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Last active August 29, 2015 17:35
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  • Save abhin4v/24250 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save abhin4v/24250 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Provides an ubiquity command: "lyrics", to find the lyrics for a song. Type the song in the form "Song <by> Artist". Provides suggestions as you type. Uses API for fetching lyrics and webservices API for providing suggestions.
* Author: Abhinav Sarkar <>
* License: MPL 1.1
* Provides an ubiquity command: "lyrics", to find the lyrics for a song.
* Usage: Type the song in the form "Song <by> Artist". Provides suggestions as you type.
* Uses API for fetching lyrics and webservices API for
* providing suggestions.
var noun_type_song = {
_name: "song",
_suggestions: [],
suggest: function(text, html, callback) {
track = parseTrack(text);
var baseUrl = "";
var params = {
if (track['artist'] != null && track['artist'] != "")
params['artist'] = track['artist'];
jQuery.get(baseUrl, params, function(xml) {
suggestions = [];
jQuery(xml).find("trackmatches>track").each(function() {
that = this;
[song, artist] =['name', 'artist'], function(item) {
return jQuery.trim(jQuery(that).find(item)[0].textContent);
//CmdUtils.log(artist + " - " + song);
suggestion = {'song': song, 'artist': artist};
noun_type_song._suggestions = suggestions;
goodSuggestions =, function(suggestion) {
track = suggestion['song'] + " by " + suggestion['artist'];
return (track.match(text, "i")) ? CmdUtils.makeSugg(track) : null;
}).slice(0, 3);
return (goodSuggestions.length > 0) ? goodSuggestions : [CmdUtils.makeSugg(text)];
function processLyrics(track, callback) {
var baseUrl = "";
var params = {artist: track['artist'], song: track['song'], fmt: "json"};
jQuery.getJSON(baseUrl, params, callback);
function parseTrack(track) {
track = jQuery.trim(track);
if (track.lastIndexOf("by") != -1) {
var song = jQuery.trim(track.substr(0, track.lastIndexOf("by")));
var artist = jQuery.trim(track.substr(track.lastIndexOf("by")+2));
return {'song': song, 'artist': artist};
} else
return {'song': track, 'artist': ""};
name: "lyrics",
author: {name: "Abhinav Sarkar", email: ""},
license: "MPL",
description: "Shows the lyrics for a song.",
help: "Type the song in the form \"Song <by> Artist\". Provides suggestions as you type.",
takes: {track: noun_type_song},
preview: function(pblock, track) {
track = parseTrack(track.text)
song = track['song'];
artist = track['artist'];
if (song.length < 1 || artist.length < 1) {
pblock.innerHTML = "Searches for lyrics of the song";
processLyrics(track, function(json) {
lyricsTemplate = "<b>${artist}</b> - <b>${song}</b><br/><pre style='overflow-y:auto;max-height:500px'>${lyrics}</pre>";
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(lyricsTemplate, json);
execute: function(track) {
track = parseTrack(track.text)
processLyrics(track, function(json) {
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