441059616000
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 13, val = 1441059616000, operation = 0
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS1/7/70 11:30:45
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 3238245000
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:new time 1441059616000
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon: delta 1437821371000 genoff 1437821371000
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:genoff_persistent_update: Writing genoff = 1437821371000 to memory
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_13
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff write operation
E/QC-time-services( 238): Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 0, result = 0
D/AlarmManagerService( 758): Setting time of day to sec=1441059616
W/AlarmManagerService( 758): Unable to set rtc to 1441059616: Invalid argument
E/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection
W/GCoreFlp( 2324): No location to return for getLastLocation()
W/AlarmManager( 758): Clear alarm type=4,alarmSeconds=1441319640
W/BackupManagerService( 758): dataChanged but no participant pkg='' uid=10121
E/NotificationListener( 1334): not getnotification
E/NotificationListener( 1334): not pkg
E/screensaver( 1334):
D/TimeService(10297): Receivedandroid.intent.action.TIME_SET intent. Current Time is 1441059616178
D/ (10297): TimeServiceNative: User Time to be set is 1441059616178
D/QC-time-services(10297): Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->base = 2
D/QC-time-services(10297): Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->operation = 0
D/QC-time-services(10297): Lib:time_genoff_operation: pargs->ts_val = 1441059616178
D/QC-time-services(10297): Lib:time_genoff_operation: Send to server passed!!
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon: Connection accepted:time_genoff
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:Received base = 2, unit = 1, operation = 0,value = 1441059616178
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:genoff_opr: Base = 2, val = 1441059616178, operation = 0
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:rtc_get: Time read from RTC -- MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS1/7/70 11:30:45
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:Value read from RTC seconds = 3238245000
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:new time 1441059616178
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon: delta 1437821371178 genoff 1437821371178
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:genoff_persistent_update: Writing genoff = 1437821371178 to memory
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_2
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff write operation
D/QC-time-services( 256): Updating the TOD offset
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:genoff_persistent_update: Writing genoff = 1437821371178 to memory
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:Opening File: /data/time/ats_1
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:time_persistent_memory_opr:Genoff write operation
E/QC-time-services(10297): Receive Passed == base = 2, unit = 1, operation = 0, result = 0
E/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:Update to modem bit set
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:genoff_send_modem: Sending data to MODEM !
D/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon: Base = 2, Value being sent to MODEM = 1121856571178
E/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon:tod_update_ind_cb: Got Update from modem msg_id 40
E/QC-time-services( 256): Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection
D/TaskPersister( 758): removeObsoleteFile: deleting file=8019_task.xml
D/ConnectivityService( 758): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 56
D/ConnectivityService( 758): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
D/ConnectivityService( 758): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService( 758): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 1148): CM callback handler got msg 524290
D/CMBaseReceiver( 1678): com.cleanmaster.login.bindphone.mobileinfo.h 0ms
D/ConnectivityService( 758): updateNetworkScore for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] to 60
D/ConnectivityService( 758): rematching NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
D/ConnectivityService( 758): Network NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100] was already satisfying request 1. No change.
D/ConnectivityService( 758): notifyType AVAILABLE for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 100]
D/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 1148): CM callback handler got msg 524290
E/SQLiteLog(10344): (284) automatic index on view_events(_id)
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Did you have any luck solving this problem?

I/python  (11611): ImportError: No module named _csv

I had the same issue and solved it by removing the "_csv" from BOTH blacklist.txt files, since according to Kovak:

There are 2 locations for blacklist.txt, one is inside .buildozer/android/platform/python-for-android/src/ and the other is in python-for-android/dist/distname, the first changes the blacklist for every compilation the other for a specific compilation.

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