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Last active January 5, 2017 10:33
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Simple vector implementation in C

See Acutal Git Repo here:

#C Vector

My personal implementation of the c++ vector in C. I do not guarentee speed, stability or even usability. Sorry.

Please adhere to all license restrictions listed in the main directory.

#Build instructions

See the to test to see if the vector implementation is functional.


To link with your own files include the header

#include "vector.h"
~C code beneath~

in your function, then build/link it as such.

gcc -c -(CFLAGS) vector.c -o vector.o
gcc -(CFLAGS) yourfunc.c vector.o -o yourfunc
rm *.o


  • Figure out how to implement vector_die with concurrency
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "vector.h"
* Initializes vector field.
* Starts with INIT_CAPACITY (8). I do this because I wanted the initial
* capacity to be a power of 2 as the growth polcy grows/shrinks by 2. 16 was
* too many, whereas 8 was better.
* Can crash program if Out of Memory.
void vector_init(vector *vec)
vec->size = 0;
vec->capacity = INIT_CAPACITY;
vec->elems = malloc((vec->capacity)*sizeof(void *));
if (!vec->elems)
* Frees underlying array structure
* Note if the vector struct was intialized onto the heap, that must be freed
* too.
void vector_free(vector *vec)
vec->capacity = 0;
vec->size = 0;
* Growth Policy handling
* If the current size is equal to the capacity, grow capacity by a factor of
* 2.
* If the current size is 4 times less than or equal to the capacity, shrink
* capacity by a factor of 2.
* Can crash program with Out of Memory error.
static void growth_policy(vector *vec)
if (vec->capacity == vec->size)
vector_grow(vec, 2*(vec->capacity));
if (vec->size > 0 && vec->size*4 <= vec->capacity)
vector_grow(vec, (vec->capacity)/2);
* Called by growth_policy()
* Can crash program with Out of Memory error
static void vector_grow(vector *vec, int new_size)
void **elems = realloc(vec->elems, new_size * sizeof(void *));
if (elems)
vec->capacity = new_size;
vec->elems = elems;
* Appends an element to the end of the array.
* Complexity: Amortized O(1) | O(n)
* May grow array size.
void vector_add(vector *vec, void *new_elem)
vec->elems[vec->size++] = new_elem;
* Sets element within the vector at given index to the value of new_elem.
* Complexity: O(1)
* Program may crash if index is out of bounds.
void vector_set(vector *vec, int ind, void *new_elem)
if (ind >= vec->size || ind < 0)
vec->elems[ind] = new_elem;
* Returns element within vector at given index.
* Complexity: O(1)
* Program may crash if index is out of bounds.
void *vector_get(vector *vec, int ind)
if (ind >= vec->size || ind < 0)
return vec->elems[ind];
* Removes and returns last element within vector.
* Complexity: Amortized O(1) | O(n)
* Can throw both Out of memory and index out of bounds errors.
void *vector_pop(vector *vec)
return vector_delete(vec, vec->size-1);
* Removes and returns element at given index within vector.
* Complexity: Amortized O(1) | O(n)
* Can throw both Out of memory and index out of bounds errors.
void *vector_delete(vector *vec, int ind)
if (ind < 0 || ind >= vec->size)
void *ret = vec->elems[ind];
vec->elems[ind] = NULL;
int i;
for (i = ind; i< vec->size; i++)
vec->elems[i] = vec->elems[i+1];
vec->elems[i+1] = NULL;
return ret;
* Sorts the vector using stdlib qsort. Works only for numeric types.
* Complexity: O(nlog(n))
* See C reference for qsort implementation.
void vector_sort(vector *vec)
qsort(vec->elems, vector_size(vec), sizeof(vec->elems[0]), cmpfunc);
static int cmpfunc (const void *a, const void *b)
if (*(const double*)a < *(const double*)b)
return -1;
if (*(const double*)a > *(const double*)b)
return 1;
return 0;
* Returns first element within vector.
* Complexity: O(1)
* Can throw out of index error if size is 0.
void *vector_front(vector *vec)
if (vec->size == 0)
return vec->elems[0];
* Returns last element within vector
* Complexity: O(1)
* Can throw out of index error if size is 0.
void *vector_back(vector *vec)
if (vec->size == 0)
return vec->elems[vec->size-1];
* Returns underlying void array containing elements.
* Complexity: O(n)
* The array is allocated on the heap, so it must be freed after usage is done.
void **vector_data(vector *vec)
void **arr = malloc(vec->size * sizeof(void *));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vec->size; i++)
arr[i] = vec->elems[i];
return arr;
* Returns capacity of array
* Complexity: O(1)
int vector_capacity(vector *vec)
return vec->capacity;
* Returns size of array
* Complexity: O(1)
int vector_size(vector *vec)
return vec->size;
* Returns 1 if size is zero, otherwise zero.
* Complexity: O(1)
int vector_empty(vector *vec)
return (vec->size == 0);
* Oh shit.
* Exits the process after printing information regarding the crash.
* Case 0: Out of memory
* Case 1: Indexing error
* ...
* Does this not end properly with concurrency?
void vector_die(int error)
case 0:
printf("vector_die:\nOut of memory. Aborting.\n");
case 1:
printf("vector_die:\nIndexing error. Aborting.\n");
#ifndef vector_h
#define vector_h
//Becausce C# and Java had a reason to
#define INIT_CAPACITY 10
typedef struct vector
void **elems;
int capacity;
int size;
} vector;
//Constructor / Destructor
void vector_init(vector *);
void vector_free(vector *);
void vector_add(vector *, void *);
void vector_set(vector *, int, void *);
void *vector_get(vector *, int);
void *vector_pop(vector *);
void *vector_delete(vector *, int);
void vector_sort(vector *);
static int cmpfunc (const void *, const void *);
//Element Access
void *vector_front(vector *);
void *vector_back(vector *);
void **vector_data(vector *);
int vector_capacity(vector *);
int vector_size(vector *);
int vector_empty(vector *);
//Growth policy
static void vector_grow(vector *, int);
static void growth_policy(vector *);
//Error Handling
void vector_die(int);
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