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Created September 1, 2010 17:56
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  • Save abhin4v/561076 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save abhin4v/561076 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates a JDialog to take the input of username and password from the user.
(defn create-auth-input-dialog
"Creates a JDialog to take the input of username and password from the user.
Returns the dialog.
Arguments are:
parent: the parent frame
dialog-title: the title of the dialog
dialog-message: the message shown in the dialog
dialog-width : the width of the dialog
dialog-height: the height of the dialog
username-lbl-text: the text shown on the username label
password-lbl-text: the text shown on the password label
input-field-size: the size of the username and password input fields
ok-btn-text: the text shown on the ok button
cancel-btn-text: the text shown on the cancel button
validation-fn: a function which is called to validate the user input when
the user presses the ok button.
the function is called with arguments: username, password, this dialog.
if the function return a string, it is shown on the dialog as the error
message and the dialog remains visible. otherwise ok-fn is called.
ok-fn: a function which is called when the user presses ok button and the
input is valid as per the call to validation-fn.
the function is called with arguments: username, password, this dialog.
the dialog is hidden before the call.
cancel-fn: a function which is called when the user presses cancel button.
the function is called with arguments: this dialog.
the dialog is hidden before the call.
[^JFrame parent
^String dialog-title ^String dialog-message dialog-width dialog-height
^String username-lbl-text ^String password-lbl-text input-field-size
^String ok-btn-text ^String cancel-btn-text
validation-fn ok-fn cancel-fn]
(let [username-input (JTextField. (int input-field-size))
password-input (JPasswordField. (int input-field-size))
validation-msg-lbl (JLabel. " ")
ok-btn (JButton. ok-btn-text)
cancel-btn (JButton. cancel-btn-text)
dialog (JDialog. parent dialog-title true)]
(doseq [^JTextField in [username-input password-input]]
(.addKeyListener in
(proxy [KeyAdapter] []
(keyTyped [^KeyEvent e]
(when (= (.getKeyChar e) \newline)
(.doClick ok-btn)))
(keyPressed [^KeyEvent e]
(when (= (.getKeyCode e) KeyEvent/VK_ESCAPE)
(.doClick cancel-btn))))))
(doto dialog
(.setDefaultCloseOperation JDialog/DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE)
(miglayout (JPanel.)
:layout {:wrap 2}
(JLabel. dialog-message) {:span 2}
(JLabel. username-lbl-text) username-input
(JLabel. password-lbl-text) password-input
validation-msg-lbl {:span 2 :align "center"}
(miglayout (JPanel.)
(doto ok-btn
(fn [e]
(let [username (.getText username-input)
password (.getText password-input)]
(if-let [validation-msg
(validation-fn username password dialog)]
(.setText validation-msg-lbl validation-msg)
(do (.setText validation-msg-lbl " ")
(.setVisible dialog false)
(ok-fn username password dialog)))))))
(doto cancel-btn
(fn [e]
(.setVisible dialog false)
(cancel-fn dialog)))))
{:span 2 :align "center"}))
(.setSize dialog-width dialog-height))))
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