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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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A Treap implementation in Haskell with QuickCheck tests
module Treap
( Treap (..)
, empty
, null
, insert
, delete
, member
, size
, rInsert
, rFromList
, toList
) where
import Prelude hiding (null)
import System.Random
import System.Environment
-- | A Treap ( is a data structure with is both a binary search
-- tree and a heap.
-- Every node in a treap has a value and a priority. The nodes form a BST over the values
-- and a heap over the priorities.
-- If the priorities are random numbers generated from a uniform distribution then the resulting
-- treap is balanced.
-- This treap implementation uses a max heap and keeps only unique elements.
data Treap k = Empty | Node !Int !k !(Treap k) !(Treap k) deriving (Eq)
instance (Show k) => Show (Treap k) where
show Empty = "X"
show (Node _ key left right) = show key ++ " [" ++ show left ++ " " ++ show right ++ "]"
-- | Creates an empty treap
empty :: (Ord k) => Treap k
empty = Empty
-- | Checks if a treap is empty
null :: (Ord k) => Treap k -> Bool
null Empty = True
null _ = False
priority :: Treap k -> Int
priority Empty = minBound
priority (Node p _ _ _) = p
rotateLeft :: Treap k -> Treap k
rotateLeft (Node p k l (Node rp rk rl rr)) = Node rp rk (Node p k l rl) rr
rotateLeft _ = error "Wrong rotation (rotateLeft)"
rotateRight :: Treap k -> Treap k
rotateRight (Node p k (Node lp lk ll lr) r) = Node lp lk ll (Node p k lr r)
rotateRight _ = error "Wrong rotation (rotateRight)"
-- | Inserts a key in a treap using a given priority
insert :: (Ord k)
=> k -- ^ key to insert
-> Int -- ^ priority of the key
-> Treap k -- ^ treap to insert in
-> Treap k -- ^ resulting treap
insert key prio Empty = Node prio key Empty Empty
insert key prio t@(Node p k l r)
| key < k = rotate $ Node p k (insert key prio l) r
| key > k = rotate $ Node p k l (insert key prio r)
| otherwise = t
rotate Empty = Empty
rotate t@(Node p _ l r)
| p < priority l = rotateRight t
| p < priority r = rotateLeft t
| otherwise = t
-- | Deletes a key from a treap
delete :: (Ord k)
=> k -- ^ key to delete
-> Treap k -- ^ treap to delete from
-> Treap k -- ^ resulting treap
delete _ Empty = Empty
delete key t@(Node p k l r)
| key < k = Node p k (delete key l) r
| key > k = Node p k l (delete key r)
| otherwise = delRoot t
delRoot Empty = Empty
delRoot (Node _ _ Empty Empty) = Empty
delRoot t@(Node _ _ l r)
| priority l < priority r = let (Node p k l' r') = rotateLeft t in Node p k (delRoot l') r'
| otherwise = let (Node p k l' r') = rotateRight t in Node p k l' (delRoot r')
-- | Checks if a given key exists in a treap
member :: (Ord k)
=> k -- ^ key to check
-> Treap k -- ^ treap to check in
-> Bool
member _ Empty = False
member key (Node _ k l r)
| key == k = True
| key < k = member key l
| otherwise = member key r
-- | Returns the size of a treap
size :: Treap k -> Int
size Empty = 0
size (Node _ _ l r) = 1 + size l + size r
-- | Inserts a key in a treap with a random priority
rInsert :: (Ord k, RandomGen g)
=> k -- ^ key to insert
-> g -- ^ a random generator
-> Treap k -- ^ treap to insert in
-> (Treap k, g) -- ^ pair of the resulting treap and the next random generator
rInsert key gen tree = let (prio, gen') = random gen in (insert key prio tree, gen')
-- | Inserts a list of keys in a treap with random priorities
rFromList :: (Ord k, RandomGen g)
=> [k] -- ^ keys to insert
-> g -- ^ a random generator
-> (Treap k, g) -- ^ pair of the resulting treap and the next random generator
rFromList keys gen = foldl (\(t, g) k -> rInsert k g t) (empty, gen) keys
-- | Returns a list of all keys in the treap in ascending order
toList :: (Ord k) => Treap k -> [k]
toList Empty = []
toList (Node _ k l r) = toList l ++ [k] ++ toList r
-- Count unique words in a file using a treap
countUniqueWords :: FilePath -> IO Int
countUniqueWords fileName = do
wrds <- fmap words $ readFile fileName
gen <- newStdGen
let (tree, _) = rFromList wrds gen
return $ size tree
-- main
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
count <- countUniqueWords (head args)
putStrLn $ "Unique word count = " ++ show count
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- Tests for Treap. Run with: runhaskell TreapTest.hs -a 1000 --fail-fast
module TreapTest where
import Treap
import Control.Monad (liftM4)
import System.Random
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Arbitarty instance for Treap
instance (Ord a, Arbitrary a, Num a, Random a) => Arbitrary (Treap a) where
arbitrary = gen 0 1000 maxBound where
gen min max _ | (max - min) <= 3 = return Empty
gen min max prio =
if prio < 0
then return Empty
else do
elt <- choose (min, max)
p <- choose (0, prio)
frequency [ (1, return Empty)
, (6, liftM4 Node (return p) (return elt)
(gen min (elt - 1) (p - 1)) (gen (elt + 1) max (p - 1)))]
newtype BoundedInt = BoundedInt Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Num)
instance Show BoundedInt where
show (BoundedInt x) = show x
instance Random BoundedInt where
randomR (BoundedInt lo, BoundedInt hi) g =
let (a, g') = randomR (lo, hi) g in (BoundedInt a, g')
random g = let (a, g') = random g in (BoundedInt a, g')
instance Arbitrary BoundedInt where
arbitrary = fmap BoundedInt $ choose (0, 100)
isBST :: (Ord k) => Treap k -> Bool
isBST Empty = True
isBST (Node _ _ Empty Empty) = True
isBST (Node _ k l@(Node _ lk _ _) Empty) = lk < k && isBST l
isBST (Node _ k Empty r@(Node _ rk _ _)) = k < rk && isBST r
isBST (Node _ k l@(Node _ lk _ _) r@(Node _ rk _ _)) = lk < k && k < rk && isBST l && isBST r
isHeap :: Treap k -> Bool
isHeap Empty = True
isHeap (Node _ _ Empty Empty) = True
isHeap (Node p _ l@(Node lp _ _ _) Empty) = p >= lp && isHeap l
isHeap (Node p _ Empty r@(Node rp _ _ _)) = p >= rp && isHeap r
isHeap (Node p _ l@(Node lp _ _ _) r@(Node rp _ _ _)) = p >= lp && p >= rp && isHeap l && isHeap r
isTreap :: (Ord k) => Treap k -> Bool
isTreap t = isBST t && isHeap t
isAscUniq :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool
isAscUniq [] = True
isAscUniq [_] = True
isAscUniq (x:y:ys) = x < y && isAscUniq (y:ys)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "empty" $
it "is a valid Treap" $
property $ isTreap (empty :: Treap Int)
describe "insert" $ do
it "preserves a valid Treap" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) p -> isTreap t && isTreap (insert x p t)
it "adds the element if it is not present in the tree" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) p -> not (x `member` t) ==> member x (insert x p t)
it "does not change the elements in the tree if the element is present in the tree" $
property $ \t (BoundedInt x) p -> x `member` t ==> toList (insert x p t) == toList t
it "increases size by one if the element is not present in the tree" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) p -> not (x `member` t) ==> size (insert x p t) == size t + 1
it "does not remove a present element" $
property $ \t (BoundedInt x) (y :: Int) p -> x `member` t ==> x `member` insert y p t
describe "delete" $ do
it "preserves a valid Treap" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) -> isTreap t && isTreap (delete x t)
it "removes an element if it is present in the tree" $
property $ \t (BoundedInt x) -> x `member` t ==> not (member x (delete x t))
it "does not change the tree if the element is not present in the tree" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) -> not (x `member` t) ==> delete x t == t
it "decreases size by one if the element is present in the tree" $
property $ \t (BoundedInt x) -> x `member` t ==> size (delete x t) == size t - 1
it "does not insert an absent element" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) (y :: Int) -> not (x `member` t) ==> not (x `member` delete y t)
describe "member" $ do
it "returns true for an element inserted into the tree" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) p -> member x $ insert x p t
it "returns false for an element deleted from the tree" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) -> not $ member x $ delete x t
describe "insert after delete for a present element" $
it "does not change the elements in the tree" $
property $ \t (BoundedInt x) p -> x `member` t ==> toList (insert x p (delete x t)) == toList t
describe "delete after insert for an absent element" $
it "does not change the tree" $
property $ \t (x :: Int) p -> not (x `member` t) ==> delete x (insert x p t) == t
describe "size" $
it "is same as the size of list of elements in the tree" $
property $ \(t :: Treap Int) -> size t == length (toList t)
describe "toList" $
it "produces an ascending list of unique elements" $
property $ \(t :: Treap Int) -> isAscUniq $ toList t
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