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Created May 15, 2018 02:46
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Running different Jenkins for different environments leads to use case where Jenkins jobs are imported from one environment to another. And since jenkins slaves might have different labels/names in different environments, we need to ensure lables are correct for each job
# Author: Abhinav Kumar
# About: Script to check
# - if Jenkins is using valid and allowed slave labels only.
# - if jobs are configured to run on slaves with labels which are node names.
# change IFS for the course of this script
# make sure /usr/bin is in PATH.
predefined_node_name_array=('build' 'mobile' 'docker' 'node' 'perl')
# find all nodes in jenkins
jenkins_allnodes_details_json="`curl -f --silent http://${jenkins_user}:${jenkins_pass}@localhost:8080/jenkins/computer/api/json`"
if [ "$?" -ne '0' ]; then echo "unable to get node details from Jenkins"; exit 1; fi
# if there is only one node for this jenkins setup, no need to proceed further, even if the jobs are labeled with wrong node name.
# The node names will not even come into picture until there are multiple nodes in jenkins cluster.
# in this case, just print everything is good and exit with zero status code. Me happy, BASH happy and System happy :)
if [ "`echo $jenkins_allnodes_details_json | jq '.computer | length'`" -eq '1' ]; then echo 'All Good!!' && exit 0; fi
# find all jobs in jenkins
jenkins_alljobs_details_json="`curl -f --silent http://${jenkins_user}:${jenkins_pass}@localhost:8080/jenkins/api/json`"
if [ "$?" -ne '0' ]; then echo "unable to get all job details. Exiting."; exit 1; fi
# clean the previous garbage just in case and create a placeholder temp file for later use.
rm -f /tmp/jenkins-nc.*.list
tmp_file="`mktemp /tmp/jenkins-nc.XXXXXXXXXX.list`"
if [ "$?" -ne '0' ]; then echo "Unable to create new file in /tmp directory"; exit 1; fi
# get where the job is running
for job_name in `echo $jenkins_alljobs_details_json | jq -r .jobs[].name`; do
sed -n "s/.*<assignedNode>\(.*\)<.*/\1/p" /mnt1/jenkins/jobs/$job_name/config.xml | tr ' ' '\n' | sed "s/\$/ $job_name/g" >> $tmp_file
for node_name in `echo $jenkins_allnodes_details_json | jq -r .computer[].displayName | grep -v master`; do
while read node_n job_n; do
if [ ! -z "${node_n}" ]; then echo "job : ${job_n}, node: ${node_n}" && check_variable1='1'; fi
done <<< "$(awk -v n_name="$node_name" '$1 == n_name {print}' $tmp_file)"
rm -f $tmp_file
# now check if all the node labels that are present are subset of `predefined_node_name_array`
for label_name in `comm -23 <(sed -n 's/.*<label>\(.\+\)<\/label>/\1/p' /mnt1/jenkins/nodes/*/config.xml | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq) <(printf '%s\n' "${predefined_node_name_array[@]}" | sort)`; do
if [ ! -z "$label_name" ]; then
for node_name in `curl --silent http://${jenkins_user}:${jenkins_pass}@localhost:8080/jenkins/label/${label_name}/api/json| jq -r .nodes[].nodeName`; do
echo "${node_name} assigned unknown label: ${label_name}" && check_variable2='1'
check_variable="$(( check_variable1 + check_variable2 ))"
if [ "$check_variable" -eq "0" ]; then echo 'All Good!!'; fi
exit $check_variable
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