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// PBRevealViewController.swift
// PBRevealViewController
// Created by Patrick BODET on 29/06/2016.
// Copyright © 2016 iDevelopper. All rights reserved.
import QuartzCore
import UIKit
import UIKit.UIGestureRecognizerSubclass
// MARK: - Enum types
Constants for animating when a main view is pushed
@objc public enum PBRevealToggleAnimationType : Int {
No anmmation
case none
A transition that dissolves from one view to the next.
case crossDissolve
A transition that the main view push the left/right view until it is hidden.
case pushSideView
A transition that the side view move a little to right or left by the value of leftRevealOverdraw or rightRevealOverdraw before the main view push the left/right view until it is hidden.
case spring
A transition provided by the delegate methods.
See also:
revealController(_ :willAdd:for:animated:)
revealController(_ :animationBlockFor:from:to:)
revealController(_ :completionBlockFor:from:to:)
revealController(_ :blockFor:from:to:finalBlock:)
- Important:
If revealController(_ :blockFor:from:to:finalBlock:) is implemented, the others methods are ignored.
case custom
Constants for blur effect style to apply to left/right views (since iOS 8).
@objc public enum PBRevealBlurEffectStyle : Int {
case none = -1
The area of the view is lighter in hue than the underlying view.
case extraLight
The area of the view is the same approximate hue of the underlying view.
case light
The area of the view is darker in hue than the underlying view.
case dark
// MARK: - PBRevealViewControllerDelegate Protocol
Constants for current operation.
@objc public enum PBRevealControllerOperation : Int {
case none
Replacement of left view controller.
case replaceLeftController
Replacement of main view controller.
case replaceMainController
Replacement of right view controller.
case replaceRightController
Pushing the main view controller from left view controller.
case pushMainControllerFromLeft
Pushing the main view controller from right view controller.
case pushMainControllerFromRight
Direction constants when panning.
@objc public enum PBRevealControllerPanDirection : Int {
Panning to left. Should open right view controller.
case left
Panning to right. Should open left view controller.
case right
// MARK: - Delegate functions
Use a reveal view controller delegate (a custom object that implements this protocol) to modify behavior when a view controller is pushed or replaced. All methods are optionals.
@objc public protocol PBRevealViewControllerDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
Ask the delegate if the left view should be shown. Not called while a pan gesture.
See also:
revealControllerPanGestureShouldBegin(_ :direction:)
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The left view controller object.
- Returns:
true if the left view controller should be shown, false otherwise.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, shouldShowLeft viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool
Called just before the left view controller is presented.
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The left view controller object.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, willShowLeft viewController: UIViewController)
Called just after the left view controller is presented.
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The left view controller object.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, didShowLeft viewController:UIViewController)
Called just before the left view controller is hidden.
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The left view controller object.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, willHideLeft viewController: UIViewController)
Called just after the left view controller is hidden.
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The left view controller object.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, didHideLeft viewController: UIViewController)
Ask the delegate if the right view should be shown. Not called while a pan gesture.
See also:
revealControllerPanGestureShouldBegin(_ :direction:)
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The right view controller object.
- Returns:
true if the right view controller should be shown, false otherwise.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, shouldShowRight viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool
Called just before the right view controller is presented.
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The right view controller object.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, willShowRight viewController: UIViewController)
Called just after the right view controller is presented.
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The right view controller object.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, didShowRight viewController: UIViewController)
Called just before the right view controller is hidden.
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The right view controller object.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, willHideRight viewController: UIViewController)
Called just after the right view controller is hidden.
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The right view controller object.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, didHideRight viewController: UIViewController)
Implement this to return NO when you want the pan gesture recognizer to be ignored.
See also:
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- direction: The panning direction.
- Returns:
false if you want the pan gesture recognizer to be ignored, true otherwise.
@objc optional func revealControllerPanGestureShouldBegin(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, direction: PBRevealControllerPanDirection) -> Bool
Implement this to return NO when you want the tap gesture recognizer to be ignored.
See also:
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- Returns:
false if you want the tap gesture recognizer to be ignored, true otherwise.
@objc optional func revealControllerTapGestureShouldBegin(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController) -> Bool
Implement this to return true if you want other gesture recognizer to share touch events with the pan gesture.
See also:
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- otherGestureRecognizer: The other gesture recognizer.
- direction: The panning direction.
- Returns:
true if you want other gesture recognizer to share touch events with the pan gesture.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, panGestureRecognizerShouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, direction: PBRevealControllerPanDirection) -> Bool
Implement this to return true if you want other gesture recognizer to share touch events with the tap gesture.
See also:
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- otherGestureRecognizer: The other gesture recognizer.
- Returns:
true if you want other gesture recognizer to share touch events with the tap gesture.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, tapGestureRecognizerShouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
Called when the gestureRecognizer began.
See also:
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- direction: The panning direction.
@objc optional func revealControllerPanGestureBegan(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, direction: PBRevealControllerPanDirection)
Called when the gestureRecognizer moved.
See also:
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- direction: The panning direction.
@objc optional func revealControllerPanGestureMoved(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, direction: PBRevealControllerPanDirection)
Called when the gestureRecognizer ended.
See also:
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- direction: The panning direction.
@objc optional func revealControllerPanGestureEnded(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, direction: PBRevealControllerPanDirection)
Called just before child controller replacement (left, main or right).
See also:
revealController(_ :didAdd:for:animated:)
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The child view controller.
- operation: The current operation.
- animated: true if the replacement is animated, false otherwise.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, willAdd viewController: UIViewController, for operation: PBRevealControllerOperation, animated: Bool)
Called just after child controller replacement (left, main or right).
See also:
revealController(_ :willAdd:for:animated:)
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- viewController: The child view controller.
- operation: The current operation.
- animated: true if the replacement is animated, false otherwise.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, didAdd viewController: UIViewController, for operation: PBRevealControllerOperation, animated: Bool)
Ask for animation block while pushing main view controller.
See also:
revealController(_ :blockFor:from:to:finalBlock:)
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- operation: The current operation (push from left or push from right).
- fromViewController: The main view controller.
- toViewController: The new main view controller. When called the toViewController's view is behind the fromViewController's view.
- Returns:
A block to be inserted in the view animation.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, animationBlockFor operation: PBRevealControllerOperation, from fromViewController: UIViewController, to toViewController: UIViewController) -> (() -> Void)?
Ask for completion block while pushing main view controller.
See also:
revealController(_ :blockFor:from:to:finalBlock:)
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- operation: The current operation (push from left or push from right).
- fromViewController: The main view controller.
- toViewController: The new main view controller. When called the toViewController's view is behind the fromViewController's view.
- Returns:
A block to be inserted in the view animation completion.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, completionBlockFor operation: PBRevealControllerOperation, from fromViewController: UIViewController, to toViewController: UIViewController) -> (() -> Void)?
Ask for a block with animation and completion while replacing/pushing child view controllers, please add the final block to your completion.
See also:
revealController(_ :animationBlockFor:from:to:)
revealController(_ :completionBlockFor:from:to:)
revealController(_ :animationControllerForTransitionFrom:to:for:)
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- operation: The current operation (push from left or push from right).
- fromViewController: The main view controller.
- toViewController: The new main view controller. When called the toViewController's view is behind the fromViewController's view.
- finalBlock: The final block provided by the reveal view controller object. This block must be inserted in your completion block.
- Returns:
A block with animation and completion (add the final block to your completion).
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, blockFor operation: PBRevealControllerOperation, from fromViewController: UIViewController, to toViewController: UIViewController, finalBlock: @escaping () -> Void) -> (() -> Void)?
Ask for custom transition animations controller while replacing/pushing child view controllers. If implemented, it will be fired in response to calls setXXXViewController or pushXXXViewController child view controller (since iOS 7).
- Parameters:
- revealController: The reveal view controller object.
- fromViewController: The child view controller to replace.
- toViewController: The new child view controller.
- operation: The current operation (push from left, push from right, or replace).
- Returns:
The animator object adopting the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol.
@objc optional func revealController(_ revealController: PBRevealViewController, animationControllerForTransitionFrom fromViewController: UIViewController, to toViewController: UIViewController, for operation: PBRevealControllerOperation) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning?
// MARK: - StoryBoard support Classes
// MARK: - PBRevealViewControllerSegueSetController class
String identifiers to be applied to PBRevealViewControllerSegueSetController segues on a storyboard.
let PBSegueLeftIdentifier: String = "pb_left"
let PBSegueMainIdentifier: String = "pb_main"
let PBSegueRightIdentifier: String = "pb_right"
Use this to segue to the initial state. View controller segues are "pb_left", "pb_main" and "pb_right".
open class PBRevealViewControllerSegueSetController: UIStoryboardSegue {
override open func perform() {
let identifier: String = self.identifier!
let rvc: PBRevealViewController? = source as? PBRevealViewController
let dvc: UIViewController? = destination
if (identifier == PBSegueMainIdentifier) {
dvc?.didMove(toParentViewController: rvc)
rvc?.mainViewController = dvc
else if (identifier == PBSegueLeftIdentifier) {
dvc?.didMove(toParentViewController: rvc)
rvc?.leftViewController = dvc
else if (identifier == PBSegueRightIdentifier) {
dvc?.didMove(toParentViewController: rvc)
rvc?.rightViewController = dvc
#if os(iOS)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) < 7.0) {
var frame: CGRect? = dvc?.view?.frame
frame?.origin.y = 0
if (dvc is UINavigationController) {
let statusBarIsHidden: Bool = (UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height == 0.0)
if !statusBarIsHidden {
frame?.size.height -= UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height
dvc?.view?.frame = frame!
// MARK: - PBRevealViewControllerSeguePushController class
Use this to push a view controller from a storyboard.
open class PBRevealViewControllerSeguePushController: UIStoryboardSegue {
override open func perform() {
let rvc: PBRevealViewController? = source.revealViewController()
let dvc: UIViewController? = destination
rvc?.pushMainViewController(dvc!, animated: true)
// MARK: - PBRevealViewController class - Public
open class PBRevealViewController: UIViewController, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate {
Defines the radius of the main view's shadow, default is 2.5f.
open var mainViewShadowRadius: CGFloat = 2.5 {
didSet {
Defines the main view's shadow offset, default is {0.0f,2.5f}.
open var mainViewShadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0.0, height: 2.5) {
didSet {
Defines the main view's shadow opacity, default is 1.0f.
open var mainViewShadowOpacity: Float = 1.0 {
didSet {
Defines the main view's shadow color, default is blackColor
open var mainViewShadowColor: UIColor = {
didSet {
If true (default is false) the left view controller will be ofsseted vertically by the height of a navigation bar plus the height of status bar.
open var isLeftPresentViewHierarchically: Bool = false {
didSet {
if self.leftViewController != nil {
var frame: CGRect = self.leftViewController!.view.frame
frame.origin.y = 0
frame.size.height = self.view.bounds.size.height
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = frame
if isLeftPresentViewHierarchically {
let frame: CGRect = adjustsFrameForController(self.leftViewController!)
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = frame
If false (default is true) the left view controller will be presented below the main view controller.
open var isLeftPresentViewOnTop: Bool = true
Defines how much displacement is applied to the left view when animating or dragging the main view, default is 40.0f.
open var leftViewRevealDisplacement: CGFloat = 40.0
Defines the width of the left view when it is shown, default is 260.0f.
open var leftViewRevealWidth: CGFloat = 260.0 {
didSet {
if leftViewRevealWidth > UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width {
leftViewRevealWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width
if self.isLeftViewOpen {
var frame: CGRect = self.leftViewController!.view.frame
frame.origin.x = 0.0
frame.size.width = leftViewRevealWidth
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = frame
if !self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
frame = (self.mainViewController?.view.frame)!
frame.origin.x = leftViewRevealWidth
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = frame
Duration for the left reveal/push animation, default is 0.5.
open var leftToggleAnimationDuration: TimeInterval = 0.2
The damping ratio for the spring animation, default is 0.8.
open var leftToggleSpringDampingRatio: CGFloat = 0.8
The initial spring velocity, default is 0.5.
open var leftToggleSpringVelocity: CGFloat = 0.5
Defines the radius of the left view's shadow, default is 2.5.
open var leftViewShadowRadius: CGFloat = 2.5 {
didSet {
Defines the left view's shadow offset, default is {0.0f, 2.5f}.
open var leftViewShadowOffset: CGSize = CGSize(width: 0.0, height: 2.5) {
didSet {
Defines the left view's shadow opacity, default is 1.0f.
open var leftViewShadowOpacity: CGFloat = 1.0 {
didSet {
Defines the left view's shadow color, default is blackColor
open var leftViewShadowColor: UIColor = {
didSet {
Defines the left view's blur effect style, default is PBRevealBlurEffectStyleNone.
open var leftViewBlurEffectStyle = PBRevealBlurEffectStyle.none {
didSet {
if leftViewBlurEffectStyle != oldValue {
_reloadSideBlurEffectStyle(style: leftViewBlurEffectStyle.rawValue, forController: self.leftViewController, forOperation: .replaceLeftController)
If true (default is false) the left view controller will be ofsseted vertically by the height of a navigation bar plus the height of status bar.
open var isRightPresentViewHierarchically: Bool = false {
didSet {
if self.rightViewController != nil {
var frame: CGRect = self.rightViewController!.view.frame
frame.origin.y = 0
frame.size.height = self.view.bounds.size.height
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = frame
if isRightPresentViewHierarchically {
let frame: CGRect = adjustsFrameForController(self.rightViewController!)
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = frame
If false (default is true) the right view controller will be presented below the main view controller.
open var isRightPresentViewOnTop: Bool = true
Defines how much displacement is applied to the right view when animating or dragging the main view, default is 40.0f.
open var rightViewRevealDisplacement: CGFloat = 40.0
Defines the width of the right view when it is shown, default is 160.0f.
open var rightViewRevealWidth: CGFloat = 260.0 {
didSet {
if rightViewRevealWidth > UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width {
rightViewRevealWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width
if self.isRightViewOpen {
var frame: CGRect = self.rightViewController!.view.frame
frame.origin.x = self.view.bounds.size.width - rightViewRevealWidth
frame.size.width = rightViewRevealWidth
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = frame
if !self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
frame = (self.mainViewController?.view.frame)!
frame.origin.x = -(rightViewRevealWidth)
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = frame
Duration for the right reveal/push animation, default is 0.5.
open var rightToggleAnimationDuration: TimeInterval = 0.2
The damping ratio for the spring animation, default is 0.8f.
open var rightToggleSpringDampingRatio: CGFloat = 0.8
The initial spring velocity, default is 0.5f.
open var rightToggleSpringVelocity: CGFloat = 0.5
Defines the radius of the lrighteft view's shadow, default is 2.5f.
open var rightViewShadowRadius: CGFloat = 2.5 {
didSet {
Defines the right view's shadow offset, default is {0.0f, 2.5f}.
open var rightViewShadowOffset: CGSize = CGSize(width: 0.0, height: 2.5) {
didSet {
Defines the right view's shadow opacity, default is 1.0f.
open var rightViewShadowOpacity: CGFloat = 1.0 {
didSet {
Defines the right view's shadow color, default is blackColor
open var rightViewShadowColor: UIColor = {
didSet {
Defines the right view's blur effect style, default is PBRevealBlurEffectStyleNone.
open var rightViewBlurEffectStyle = PBRevealBlurEffectStyle.none {
didSet {
if rightViewBlurEffectStyle != oldValue {
_reloadSideBlurEffectStyle(style: rightViewBlurEffectStyle.rawValue, forController: self.rightViewController, forOperation: .replaceRightController)
Animation type, default is PBRevealToggleAnimationTypeNone.
open var toggleAnimationType = PBRevealToggleAnimationType.none
Defines how much of an overdraw can occur when pushing further than leftViewRevealWidth, default is 60.0f.
open var leftViewRevealOverdraw: CGFloat = 60.0
Defines how much of an overdraw can occur when pushing further than rightViewRevealWidth, default is 60.0f.
open var rightViewRevealOverdraw: CGFloat = 60.0
Duration for animated replacement of view controllers, default is 0.25.
open var replaceViewAnimationDuration: TimeInterval = 0.25
Velocity required for the controller to toggle its state based on a swipe movement, default is 250.0f.
open var swipeVelocity: CGFloat = 250.0
true if left view is completely open (read only).
open private(set) var isLeftViewOpen: Bool = false
true if right view is completely open (read only).
open private(set) var isRightViewOpen: Bool = false
true if left view is panning (read only).
open private(set) var isLeftViewDragging: Bool = false
true if right view is panning (read only).
open private(set) var isRightViewDragging: Bool = false
#if os(tvOS)
An optional invisible focusable button for revealing left view, default is nil, call [self tvOSLeftRevealButton] once to add it to the reveal view controller's view.
open var tvOSLeftRevealButton: UIButton?
An optional invisible focusable button for revealing right view, default is nil, call [self tvOSRightRevealButton] once to add it to the reveal view controller's view.
open var tvOSRightRevealButton: UIButton?
An optional swipe gesture recognizer for hidding left view, default is nil, call [self tvOSRightSwipeGestureRecognizer] once to add it to the reveal view controller's view.
open var tvOSRightSwipeGestureRecognizer: UISwipeGestureRecognizer?
An optional swipe gesture recognizer for hidding right view, default is nil, call [self tvOSLeftSwipeGestureRecognizer] once to add it to the reveal view controller's view.
open var tvOSLeftSwipeGestureRecognizer: UISwipeGestureRecognizer?
The preferred focused view on the main view.
open var tvOSMainPreferredFocusedView: UIView?
The preferred focused view on the left view.
open var tvOSLeftPreferredFocusedView: UIView?
The preferred focused view on the right view.
open var tvOSRightPreferredFocusedView: UIView?
If isPressTypeMenuAllowed is set to true (default is false), show left view when Apple TV Menu button is pressed, back to Apple TV home screen if left menu is open.
open var isPressTypeMenuAllowed: Bool = false
If isPressTypePlayPauseAllowed is set to true (default is false), hide left view if opened, show/hide right view when Apple TV PlayPause button is pressed.
open var isPressTypePlayPauseAllowed: Bool = false
The default tap gesture recognizer added to the main view. Default behavior will hide the left or right view.
open var tapGestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer?
The default pan gesture recognizer added to the reveal view. Default behavior will drag the left or right view.
open var panGestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer?
The default border width allowing pan gesture from left. If > 0.0, this is the acceptable starting width for the gesture.
open var panFromLeftBorderWidth: CGFloat = 0.0
The default border width allowing pan gesture from right. If > 0.0, this is the acceptable starting width for the gesture.
open var panFromRightBorderWidth: CGFloat = 0.0
Optional left view controller, can be nil if not used.
open var leftViewController: UIViewController? {
didSet {
if leftViewController != oldValue {
_setLeftViewController(leftViewController: leftViewController!)
Main view controller, cannot be nil.
open var mainViewController: UIViewController? {
didSet {
if mainViewController != oldValue {
_setMainViewController(mainViewController: mainViewController!)
Optional right view controller, can be nil if not used.
open var rightViewController: UIViewController? {
didSet {
if rightViewController != oldValue {
_setRightViewController(rightViewController: rightViewController!)
The delegate of the PBRevealViewController object.
weak open var delegate: PBRevealViewControllerDelegate?
// MARK: - PBRevealViewController class - Private
private var contentView: UIView?
private var isUserInteractionStore: Bool = false
private var panBaseLocation: CGFloat = 0.0
private var navigationBar: UINavigationBar = UINavigationBar()
private var leftEffectView: UIVisualEffectView?
private var leftShadowView: UIView?
private var leftShadowOpacity: CGFloat = 0.0
private var rightEffectView: UIVisualEffectView?
private var rightShadowView: UIView?
private var rightShadowOpacity: CGFloat = 0.0
// MARK: - Init
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
Instantiate a PBRevealViewController class programmatically
- Parameters:
- leftViewController: A subclass of UIViewController (optional).
- mainViewController: A subclass of UIViewController (required).
- rightViewController: A subclass of UIViewController (optional).
- Returns:
PBRevealViewController instance.
@objc public init(leftViewController: UIViewController?, mainViewController: UIViewController, rightViewController: UIViewController?) {
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
mainViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
self.mainViewController = mainViewController
if (leftViewController != nil) {
leftViewController!.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
self.leftViewController = leftViewController
if rightViewController != nil {
rightViewController!.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
self.rightViewController = rightViewController
#if os(iOS)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) < NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_0) {
let statusBarIsHidden: Bool = (UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height == 0.0)
var frame: CGRect = mainViewController.view.frame
frame.origin.y = 0
if (mainViewController is UINavigationController) {
if !statusBarIsHidden {
frame.size.height -= UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height
mainViewController.view.frame = frame
if (leftViewController != nil) {
frame = (leftViewController?.view.frame)!
frame.origin.y = 0
if (leftViewController is UINavigationController) {
if !statusBarIsHidden {
frame.size.height -= UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height
leftViewController?.view.frame = frame
if (rightViewController != nil) {
frame = (rightViewController?.view.frame)!
frame.origin.y = 0
if (rightViewController is UINavigationController) {
if !statusBarIsHidden {
frame.size.height -= UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height
rightViewController?.view.frame = frame
// MARK: - View lifecycle
override open func loadView() {
var frame: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
#if os(iOS)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) < 7.0) {
let statusBarIsHidden: Bool = (UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height == 0.0)
if !statusBarIsHidden {
frame.size.height -= UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height
self.contentView = PBRevealView(frame: frame, controller: self)
self.contentView?.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
self.view = self.contentView
#if os(iOS)
_ = _tapGestureRecognizer()
_ = _panGestureRecognizer()
override open func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
self.isUserInteractionStore = (self.contentView?.isUserInteractionEnabled)!
private func initDefaultProperties() {
navigationBar = UINavigationBar()
leftEffectView = nil
leftShadowView = nil
leftShadowOpacity = 0.0
rightEffectView = nil
rightShadowView = nil
rightShadowOpacity = 0.0
mainViewShadowRadius = 2.5
mainViewShadowOffset = CGSize(width: CGFloat(0.0), height: CGFloat(2.5))
mainViewShadowOpacity = 1.0
mainViewShadowColor =
isLeftPresentViewHierarchically = false
isLeftPresentViewOnTop = true
leftViewRevealDisplacement = 40.0
leftViewRevealWidth = 260.0
leftToggleAnimationDuration = 0.5
leftToggleSpringDampingRatio = 0.8
leftToggleSpringVelocity = 0.5
leftViewShadowRadius = 2.5
leftViewShadowOffset = CGSize(width: CGFloat(0.0), height: CGFloat(2.5))
leftViewShadowOpacity = 1.0
leftViewShadowColor =
leftViewBlurEffectStyle = PBRevealBlurEffectStyle.none
isRightPresentViewHierarchically = false
isRightPresentViewOnTop = true
rightViewRevealDisplacement = 40.0
rightViewRevealWidth = 160.0
rightToggleAnimationDuration = 0.5
rightToggleSpringDampingRatio = 0.8
rightToggleSpringVelocity = 0.5
rightViewShadowRadius = 2.5
rightViewShadowOffset = CGSize(width: CGFloat(0.0), height: CGFloat(2.5))
rightViewShadowOpacity = 1.0
rightViewShadowColor =
rightViewBlurEffectStyle = PBRevealBlurEffectStyle.none
replaceViewAnimationDuration = 0.25
swipeVelocity = 250.0
toggleAnimationType = PBRevealToggleAnimationType.none
leftViewRevealOverdraw = 60.0
rightViewRevealOverdraw = 60.0
isLeftViewOpen = false
isLeftViewDragging = false
isRightViewOpen = false
isRightViewDragging = false
isUserInteractionStore = true
#if os(tvOS)
isPressTypeMenuAllowed = false
isPressTypePlayPauseAllowed = false
// Load any defined Main/Left/Right controllers from the storyboard
private func loadStoryboardControllers() {
if (self.storyboard != nil) && leftViewController == nil {
//Try each segue separately so it doesn't break prematurely if either Rear or Right views are not used.
self.performSegue(id: PBSegueLeftIdentifier, sender: nil)
self.performSegue(id: PBSegueMainIdentifier, sender: nil)
self.performSegue(id: PBSegueRightIdentifier, sender: nil)
// MARK: - Public methods
Defines the width of the left view when it is shown.
- Parameters:
- leftViewRevealWidth: The left view width.
- animated: Specify true to animate the new width or false if you do not want it to be animated.
@objc open func setLeftViewRevealWidth(_ leftViewRevealWidth: CGFloat, animated: Bool) {
let duration: TimeInterval = animated ? leftToggleAnimationDuration : 0.0
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_0) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: leftToggleSpringDampingRatio, initialSpringVelocity: leftToggleSpringVelocity, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.leftViewRevealWidth = leftViewRevealWidth
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {() -> Void in
self.leftViewRevealWidth = leftViewRevealWidth
Defines the width of the right view.
- Parameters:
- rightViewRevealWidth: The right view width.
- animated: Specify true to animate the new width or false if you do not want it to be animated.
@objc open func setRightViewRevealWidth(_ rightViewRevealWidth: CGFloat, animated: Bool) {
let duration: TimeInterval = animated ? rightToggleAnimationDuration : 0.0
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_0) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: rightToggleSpringDampingRatio, initialSpringVelocity: rightToggleSpringVelocity, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.rightViewRevealWidth = rightViewRevealWidth
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {() -> Void in
self.rightViewRevealWidth = rightViewRevealWidth
Replace the left view controller.
- Parameters:
- leftViewController: A subclass of UIViewController.
- animated: Specify true to animate the replacement or false if you do not want the replacement to be animated.
@objc open func setLeftViewController(_ leftViewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
if isLeftPresentViewHierarchically {
let frame: CGRect = adjustsFrameForController(leftViewController)
leftViewController.view.frame = frame
_reloadSideBlurEffectStyle(style: self.leftViewBlurEffectStyle.rawValue, forController: leftViewController, forOperation: .replaceLeftController)
if isLeftViewOpen {
_swapFromViewController(self.leftViewController!, toViewController: leftViewController, operation: .replaceLeftController, animated: animated)
if self.leftViewController == nil {
leftViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
self.leftViewController = leftViewController
Replace the main view controller.
- Parameters:
- mainViewController: A subclass of UIViewController.
- animated: Specify true to animate the replacement or false if you do not want the replacement to be animated.
@objc open func setMainViewController(_ mainViewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
if (self.mainViewController != nil) && animated {
_swapFromViewController(self.mainViewController!, toViewController: mainViewController, operation: .replaceMainController, animated: animated)
if self.mainViewController == nil {
mainViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
self.mainViewController = mainViewController
Replace the right view controller.
- Parameters:
- rightViewController: A subclass of UIViewController.
- animated: Specify true to animate the replacement or false if you do not want the replacement to be animated.
@objc open func setRightViewController(_ rightViewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
if isRightPresentViewHierarchically {
let frame: CGRect = adjustsFrameForController(rightViewController)
rightViewController.view.frame = frame
_reloadSideBlurEffectStyle(style: self.rightViewBlurEffectStyle.rawValue, forController: rightViewController, forOperation: .replaceRightController)
if isRightViewOpen {
_swapFromViewController(self.rightViewController!, toViewController: rightViewController, operation: .replaceRightController, animated: animated)
if self.rightViewController == nil {
rightViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
self.rightViewController = rightViewController
Sets the mainViewController pushing it and hide left view controller.
- Parameters:
- mainViewController: A subclass of UIViewController.
- animated: Specify true to animate the replacement or false if you do not want the replacement to be animated.
@objc open func pushMainViewController(_ mainViewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
var operation: PBRevealControllerOperation
if isLeftViewOpen {
operation = .pushMainControllerFromLeft
else if isRightViewOpen {
operation = .pushMainControllerFromRight
else {
let fromViewController: UIViewController? = self.mainViewController
self.mainViewController = mainViewController
_pushFromViewController(fromViewController!, toViewController: mainViewController, operation: operation, animated: animated)
Reveal left view or hide it if shown. Hide the right view if it is open and show the left view.
@IBAction @objc open func revealLeftView() {
if (self.leftViewController != nil) {
if isLeftViewOpen {
hideLeftView(animated: true)
if isRightViewOpen {
hideRightView(animated: true)
if delegate?.revealController?(self, shouldShowLeft: self.leftViewController!) == false {
delegate?.revealController?(self, willShowLeft: self.leftViewController!)
var leftFrame: CGRect = self.leftViewController!.view.frame
if self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
leftFrame.origin.x = -(self.leftViewRevealWidth)
else {
leftFrame.origin.x = -(self.leftViewRevealDisplacement)
leftFrame.size.width = self.leftViewRevealWidth
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = leftFrame
if self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
else {
self.contentView?.insertSubview((self.leftViewController?.view)!, belowSubview: (self.mainViewController?.view)!)
self.leftViewController?.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
let completion: (() -> Void) = {() -> Void in
self.isLeftViewOpen = true
#if os(iOS)
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = true
#if os(tvOS)
self.delegate?.revealController?(self, didShowLeft: self.leftViewController!)
leftFrame.origin.x = 0
leftFrame.size.width = self.leftViewRevealWidth
var mainFrame: CGRect = self.mainViewController!.view.frame
if !self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
mainFrame.origin.x = self.leftViewRevealWidth
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 7.0) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: leftToggleAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: leftToggleSpringDampingRatio, initialSpringVelocity: leftToggleSpringVelocity, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = leftFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: leftToggleAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = leftFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
Reveal right view or hide it if shown. Hide the left view if it is open and show the right view.
@IBAction @objc open func revealRightView() {
if (self.rightViewController != nil) {
if isRightViewOpen {
hideRightView(animated: true)
if isLeftViewOpen {
hideLeftView(animated: true)
if delegate?.revealController?(self, shouldShowRight: self.rightViewController!) == false {
delegate?.revealController?(self, willShowRight: self.rightViewController!)
var rightFrame: CGRect = self.rightViewController!.view.frame
if self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
rightFrame.origin.x = view.bounds.size.width
else {
rightFrame.origin.x = view.bounds.size.width - (rightViewRevealWidth) + rightViewRevealDisplacement
rightFrame.size.width = rightViewRevealWidth
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = rightFrame
if self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
else {
self.contentView?.insertSubview((self.rightViewController?.view)!, belowSubview: (self.mainViewController?.view)!)
self.rightViewController?.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
let completion: (() -> Void) = {() -> Void in
self.isRightViewOpen = true
#if os(iOS)
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = true
#if os(tvOS)
self.delegate?.revealController?(self, didShowRight: self.rightViewController!)
rightFrame.origin.x = view.bounds.size.width - self.rightViewRevealWidth
rightFrame.size.width = self.rightViewRevealWidth
var mainFrame: CGRect = self.mainViewController!.view.frame
if !self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
mainFrame.origin.x = -(self.rightViewRevealWidth)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 7.0) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: rightToggleAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: rightToggleSpringDampingRatio, initialSpringVelocity: rightToggleSpringVelocity, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = rightFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: rightToggleAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = rightFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
Hide left view.
- Parameters:
- animated: Specify true to animate the replacement or false if you do not want the replacement to be animated.
@objc open func hideLeftView(animated: Bool) {
if (self.leftViewController != nil) {
delegate?.revealController?(self, willHideLeft: self.leftViewController!)
let duration: TimeInterval = animated ? leftToggleAnimationDuration : 0.0
var leftFrame: CGRect = self.leftViewController!.view.frame
if isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
leftFrame.origin.x = -(self.leftViewRevealWidth)
else {
leftFrame.origin.x = -(self.leftViewRevealDisplacement)
leftFrame.size.width = self.leftViewRevealWidth
var mainFrame: CGRect = self.mainViewController!.view.frame
mainFrame.origin.x = 0
let completion: (() -> Void) = {() -> Void in
self.isLeftViewOpen = false
#if os(iOS)
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = false
if self.isRightViewOpen {
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = true
self.leftViewController?.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
#if os(tvOS)
self.delegate?.revealController?(self, didHideLeft: self.leftViewController!)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 7.0) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: leftToggleSpringDampingRatio, initialSpringVelocity: leftToggleSpringVelocity, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = leftFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = leftFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
Hide right view.
- Parameters:
- animated: Specify true to animate the replacement or false if you do not want the replacement to be animated.
@objc open func hideRightView(animated: Bool) {
if (self.rightViewController != nil) {
delegate?.revealController?(self, willHideRight: self.rightViewController!)
let duration: TimeInterval = animated ? rightToggleAnimationDuration : 0.0
var rightFrame: CGRect = self.rightViewController!.view.frame
if self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
rightFrame.origin.x = view.bounds.size.width
else {
rightFrame.origin.x = view.bounds.size.width - (rightViewRevealWidth) + rightViewRevealDisplacement
rightFrame.size.width = rightViewRevealWidth
var mainFrame: CGRect = self.mainViewController!.view.frame
mainFrame.origin.x = 0
let completion: (() -> Void) = {() -> Void in
self.isRightViewOpen = false
#if os(iOS)
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = false
if self.isLeftViewOpen {
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = true
self.rightViewController?.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
#if os(tvOS)
self.delegate?.revealController?(self, didHideRight: self.rightViewController!)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 7.0) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: rightToggleSpringDampingRatio, initialSpringVelocity: rightToggleSpringVelocity, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = rightFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = rightFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
// MARK: - Private methods
private func _reloadMainShadow() {
let layer: CALayer? = self.mainViewController?.view.layer
layer?.masksToBounds = false
layer?.shadowColor = self.mainViewShadowColor.cgColor
layer?.shadowOpacity = self.mainViewShadowOpacity
layer?.shadowOffset = self.mainViewShadowOffset
layer?.shadowRadius = self.mainViewShadowRadius
private func _reloadLeftShadow() {
if self.leftShadowOpacity != 0.0 {
self.leftViewController?.view.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.0
if self.leftShadowView == nil {
self.leftShadowView = UIView(frame: (self.leftViewController?.view.bounds)!)
self.leftShadowView?.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.leftShadowView?.backgroundColor =
self.leftShadowView?.layer.masksToBounds = false
self.leftShadowView?.layer.shadowColor = self.leftViewShadowColor.cgColor
self.leftShadowView?.layer.shadowOffset = self.leftViewShadowOffset
self.leftShadowView?.layer.shadowOpacity = Float(self.leftViewShadowOpacity)
self.leftShadowView?.layer.shadowRadius = self.leftViewShadowRadius
self.leftViewController?.view.insertSubview(self.leftShadowView!, at: 0)
// Set constraints programmatically, as this view is animatable
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.leftShadowView!, attribute: .trailing, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.leftViewController?.view, attribute: .trailingMargin, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0).isActive = true
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.leftShadowView!, attribute: .top, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.leftViewController?.view, attribute: .topMargin, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0).isActive = true
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.leftShadowView!, attribute: .bottom, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.leftViewController?.view, attribute: .bottomMargin, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0).isActive = true
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.leftShadowView!, attribute: .width, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .notAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 5.0).isActive = true
let layer: CALayer? = self.leftViewController?.view.layer
layer?.masksToBounds = false
layer?.shadowColor = self.leftViewShadowColor.cgColor
layer?.shadowOpacity = Float(self.leftViewShadowOpacity)
layer?.shadowOffset = self.leftViewShadowOffset
layer?.shadowRadius = self.leftViewShadowRadius
private func _reloadRightShadow() {
if self.rightShadowOpacity != 0.0 {
self.rightViewController?.view.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.0
if rightShadowView == nil {
self.rightShadowView = UIView(frame: (self.rightViewController?.view.bounds)!)
self.rightShadowView?.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.rightShadowView?.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
self.rightShadowView?.layer.masksToBounds = false
self.rightShadowView?.layer.shadowColor = self.rightViewShadowColor.cgColor
self.rightShadowView?.layer.shadowOffset = self.rightViewShadowOffset
self.rightShadowView?.layer.shadowOpacity = Float(self.rightViewShadowOpacity)
self.rightShadowView?.layer.shadowRadius = self.rightViewShadowRadius
self.rightViewController?.view.insertSubview(self.rightShadowView!, at: 0)
// Set constraints programmatically, as this view is animatable
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.rightShadowView!, attribute: .leading, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.rightViewController?.view, attribute: .leadingMargin, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0).isActive = true
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.rightShadowView!, attribute: .top, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: self.rightViewController?.view, attribute: .topMargin, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0).isActive = true
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.rightShadowView!, attribute: .bottom, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: rightViewController?.view, attribute: .bottomMargin, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0).isActive = true
NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.rightShadowView!, attribute: .width, relatedBy: .equal, toItem: nil, attribute: .notAnAttribute, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 5.0).isActive = true
let layer: CALayer? = self.rightViewController?.view.layer
layer?.masksToBounds = false
layer?.shadowColor = self.rightViewShadowColor.cgColor
layer?.shadowOpacity = Float(self.rightViewShadowOpacity)
layer?.shadowOffset = self.rightViewShadowOffset
layer?.shadowRadius = self.rightViewShadowRadius
private func _reloadSideBlurEffectStyle(style: Int, forController sideViewController: UIViewController?, forOperation operation:PBRevealControllerOperation) {
if sideViewController == nil {
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 8.0) {
var tableView: UITableView?
if (sideViewController is UINavigationController) {
let nc: UINavigationController? = (sideViewController as? UINavigationController)
tableView = self.tableViewInView((nc?.topViewController?.view)!)
else {
tableView = self.tableViewInView((sideViewController?.view)!)
if style != PBRevealBlurEffectStyle.none.rawValue {
let blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: UIBlurEffectStyle(rawValue: style)!)
let sideEffectView = UIVisualEffectView(effect: blurEffect)
sideEffectView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
#if os(iOS)
let vibrancyEffect = UIVibrancyEffect(blurEffect: blurEffect)
switch operation {
case .replaceLeftController:
self.leftEffectView = sideEffectView
if #available(iOS 10, *) {
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 10.0) {
if self.leftViewShadowOpacity > 0.0 {
self.leftShadowOpacity = self.leftViewShadowOpacity
case .replaceRightController:
self.rightEffectView = sideEffectView
if #available(iOS 10, *) {
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 10.0) {
if self.rightViewShadowOpacity > 0.0 {
self.rightShadowOpacity = self.rightViewShadowOpacity
if tableView != nil {
switch operation {
case .replaceLeftController:
self.leftEffectView?.frame = (tableView?.bounds)!
tableView?.backgroundView = self.leftEffectView
case .replaceRightController:
self.rightEffectView?.frame = (tableView?.bounds)!
tableView?.backgroundView = self.rightEffectView
tableView?.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
#if os(iOS)
tableView?.separatorEffect = vibrancyEffect
else {
var sideView: UIView? = sideViewController?.view
if (sideViewController is UINavigationController) {
let nc: UINavigationController? = (sideViewController as? UINavigationController)
sideView = nc?.topViewController?.view
sideView?.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
switch operation {
case .replaceLeftController:
self.leftEffectView?.frame = (sideView?.bounds)!
case .replaceRightController:
self.rightEffectView?.frame = (sideView?.bounds)!
else {
if tableView != nil {
if ((tableView?.backgroundView) != nil) && (tableView?.backgroundView == self.leftEffectView || tableView?.backgroundView == self.rightEffectView) {
tableView?.backgroundView = nil
#if os(iOS)
tableView?.separatorEffect = nil
else {
switch operation {
case .replaceLeftController:
case .replaceRightController:
switch operation {
case .replaceLeftController:
self.leftEffectView = nil
self.leftShadowOpacity = 0.0
case .replaceRightController:
self.rightEffectView = nil
self.rightShadowOpacity = 0.0
private func _setLeftViewController(leftViewController: UIViewController) {
setLeftViewController(leftViewController, animated: false)
private func _setMainViewController(mainViewController: UIViewController) {
setMainViewController(mainViewController, animated: false)
private func _setRightViewController(rightViewController: UIViewController) {
setRightViewController(rightViewController, animated: false)
private func _swapFromViewController(_ fromViewController: UIViewController, toViewController: UIViewController, operation: PBRevealControllerOperation, animated: Bool) {
let duration: TimeInterval = animated ? replaceViewAnimationDuration : 0.0
if fromViewController != toViewController {
toViewController.view.frame = fromViewController.view.frame
delegate?.revealController?(self, willAdd: toViewController, for: operation, animated: animated)
switch operation {
case .replaceLeftController, .replaceRightController:
self.contentView?.insertSubview(toViewController.view, belowSubview: fromViewController.view)
case .replaceMainController:
self.contentView?.insertSubview(toViewController.view, belowSubview: fromViewController.view)
#if os(iOS)
fromViewController.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
let completion: (() -> Void) = {() -> Void in
toViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
self.delegate?.revealController?(self, didAdd: toViewController, for: operation, animated: animated)
var customBlock: (() -> Void)?
customBlock = delegate?.revealController?(self, blockFor: operation, from: fromViewController, to: toViewController, finalBlock: completion)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 7.0) {
var animator: UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? = nil
animator = delegate?.revealController?(self, animationControllerForTransitionFrom: fromViewController, to: toViewController, for: operation)
if animator != nil {
let transitioningObject = PBContextTransitionObject(revealController: self, containerView: self.contentView!, fromViewController: fromViewController, toViewController: toViewController, completion: completion)
animator?.animateTransition(using: transitioningObject)
if customBlock != nil {
else {
UIView.transition(with: fromViewController.view, duration: duration, options: [.layoutSubviews, .transitionCrossDissolve], animations: {() -> Void in
fromViewController.view.isHidden = true
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
fromViewController.view.isHidden = false
private func _pushFromViewController(_ fromViewController: UIViewController, toViewController: UIViewController, operation: PBRevealControllerOperation, animated: Bool) {
let duration: TimeInterval = animated ? (isLeftViewOpen ? leftToggleAnimationDuration : rightToggleAnimationDuration) : 0.0
if fromViewController == toViewController {
if operation == .pushMainControllerFromLeft {
hideLeftView(animated: true)
if operation == .pushMainControllerFromRight {
hideRightView(animated: true)
toViewController.view.frame = fromViewController.view.frame
delegate?.revealController?(self, willAdd: toViewController, for: operation, animated: animated)
let completion: (() -> Void) = {() -> Void in
toViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
if operation == .pushMainControllerFromLeft {
self.hideLeftView(animated: true)
if operation == .pushMainControllerFromRight {
self.hideRightView(animated: true)
#if os(iOS)
self.delegate?.revealController?(self, didAdd: toViewController, for: operation, animated: animated)
self.contentView?.insertSubview(toViewController.view, belowSubview: fromViewController.view)
fromViewController.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
if self.toggleAnimationType == .none {
else if self.toggleAnimationType == .crossDissolve {
UIView.transition(with: fromViewController.view, duration: duration, options: [.layoutSubviews, .transitionCrossDissolve], animations: {() -> Void in
fromViewController.view.isHidden = true
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
fromViewController.view.isHidden = false
else if self.toggleAnimationType == .pushSideView {
var sideViewController: UIViewController?
var mainFrame: CGRect
var sideFrame: CGRect
sideViewController = (self.isLeftViewOpen ? self.leftViewController : self.rightViewController)
self.contentView?.insertSubview(toViewController.view, aboveSubview: fromViewController.view)
mainFrame = toViewController.view.frame
mainFrame.origin.x = (isLeftViewOpen ? leftViewRevealWidth : -(rightViewRevealWidth))
toViewController.view.frame = mainFrame
mainFrame.origin.x = 0.0
sideFrame = (sideViewController?.view?.frame)!
sideFrame.origin.x = (self.isLeftViewOpen ? -(self.leftViewRevealWidth) : view.bounds.size.width)
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
toViewController.view.frame = mainFrame
sideViewController?.view?.frame = sideFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else if self.toggleAnimationType == .spring {
var sideViewController: UIViewController?
var sidePresentViewOnTop: Bool
var mainFrame: CGRect
var sideFrame: CGRect
sideViewController = (self.isLeftViewOpen ? self.leftViewController : self.rightViewController)
self.contentView?.insertSubview(toViewController.view, aboveSubview: fromViewController.view)
sidePresentViewOnTop = (self.isLeftViewOpen ? self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop : self.isRightPresentViewOnTop)
sideFrame = (sideViewController?.view?.frame)!
sideFrame.origin.x += (self.isLeftViewOpen ? 0.0 : -(self.rightViewRevealOverdraw))
sideFrame.size.width += (self.isLeftViewOpen ? self.leftViewRevealOverdraw : self.rightViewRevealOverdraw)
mainFrame = toViewController.view.frame
mainFrame.origin.x = (self.isLeftViewOpen ? self.leftViewRevealWidth + self.leftViewRevealOverdraw : -(self.rightViewRevealWidth) - self.rightViewRevealOverdraw)
toViewController.view.isHidden = true
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration / 2, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
sideViewController?.view?.frame = sideFrame
if !sidePresentViewOnTop {
fromViewController.view.frame = mainFrame
toViewController.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
toViewController.view.frame = mainFrame
mainFrame.origin.x = 0.0
sideFrame.origin.x = (self.isLeftViewOpen ? -(self.leftViewRevealWidth) : self.view.bounds.size.width)
sideFrame.size.width = (self.isLeftViewOpen ? self.leftViewRevealWidth : self.rightViewRevealWidth)
toViewController.view.isHidden = false
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration / 2, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
sideViewController?.view?.frame = sideFrame
toViewController.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else if self.toggleAnimationType == .custom {
var customAnimation: (() -> Void)?
customAnimation = delegate?.revealController?(self, animationBlockFor: operation, from: fromViewController, to: toViewController)
var customCompletion: (() -> Void)?
customCompletion = delegate?.revealController?(self, completionBlockFor: operation, from: fromViewController, to: toViewController)
var customBlock: (() -> Void)?
customBlock = delegate?.revealController?(self, blockFor: operation, from: fromViewController, to: toViewController, finalBlock: completion)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 7.0) {
var animator: UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? = nil
animator = delegate?.revealController?(self, animationControllerForTransitionFrom: fromViewController, to: toViewController, for: operation)
if animator != nil {
let transitioningObject = PBContextTransitionObject(revealController: self, containerView: self.contentView!, fromViewController: fromViewController, toViewController: toViewController, completion: completion)
animator?.animateTransition(using: transitioningObject)
if customBlock != nil {
else if customAnimation != nil {
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
if (customCompletion != nil) {
// MARK: - Gesture Recognizer
#if os(tvOS)
@objc open func _tvOSLeftRevealButton() -> UIButton {
if self.tvOSLeftRevealButton == nil {
self.tvOSLeftRevealButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: 10.0, height: self.view.bounds.size.height))
self.tvOSLeftRevealButton?.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
return self.tvOSLeftRevealButton!
@objc open func _tvOSRightRevealButton() -> UIButton {
if self.tvOSRightRevealButton == nil {
self.tvOSRightRevealButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: self.view.bounds.size.width - 10.0, y: 0.0, width: 10.0, height: self.view.bounds.size.height))
self.tvOSRightRevealButton?.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
return self.tvOSRightRevealButton!
@objc open func _tvOSLeftSwipeGestureRecognizer() -> UISwipeGestureRecognizer {
if self.tvOSLeftSwipeGestureRecognizer == nil {
self.tvOSLeftSwipeGestureRecognizer = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self._handleLeftSwipeGesture))
self.tvOSLeftSwipeGestureRecognizer?.direction = .left
return self.tvOSLeftSwipeGestureRecognizer!
@objc open func _tvOSRightSwipeGestureRecognizer() -> UISwipeGestureRecognizer {
if self.tvOSRightSwipeGestureRecognizer == nil {
self.tvOSRightSwipeGestureRecognizer = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self._handleRightSwipeGesture))
self.tvOSRightSwipeGestureRecognizer?.direction = .right
return self.tvOSRightSwipeGestureRecognizer!
private func _tapGestureRecognizer() -> UITapGestureRecognizer {
//#if os(iOS)
if self.tapGestureRecognizer == nil {
self.tapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self._handleTapGesture(_:)))
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = false
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.delegate = self
return self.tapGestureRecognizer!
private func _panGestureRecognizer() -> UIPanGestureRecognizer {
//#if os(iOS)
if self.panGestureRecognizer == nil {
self.panGestureRecognizer = PBRevealViewControllerPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self._handlePanGesture(_:)))
self.panGestureRecognizer?.delegate = self
self.leftViewController?.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
self.rightViewController?.willMove(toParentViewController: nil)
return self.panGestureRecognizer!
// MARK: - Gesture Delegate
public func gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(_ recognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
if recognizer == self.tapGestureRecognizer {
if delegate?.revealControllerTapGestureShouldBegin?(self) == false {
return false
if recognizer == self.panGestureRecognizer {
let velocity: CGFloat = (self.panGestureRecognizer?.velocity(in: self.contentView).x)!
if (delegate?.revealControllerPanGestureShouldBegin?(self, direction: velocity > 0.0 ? .right : .left)) == false {
return false
/* Allow pan gesture for closing left or right view
if (_isLeftViewOpen || _isRightViewOpen) {
return NO;
let point: CGPoint = recognizer.location(in: recognizer.view)
if self.panFromLeftBorderWidth > 0.0 && !isLeftViewOpen && velocity > 0.0 && point.x > self.panFromLeftBorderWidth {
return false
if self.panFromRightBorderWidth > 0.0 && !isRightViewOpen && velocity < 0.0 && point.x < ((recognizer.view?.bounds.size.width)! - self.panFromRightBorderWidth) {
return false
return true
public func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
if gestureRecognizer == self.panGestureRecognizer {
let velocity: CGFloat = (self.panGestureRecognizer?.velocity(in: self.contentView).x)!
if delegate?.revealController?(self, panGestureRecognizerShouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: otherGestureRecognizer, direction: velocity > 0.0 ? .right : .left) == true {
return true
if gestureRecognizer == self.tapGestureRecognizer {
if delegate?.revealController?(self, tapGestureRecognizerShouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: otherGestureRecognizer) == true {
return true
return false
private func _moveLeftView(toPosition position: CGFloat) {
if (self.leftViewController != nil) {
if !self.childViewControllers.contains(self.leftViewController!) {
var frame: CGRect = self.leftViewController!.view.frame
if self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
frame.origin.x = -(self.leftViewRevealWidth)
frame.size.width = self.leftViewRevealWidth
else {
frame.origin.x = -(self.leftViewRevealDisplacement)
frame.size.width = self.leftViewRevealWidth
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = frame
if self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
else {
self.contentView?.insertSubview((self.leftViewController?.view)!, belowSubview: (self.mainViewController?.view)!)
self.leftViewController?.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
var leftFrame: CGRect = self.leftViewController!.view.frame
var mainFrame: CGRect = self.mainViewController!.view.frame
if position <= 0 {
hideLeftView(animated: true)
self.panGestureRecognizer?.state = .cancelled
else if position < self.leftViewRevealWidth {
if self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
leftFrame.origin.x = -(self.leftViewRevealWidth) + position
else {
leftFrame.origin.x = -(self.leftViewRevealDisplacement - (position * self.leftViewRevealDisplacement / self.leftViewRevealWidth))
mainFrame.origin.x = position
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = leftFrame
else {
delegate?.revealController?(self, willShowLeft: self.leftViewController!)
self.isLeftViewOpen = true
#if os(iOS)
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = true
leftFrame.origin.x = 0.0
leftFrame.size.width = self.leftViewRevealWidth
if !self.isLeftPresentViewOnTop {
mainFrame.origin.x = self.leftViewRevealWidth
let completion: (() -> Void) = {() -> Void in
self.delegate?.revealController?(self, didShowLeft: self.leftViewController!)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 7.0) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: leftToggleAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: leftToggleSpringDampingRatio, initialSpringVelocity: leftToggleSpringVelocity, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = leftFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: leftToggleAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = leftFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
private func _moveRightView(toPosition position: CGFloat) {
if (self.rightViewController != nil) {
if !self.childViewControllers.contains(self.rightViewController!) {
var frame: CGRect = self.rightViewController!.view.frame
if self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
frame.origin.x = view.bounds.size.width
frame.size.width = self.rightViewRevealWidth
else {
frame.origin.x = view.bounds.size.width - self.rightViewRevealWidth + self.rightViewRevealDisplacement
frame.size.width = self.rightViewRevealWidth
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = frame
if self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
else {
self.contentView?.insertSubview((rightViewController?.view)!, belowSubview: (mainViewController?.view)!)
self.rightViewController?.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
var rightFrame: CGRect = self.rightViewController!.view.frame
var mainFrame: CGRect = self.mainViewController!.view.frame
if position >= 0 {
hideRightView(animated: true)
self.panGestureRecognizer?.state = .cancelled
else if abs(position) < self.rightViewRevealWidth {
if self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
rightFrame.origin.x = self.view.bounds.size.width - abs(position)
else {
let displacement: CGFloat = self.rightViewRevealDisplacement - (abs(position) * self.rightViewRevealDisplacement / self.rightViewRevealWidth)
rightFrame.origin.x = self.view.bounds.size.width - self.rightViewRevealWidth + displacement
mainFrame.origin.x = position
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = rightFrame
else {
delegate?.revealController?(self, willShowRight: self.rightViewController!)
self.isRightViewOpen = true
#if os(iOS)
self.tapGestureRecognizer?.cancelsTouchesInView = true
rightFrame.origin.x = view.bounds.size.width - self.rightViewRevealWidth
rightFrame.size.width = self.rightViewRevealWidth
if !self.isRightPresentViewOnTop {
mainFrame.origin.x = -(self.rightViewRevealWidth)
let completion: (() -> Void) = {() -> Void in
self.delegate?.revealController?(self, didShowRight: self.rightViewController!)
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) >= 7.0) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: self.rightToggleAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, usingSpringWithDamping: self.rightToggleSpringDampingRatio, initialSpringVelocity: self.rightToggleSpringVelocity, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = rightFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
else {
UIView.animate(withDuration: self.rightToggleAnimationDuration, delay: 0.0, options: .layoutSubviews, animations: {() -> Void in
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = rightFrame
self.mainViewController?.view.frame = mainFrame
}, completion: {(_ finished: Bool) -> Void in
// MARK: - UserInteractionEnabling
private func disableUserInteraction() {
self.contentView?.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
private func restoreUserInteraction() {
// we use the stored userInteraction state just in case a developer decided to have our view interaction disabled before handle
self.contentView?.isUserInteractionEnabled = isUserInteractionStore
// MARK: - Presse button Handle (tvOS)
#if os(tvOS)
override open func pressesBegan(_ presses: Set<UIPress>, with event: UIPressesEvent?) {
for item: UIPress in presses {
if item.type == .menu {
if !isPressTypeMenuAllowed {
super.pressesBegan(presses, with: event)
if isLeftViewOpen {
super.pressesBegan(presses, with: event)
else if item.type == .playPause {
if !isPressTypePlayPauseAllowed {
super.pressesBegan(presses, with: event)
else {
super.pressesBegan(presses, with: event)
override open func pressesEnded(_ presses: Set<UIPress>, with event: UIPressesEvent?) {
for item: UIPress in presses {
if item.type == .menu {
if !isPressTypeMenuAllowed {
super.pressesEnded(presses, with: event)
if isLeftViewOpen {
super.pressesEnded(presses, with: event)
else {
else if item.type == .playPause {
if !isPressTypePlayPauseAllowed {
super.pressesEnded(presses, with: event)
if isLeftViewOpen {
hideLeftView(animated: true)
else {
else {
super.pressesEnded(presses, with: event)
// MARK: - Focus environment protocol (tvOS)
#if os(tvOS)
override open var preferredFocusEnvironments: [UIFocusEnvironment] {
if self.isLeftViewOpen {
if tvOSLeftPreferredFocusedView != nil {
return [tvOSLeftPreferredFocusedView!]
return [leftViewController!.view]
if self.isRightViewOpen {
if tvOSRightPreferredFocusedView != nil {
return [tvOSRightPreferredFocusedView!]
return [rightViewController!.view]
if tvOSMainPreferredFocusedView != nil {
return [tvOSMainPreferredFocusedView!]
return [];
override open func shouldUpdateFocus(in context: UIFocusUpdateContext) -> Bool {
return super.shouldUpdateFocus(in: context)
override open func didUpdateFocus(in context: UIFocusUpdateContext, with coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) {
if (tvOSLeftRevealButton != nil && context.nextFocusedView == tvOSLeftRevealButton) {
tvOSMainPreferredFocusedView = context.previouslyFocusedView
if (tvOSRightRevealButton != nil && context.nextFocusedView == tvOSRightRevealButton) {
tvOSMainPreferredFocusedView = context.previouslyFocusedView
super.didUpdateFocus(in: context, with: coordinator)
// MARK: - Gesture Handle
#if os(tvOS)
@objc private func _handleLeftSwipeGesture(_ recognizer: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) {
if isRightViewOpen {
hideRightView(animated: true)
@objc private func _handleRightSwipeGesture(_ recognizer: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) {
if isLeftViewOpen {
hideLeftView(animated: true)
@objc private func _handleTapGesture(_ recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
if isLeftViewOpen {
hideLeftView(animated: true)
if isRightViewOpen {
hideRightView(animated: true)
@objc private func _handlePanGesture(_ recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let position: CGFloat = recognizer.translation(in: self.contentView).x
let velocity: CGFloat = recognizer.velocity(in: self.contentView).x
switch recognizer.state {
case .began:
if velocity > 0 && self.isLeftViewOpen {
self.panGestureRecognizer?.state = .cancelled
if velocity < 0 && self.isRightViewOpen {
self.panGestureRecognizer?.state = .cancelled
if velocity > 0 {
if self.isRightViewOpen {
self.isRightViewDragging = true
else {
self.isLeftViewDragging = true
else if velocity < 0 {
if self.isLeftViewOpen {
self.isLeftViewDragging = true
else {
self.isRightViewDragging = true
if self.isLeftViewDragging {
self.panBaseLocation = 0.0
if self.isLeftViewOpen {
self.panBaseLocation = self.leftViewRevealWidth
if self.isRightViewDragging {
self.panBaseLocation = 0.0
if self.isRightViewOpen {
self.panBaseLocation = -(self.rightViewRevealWidth)
self.isLeftViewOpen = false
self.isRightViewOpen = false
if abs(velocity) > self.swipeVelocity {
if self.isLeftViewDragging && !self.isArabicSelected(){
_moveLeftView(toPosition: self.panBaseLocation > 0.0 ? 0.0 : self.leftViewRevealWidth)
else if self.isArabicSelected() {
if self.isRightViewDragging {
_moveRightView(toPosition: self.panBaseLocation < 0.0 ? self.view.bounds.size.width : -(self.rightViewRevealWidth))
case .changed:
if self.isLeftViewOpen || self.isRightViewOpen {
self.panGestureRecognizer?.state = .cancelled
if self.isLeftViewDragging && !self.isArabicSelected() {
let xLocation: CGFloat = self.panBaseLocation + position
_moveLeftView(toPosition: xLocation)
else if self.isArabicSelected() {
let xLocation: CGFloat = self.panBaseLocation + position
_moveRightView(toPosition: xLocation)
case .ended:
if self.isLeftViewOpen || self.isRightViewOpen {
let xLocation: CGFloat = self.panBaseLocation + position
if self.isLeftViewDragging && !self.isArabicSelected() {
if xLocation > (self.leftViewRevealWidth * 0.50) {
_moveLeftView(toPosition: self.leftViewRevealWidth)
else {
hideLeftView(animated: true)
else if self.isArabicSelected() {
if abs(xLocation) > (self.rightViewRevealWidth * 0.50) {
_moveRightView(toPosition: -(self.rightViewRevealWidth))
else {
hideRightView(animated: true)
case .cancelled:
func isArabicSelected() -> Bool {
guard let languageSelected = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "CURRENT_APP_LANGUAGE_CODE") as? String else {
return false
return languageSelected == "ar"
// MARK: - Gesture Handle Delegate call methods
private func notifyPanGestureBegan(_ position: CGFloat) {
let velocity: CGFloat = (self.panGestureRecognizer?.velocity(in: self.contentView).x)!
delegate?.revealControllerPanGestureBegan?(self, direction: velocity > 0.0 ? .right : .left)
private func notifyPanGestureMoved(_ position: CGFloat) {
let velocity: CGFloat = (self.panGestureRecognizer?.velocity(in: self.contentView).x)!
delegate?.revealControllerPanGestureMoved?(self, direction: velocity > 0.0 ? .right : .left)
private func notifyPanGestureEnded(_ position: CGFloat) {
self.isLeftViewDragging = false
self.isRightViewDragging = false
let velocity: CGFloat = (panGestureRecognizer?.velocity(in: self.contentView).x)!
delegate?.revealControllerPanGestureEnded?(self, direction: velocity > 0.0 ? .right : .left)
// MARK: - Adjusts frames
private func adjustsFrameForController(_ sideViewController: UIViewController) -> CGRect {
let barHeight = navigationBar.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: CGFloat(100), height: CGFloat(100))).height
var frame: CGRect = sideViewController.view.frame
if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) < 7.0) {
frame.origin.y = barHeight
frame.size.height = view.bounds.size.height - barHeight
else {
#if os(iOS)
let statusBarIsHidden: Bool = UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height == 0.0
let statusBarIsHidden: Bool = true
frame.origin.y = barHeight + (statusBarIsHidden ? 0 : 20)
frame.size.height = view.frame.size.height - barHeight - (statusBarIsHidden ? 0 : 20)
return frame
// MARK: - Override rotation
private func viewWillTransitionToSize(_ size: CGSize) {
var frame: CGRect
if self.leftViewController != nil {
if self.isLeftPresentViewHierarchically {
frame = adjustsFrameForController(self.leftViewController!)
else {
frame = (self.leftViewController?.view.frame)!
frame.size.height = size.height
frame.size.width = leftViewRevealWidth
self.leftViewController?.view.frame = frame
if self.rightViewController != nil {
if self.isRightPresentViewHierarchically {
frame = adjustsFrameForController(self.rightViewController!)
else {
frame = (self.rightViewController?.view.frame)!
frame.size.height = size.height
frame.origin.x = size.width
if isRightViewOpen {
frame.origin.x = size.width - rightViewRevealWidth
frame.size.width = rightViewRevealWidth
self.rightViewController?.view.frame = frame
// MARK: - Override rotation
override open func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
coordinator.animate(alongsideTransition: {(_ context: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext) -> Void in
}, completion: {(_ context: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinatorContext) -> Void in
super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)
// iOS < 8.0
override func shouldAutorotate() -> Bool {
return true
override var supportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
return .allButUpsideDown
override func willAnimateRotation(toInterfaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation, duration: TimeInterval) {
viewWillTransition(to: view.bounds.size)
// MARK: - Helpers
private func tableViewInView(_ view: UIView) -> UITableView? {
if (view is UITableView) {
return (view as? UITableView)!
for subview: UIView in view.subviews {
if (subview is UITableView) {
return (subview as? UITableView)!
if subview.subviews.count > 0 {
_ = tableViewInView(subview)
return nil
// MARK: - PBRevealViewControllerPanGestureRecognizer
private class PBRevealViewControllerPanGestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer {
private var dragging: Bool = false
private var beginPoint =
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent) {
super.touchesBegan(touches, with: event)
let touch: UITouch? = touches.first
self.beginPoint = (touch?.location(in: view))!
self.dragging = false
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent) {
super.touchesMoved(touches, with: event)
if self.dragging || state == .failed {
let kDirectionPanThreshold: CGFloat = 5
let touch: UITouch? = touches.first
let nowPoint: CGPoint? = touch?.location(in: view)
if abs((nowPoint?.x)! - beginPoint.x) > kDirectionPanThreshold {
self.dragging = true
else if abs((nowPoint?.y)! - beginPoint.y) > kDirectionPanThreshold {
self.state = .failed
// MARK: - PBContextTransitioningObject
private class PBContextTransitionObject: NSObject, UIViewControllerContextTransitioning {
internal var containerView: UIView
internal var presentationStyle: UIModalPresentationStyle = .none
internal var transitionWasCancelled: Bool = false
internal var targetTransform: CGAffineTransform = .identity
internal var isAnimated: Bool = true
internal var isInteractive: Bool = false
weak internal var revealController: PBRevealViewController?
internal var toViewController: UIViewController?
internal var fromViewController: UIViewController?
internal var completion: (() -> Void)? = nil
init(revealController: PBRevealViewController, containerView: UIView, fromViewController: UIViewController, toViewController: UIViewController, completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.revealController = revealController
self.containerView = containerView
self.fromViewController = fromViewController
self.toViewController = toViewController
self.completion = completion
func updateInteractiveTransition(_ percentComplete: CGFloat) {
// not supported
func pauseInteractiveTransition() {
// not supported
func finishInteractiveTransition() {
// not supported
func cancelInteractiveTransition() {
// not supported
func completeTransition(_ didComplete: Bool) {
func viewController(forKey key: UITransitionContextViewControllerKey) -> UIViewController? {
if (key == .from) {
return fromViewController!
else if (key == .to) {
return toViewController!
else {
return nil
func view(forKey key: UITransitionContextViewKey) -> UIView? {
return nil;
func initialFrame(for vc: UIViewController) -> CGRect {
return vc.view.frame
func finalFrame(for vc: UIViewController) -> CGRect {
return vc.view.frame
// MARK: - PBRevealView Class
private class PBRevealView: UIView {
weak var revealController: PBRevealViewController?
init(frame: CGRect, controller revealController: PBRevealViewController) {
super.init(frame: frame)
self.revealController = revealController
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
let isInside: Bool = super.point(inside: point, with: event)
if isInside {
revealController?.tapGestureRecognizer?.isEnabled = true
if (revealController?.isLeftViewOpen)! && point.x < (revealController?.leftViewRevealWidth)! {
revealController?.tapGestureRecognizer?.isEnabled = false
if (revealController?.isRightViewOpen)! && point.x > (bounds.size.width - (revealController?.rightViewRevealWidth)!) {
revealController?.tapGestureRecognizer?.isEnabled = false
return true
return false
// MARK: - UIViewController extension
private extension UIViewController {
// An extension of UIViewController to check if a segue exist (TODO: Apple rejected?).
func canPerformSegue(id: String) -> Bool {
let segues = self.value(forKey: "storyboardSegueTemplates") as? [NSObject]
guard let filtered = segues?.filter({ $0.value(forKey: "identifier") as? String == id })
else {
return false
return (filtered.count > 0)
// An extension of UIViewController to perform a segue if exist (TODO: Apple rejected?).
func performSegue(id: String, sender: AnyObject?) {
if canPerformSegue(id: id) {
self.performSegue(withIdentifier: id, sender: sender)
public extension UIViewController {
// An extension of UIViewController to let childViewControllers easily access their parent PBRevealViewController.
func revealViewController() -> PBRevealViewController? {
var viewController: UIViewController? = self
if viewController != nil && viewController is PBRevealViewController {
return viewController! as? PBRevealViewController
while (!(viewController is PBRevealViewController) && viewController?.parent != nil) {
viewController = viewController?.parent
if viewController is PBRevealViewController {
return viewController as? PBRevealViewController
return nil
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