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Created January 4, 2021 20:15
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Matthews Correlation Coefficient implemented as a Pytorch Lightning Metric. This metric can be used for calculating MCC as a part of training/val/test loops with native Pytorch Lightning Support for Logging.
from pytorch_lightning.metrics import Metric
from pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional.classification import (
class MCC(Metric):
Computes `Mathews Correlation Coefficient <>`_:
Forward accepts
- ``preds`` (float or long tensor): ``(N, ...)`` or ``(N, C, ...)`` where C is the number of classes
- ``target`` (long tensor): ``(N, ...)``
If preds and target are the same shape and preds is a float tensor, we use the ``self.threshold`` argument.
This is the case for binary and multi-label logits.
If preds has an extra dimension as in the case of multi-class scores we perform an argmax on ``dim=1``.
labels: Classes in the dataset.
pos_label: Treats it as a binary classification problem with given label as positive.
def __init__(
pos_label = None,
compute_on_step = True,
dist_sync_on_step = False,
process_group = None,
self.labels = labels
self.num_classes = len(labels)
self.idx = None
if pos_label is not None:
self.idx = labels.index(pos_label)
self.add_state("matthews_corr_coef", default=torch.tensor(0), dist_reduce_fx="mean")
self.add_state("total", default=torch.tensor(0), dist_reduce_fx="sum")
def update(self, preds: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor):
Update state with predictions and targets.
preds: Predictions from model
target: Ground truth values
tps, fps, tns, fns, _ = stat_scores_multiple_classes(
pred=preds, target=target, num_classes=self.num_classes)
if self.idx is not None:
tps, fps, tns, fns = tps[self.idx], fps[self.idx], tns[self.idx], fns[self.idx]
numerator = (tps * tns) - (fps * fns)
denominator = torch.sqrt(((tps + fps) * (tps + fns) * (tns + fps) * (tns + fns)))
self.matthews_corr_coef = numerator / denominator
#Replacing any NaN values with 0
self.matthews_corr_coef[torch.isnan(self.matthews_corr_coef)] = 0 += 1
def compute(self):
Computes Matthews Correlation Coefficient over state.
return self.matthews_corr_coef /
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