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Created December 18, 2021 21:46
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  • Save abhinav92003/3e59ff8fa71872d398890ff37293dd2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save abhinav92003/3e59ff8fa71872d398890ff37293dd2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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0x00007fff69eb1000-0x00007fffdb450304 entry=0x0000000000000000 base_address=0x00007fff674c5000
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completely removing 0x0000000107cf6000-0x0000000108388000
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completely removing 0x00007fff8fe20ca0-0x00007fff8fe20fc8
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completely removing 0x00007fffc2fac000-0x00007fffdb450305
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completely removing 0x00007fff67132000-0x00007fff67185000
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module libc++.1.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff67185000-0x00007fff6719b000
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completely removing 0x00007fff8fe4f8f0-0x00007fff8fe52f38
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completely removing 0x00007fff908f2080-0x00007fff90ace080
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completely removing 0x00007fff69c43000-0x00007fff69c49000
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completely removing 0x00007fff902c9740-0x00007fff902cac40
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completely removing 0x00007fff69c5d000-0x00007fff69c67000
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completely removing 0x00007fff69e8c000-0x00007fff69e8d000
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completely removing 0x00007fff69f3d000-0x00007fff69f41000
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module libsystem_dnssd.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff69f52000-0x00007fff69f54000
module libsystem_featureflags.dylib segment [0x00007fff69f52000,0x00007fff69f54000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff90311590-0x00007fff903116e9
module libsystem_featureflags.dylib segment [0x00007fff90311590,0x00007fff903116e9] removed
module libsystem_featureflags.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff69f54000-0x00007fff69fa2000
module libsystem_info.dylib segment [0x00007fff69f54000,0x00007fff69fa2000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff903116f0-0x00007fff90313c68
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module libsystem_info.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff69fa2000-0x00007fff69fcf000
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completely removing 0x00007fff90313c70-0x00007fff90316960
module libsystem_kernel.dylib segment [0x00007fff90313c70,0x00007fff90316960] removed
module libsystem_kernel.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff69fcf000-0x00007fff6a01b000
module libsystem_m.dylib segment [0x00007fff69fcf000,0x00007fff6a01b000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff90316960-0x00007fff90316af4
module libsystem_m.dylib segment [0x00007fff90316960,0x00007fff90316af4] removed
module libsystem_m.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a01b000-0x00007fff6a043000
module libsystem_malloc.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a01b000,0x00007fff6a043000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff90317000-0x00007fff9031931d
module libsystem_malloc.dylib segment [0x00007fff90317000,0x00007fff9031931d] removed
module libsystem_malloc.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a043000-0x00007fff6a051000
module libsystem_networkextension.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a043000,0x00007fff6a051000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff90319320-0x00007fff9031a322
module libsystem_networkextension.dylib segment [0x00007fff90319320,0x00007fff9031a322] removed
module libsystem_networkextension.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a051000-0x00007fff6a05b000
module libsystem_notify.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a051000,0x00007fff6a05b000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031a328-0x00007fff9031a793
module libsystem_notify.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031a328,0x00007fff9031a793] removed
module libsystem_notify.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a05b000-0x00007fff6a064000
module libsystem_platform.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a05b000,0x00007fff6a064000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031a798-0x00007fff9031aac4
module libsystem_platform.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031a798,0x00007fff9031aac4] removed
module libsystem_platform.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a064000-0x00007fff6a06f000
module libsystem_pthread.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a064000,0x00007fff6a06f000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031aad0-0x00007fff9031c630
module libsystem_pthread.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031aad0,0x00007fff9031c630] removed
module libsystem_pthread.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a06f000-0x00007fff6a074000
module libsystem_sandbox.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a06f000,0x00007fff6a074000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031c630-0x00007fff9031c8a8
module libsystem_sandbox.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031c630,0x00007fff9031c8a8] removed
module libsystem_sandbox.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a074000-0x00007fff6a077000
module libsystem_secinit.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a074000,0x00007fff6a077000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031c8b0-0x00007fff9031caf0
module libsystem_secinit.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031c8b0,0x00007fff9031caf0] removed
module libsystem_secinit.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a077000-0x00007fff6a07f000
module libsystem_symptoms.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a077000,0x00007fff6a07f000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031caf0-0x00007fff9031cfd8
module libsystem_symptoms.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031caf0,0x00007fff9031cfd8] removed
module libsystem_symptoms.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a07f000-0x00007fff6a096000
module libsystem_trace.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a07f000,0x00007fff6a096000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031cfe0-0x00007fff9031eef8
module libsystem_trace.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031cfe0,0x00007fff9031eef8] removed
module libsystem_trace.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a097000-0x00007fff6a09d000
module libunwind.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a097000,0x00007fff6a09d000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031ef00-0x00007fff9031f9aa
module libunwind.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031ef00,0x00007fff9031f9aa] removed
module libunwind.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff6a09d000-0x00007fff6a0d3000
module libxpc.dylib segment [0x00007fff6a09d000,0x00007fff6a0d3000] removed
completely removing 0x00007fff9031f9b0-0x00007fff903268c0
module libxpc.dylib segment [0x00007fff9031f9b0,0x00007fff903268c0] removed
module libxpc.dylib segment [0x00007fffc2fac000,0x00007fffdb450305] removed
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082af178
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082af178: name=module_data_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/module_list.c:59
rank=27 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x100000000 prev=0x00000001082ae220
lock count_times_acquired= 172 0 0 0 0+2 module_data_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/module_list.c:59
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082af178: name=module_data_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/module_list.c:59
rank=27 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae220
lock count_times_acquired= 172 0 0 0 0+2 module_data_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/module_list.c:59
Moduledb exit:
add_process_lock: 0 lock 0x00000001082af228: name=moduledb_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/moduledb.c:51
rank=58 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x100000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock count_times_acquired= 1 0 0 0 0+2 moduledb_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/moduledb.c:51
moduledb rct exemption list =""
moduledb image exemption list =""
moduledb dll2heap exemption list =""
moduledb dll2stack exemption list =""
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082af228
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082af228: name=moduledb_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/moduledb.c:51
rank=58 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x100000000 prev=0x00000001082aec78
lock count_times_acquired= 1 0 0 0 0+2 moduledb_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/moduledb.c:51
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082af228: name=moduledb_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/moduledb.c:51
rank=58 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082aec78
lock count_times_acquired= 1 0 0 0 0+2 moduledb_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/moduledb.c:51
Global unprotected heap unit stats:
Heap unit 0 @0x0000000167418000-0x000000016741c000 [-0x000000016741e000] (16 [/24] KB): used 12712 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x0000000167418000-0x000000016741c000 [-0x000000016741e000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=32768 p=0x0000000167417000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=32768 blocks=8 p=0x0000000167417000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=32768 p=0x0000000167417000
Total heap used: 12 KB
Process heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 1K, #= 3, 1= 288, new= 1K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 9K, #= 2, 1= 6936, new= 9K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 2, 1= 16, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 1K, #= 13, 1= 320, new= 0K, re= 0K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 12 KB
Global nonpersistent heap unit stats:
Heap unit 0 @0x0000000167420000-0x0000000167426000 [-0x0000000167426000] (24 [/24] KB): used 24448 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x0000000167420000-0x0000000167426000 [-0x0000000167426000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=32768 p=0x000000016741f000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=32768 blocks=8 p=0x000000016741f000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=32768 p=0x000000016741f000
Heap unit 1 @0x0000000167446000-0x0000000167452000 [-0x0000000167452000] (48 [/48] KB): used 49064 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x0000000167446000-0x0000000167452000 [-0x0000000167452000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=57344 p=0x0000000167445000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=57344 blocks=14 p=0x0000000167445000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=57344 p=0x0000000167445000
Heap unit 2 @0x000000016749a000-0x00000001674a6000 [-0x00000001674a6000] (48 [/48] KB): used 49056 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x000000016749a000-0x00000001674a6000 [-0x00000001674a6000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=57344 p=0x0000000167499000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=57344 blocks=14 p=0x0000000167499000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=57344 p=0x0000000167499000
Heap unit 3 @0x00000001674a8000-0x00000001674c0000 [-0x00000001674c0000] (96 [/96] KB): used 97760 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x00000001674a8000-0x00000001674c0000 [-0x00000001674c0000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=106496 p=0x00000001674a7000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=106496 blocks=26 p=0x00000001674a7000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=106496 p=0x00000001674a7000
Heap unit 4 @0x00000001674d0000-0x00000001674d5000 [-0x0000000167500000] (20 [/192] KB): used 19352 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x00000001674d0000-0x00000001674d5000 [-0x0000000167500000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=204800 p=0x00000001674cf000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=204800 blocks=50 p=0x00000001674cf000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=204800 p=0x00000001674cf000
Total heap used: 234 KB
Process heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 137K, #= 1312, 1= 128, new= 137K, re= 0K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 8K, #= 1203, 1= 24, new= 8K, re= 19K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 64K, #= 5, 1=32776, new= 72K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 11K, #= 80, 1= 328, new= 10K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 1355, 1= 48, new= 0K, re= 94K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 4K, #= 8, 1= 1216, new= 4K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 226 KB
Global reachable heap unit stats:
Heap unit 0 @0x00000001273d8000-0x00000001273d9000 [-0x00000001273de000] (4 [/24] KB): used 48 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x00000001273d8000-0x00000001273d9000 [-0x00000001273de000]
vmm_heap_free vmcode: size=32768 p=0x00000001273d7000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmcode: size=32768 blocks=8 p=0x00000001273d7000
vmm_heap_free vmcode: freed size=32768 p=0x00000001273d7000
Total heap used: 0 KB
Process heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 533, 1= 24, new= 0K, re= 12K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 1, 1= 8, new= 0K, re= 0K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 0 KB
Global heap unit stats:
Heap unit 0 @0x0000000167410000-0x0000000167416000 [-0x0000000167416000] (24 [/24] KB): used 11344 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x0000000167410000-0x0000000167416000 [-0x0000000167416000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=32768 p=0x000000016740f000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=32768 blocks=8 p=0x000000016740f000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=32768 p=0x000000016740f000
Heap unit 1 @0x0000000167428000-0x0000000167434000 [-0x0000000167434000] (48 [/48] KB): used 42032 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x0000000167428000-0x0000000167434000 [-0x0000000167434000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=57344 p=0x0000000167427000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=57344 blocks=14 p=0x0000000167427000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=57344 p=0x0000000167427000
Heap unit 2 @0x0000000167454000-0x000000016746a000 [-0x000000016746c000] (88 [/96] KB): used 89320 bytes
freeing excess dead unit 0x0000000167454000-0x000000016746a000 [-0x000000016746c000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=106496 p=0x0000000167453000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=106496 blocks=26 p=0x0000000167453000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=106496 p=0x0000000167453000
Total heap used: 139 KB
Process heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 138K, #= 1469, 1= 280, new= 138K, re= 20K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 8K, #= 1425, 1= 48, new= 8K, re= 24K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 66K, #= 10, 1=33360, new= 74K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 7K, #= 6, 1= 2416, new= 7K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 76K, #= 83, 1=66376, new= 75K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 155, 1= 40, new= 0K, re= 10K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 1512, 1= 96, new= 0K, re= 105K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 18K, #= 37516, 1= 256, new= 27K, re= 1778K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 43K, #= 288, 1= 4000, new= 40K, re= 2K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 3K, #= 161, 1= 16, new= 0K, re= 3K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 32K, #= 5, 1=32768, new= 32K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 16K, #= 17, 1= 8584, new= 17K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 9K, #= 2, 1= 6936, new= 9K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 26K, #= 1122, 1= 1239, new= 26K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 2, 1= 16, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 57K, #= 265, 1=27000, new= 51K, re= 5K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 505 KB
Unfreed units:
freeing dead unit 0x0000000167486000-0x0000000167489000 [-0x0000000167489000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=20480 p=0x0000000167485000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=20480 blocks=5 p=0x0000000167485000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=20480 p=0x0000000167485000
freeing dead unit 0x000000012740d000-0x0000000127413000 [-0x0000000127413000]
vmm_heap_free vmcode: size=32768 p=0x000000012740c000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmcode: size=32768 blocks=8 p=0x000000012740c000
vmm_heap_free vmcode: freed size=32768 p=0x000000012740c000
freeing dead unit 0x000000016747e000-0x0000000167484000 [-0x0000000167484000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=32768 p=0x000000016747d000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=32768 blocks=8 p=0x000000016747d000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=32768 p=0x000000016747d000
freeing dead unit 0x00000001674c2000-0x00000001674c4000 [-0x00000001674ce000]
vmm_heap_free vmheap: size=57344 p=0x00000001674c1000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmheap: size=57344 blocks=14 p=0x00000001674c1000
vmm_heap_free vmheap: freed size=57344 p=0x00000001674c1000
freeing dead unit 0x0000000127425000-0x0000000127436000 [-0x000000012743d000]
vmm_heap_free vmcode: size=106496 p=0x0000000127424000 is_reserved=1
vmm_heap_free_blocks vmcode: size=106496 blocks=26 p=0x0000000127424000
vmm_heap_free vmcode: freed size=106496 p=0x0000000127424000
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aee20
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aee20: name=heap_unit_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:301
rank=72 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x100000000 prev=0x00000001082d30c8
lock count_times_acquired= 36 0 0 0 0+2 heap_unit_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:301
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aee20: name=heap_unit_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:301
rank=72 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082d30c8
lock count_times_acquired= 36 0 0 0 0+2 heap_unit_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:301
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aeeb8
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aeeb8: name=global_alloc_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:315
rank=71 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x100000000 prev=0x00000001082d30c8
lock count_times_acquired= 14261 0 0 0 0+2 global_alloc_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:315
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aeeb8: name=global_alloc_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:315
rank=71 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082d30c8
lock count_times_acquired= 14261 0 0 0 0+2 global_alloc_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:315
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aed88
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aed88: name=low_on_memory_pending_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:319
rank=43 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x100000000 prev=0x00000001082ae220
lock count_times_acquired= 7826 0 0 0 0+2 low_on_memory_pending_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:319
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aed88: name=low_on_memory_pending_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:319
rank=43 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae220
lock count_times_acquired= 7826 0 0 0 0+2 low_on_memory_pending_lock(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:319
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aed00
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aed00: name=request_region_be_heap_reachable_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:444
rank=83 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x100000000 prev=0x00000001082aebf0
lock count_times_acquired= 1 0 0 0 0+2 request_region_be_heap_reachable_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:444
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aed00: name=request_region_be_heap_reachable_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:444
rank=83 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082aebf0
lock count_times_acquired= 1 0 0 0 0+2 request_region_be_heap_reachable_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:444
vmm_heap_unit_exit vmcode [0x00000001273cf000,0x00000001673cf000) total=262144 free=262136
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082d3190
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082d3190: name=vmh_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:952
rank=73 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x6f74646500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae168
lock count_times_acquired= 4 0 0 0 0+2 vmh_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:952
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082d3190: name=vmh_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:952
rank=73 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae168
lock count_times_acquired= 4 0 0 0 0+2 vmh_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:952
vmm_dump_map(0x00000001082d3168) virtual regions
0x00000001273cf000-0x00000001273d6fff size=32768 reserved
0x00000001273d7000-0x00000001673cefff size=1073709056 free
bitmap_check_consistency(b=0x00000001273cf000, bitmap_size=262144) expected=262136 current=262136
vmm_heap_unit_exit vmheap [0x00000001673cf000,0x00000003673cf000) total=2097152 free=2097056
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082d30c8
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082d30c8: name=vmh_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:952
rank=73 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x6f74646500000000 prev=0x00000001082aebf0
lock count_times_acquired= 9 0 0 0 0+2 vmh_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:952
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082d30c8: name=vmh_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:952
rank=73 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082aebf0
lock count_times_acquired= 9 0 0 0 0+2 vmh_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/heap.c:952
vmm_dump_map(0x00000001082d30a0) virtual regions
0x00000001673cf000-0x000000016740efff size=262144 reserved
0x000000016740f000-0x0000000167434fff size=155648 free
0x0000000167435000-0x0000000167444fff size=65536 reserved
0x0000000167445000-0x000000016746cfff size=163840 free
0x000000016746d000-0x000000016747cfff size=65536 reserved
0x000000016747d000-0x00000003673cefff size=-712704 free
bitmap_check_consistency(b=0x00000001673cf000, bitmap_size=2097152) expected=2097056 current=2097056
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082bd9e0
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082bd9e0: name=datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
rank=91 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x3000000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082bd9e0: name=datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
rank=91 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
never acquired
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082bda68
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082bda68: name=datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
rank=91 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x3000000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082bda68: name=datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
rank=91 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
never acquired
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082bdaf0
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082bdaf0: name=datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
rank=91 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x3000000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082bdaf0: name=datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
rank=91 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
never acquired
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082bdb78
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082bdb78: name=datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
rank=91 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x3000000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082bdb78: name=datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
rank=91 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 datasec_selfprot_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:3326
never acquired
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082ae168
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082ae168: name=options_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/options.c:270
rank=89 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x300000000 prev=0x00000001082ae9b8
lock count_times_acquired= 2 0 0 0 0+2 options_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/options.c:270
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082ae168: name=options_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/options.c:270
rank=89 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae9b8
lock count_times_acquired= 2 0 0 0 0+2 options_lock(readwrite)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/options.c:270
-prng_seed 0x0000000059c373cf for reproducing random sequence
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aeac8
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aeac8: name=report_buf_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:1998
rank=84 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x6f74646500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 report_buf_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:1998
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aeac8: name=report_buf_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:1998
rank=84 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 report_buf_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:1998
never acquired
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aeb58
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aeb58: name=logdir_mutex(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:2636
rank=86 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x6f74646500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 logdir_mutex(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:2636
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aeb58: name=logdir_mutex(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:2636
rank=86 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 logdir_mutex(recursive)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:2636
never acquired
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aebf0
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aebf0: name=prng_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:2006
rank=88 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x6f74646500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae9b8
lock count_times_acquired= 1 0 0 0 0+2 prng_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:2006
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aebf0: name=prng_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:2006
rank=88 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae9b8
lock count_times_acquired= 1 0 0 0 0+2 prng_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:2006
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aea40
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aea40: name=do_threshold_mutex(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:235
rank=79 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x6f74646500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 do_threshold_mutex(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:235
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aea40: name=do_threshold_mutex(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:235
rank=79 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x0000000000000000
lock 0 0 0 0 0+2 do_threshold_mutex(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:235
never acquired
Process KSTATS:
thread_measured: 529237773 totc, 1 num, 529237773 minc, 529237773 avg, 529237773 maxc, 0 self, 529237773 sub,
529 ms, 24 ms out,total measured and propagated in thread
bb_building: 470878472 totc, 1469 num, 66555 minc, 320543 avg, 1099726 maxc, 61725845 self, 409152627 sub,
470 ms, 1 ms out,in bb building
bb_decoding: 289633094 totc, 1469 num, 749 minc, 197163 avg, 999565 maxc, 289633094 self, 0 sub,
289 ms, 22 ms out,in bb decoding
bb_emit: 90373278 totc, 1469 num, 17293 minc, 61520 avg, 273400 maxc, 915481 self, 89457797 sub,
90 ms, 0 ms out,in emitting BB
mangling: 29146255 totc, 1469 num, 3413 minc, 19840 avg, 216647 maxc, 29146255 self, 0 sub,
29 ms, 0 ms out,in mangling
emit: 91290054 totc, 1509 num, 16576 minc, 60497 avg, 272437 maxc, 91290054 self, 0 sub,
91 ms, 0 ms out,in emit
trace_building: 83262332 totc, 194 num, 19713 minc, 429187 avg, 1791819 maxc, 35860999 self, 47401333 sub,
83 ms, 280 ms out,in trace building
temp_private_bb: 59635172 totc, 154 num, 120531 minc, 387241 avg, 1117699 maxc, 4732813 self, 54902359 sub,
59 ms, 0 ms out,making temp private bb for trace building
monitor_enter: 104112467 totc, 4921 num, 303 minc, 21156 avg, 1792767 maxc, 6784039 self, 97328428 sub,
104 ms, 0 ms out,in trace monitor
monitor_enter_thci: 5229083 totc, 2904 num, 717 minc, 1800 avg, 45803 maxc, 5229083 self, 0 sub,
5 ms, 0 ms out,in trace monitor, thci
dispatch_num_exits: 119970414 totc, 2876 num, 791 minc, 41714 avg, 1793482 maxc, 1413914 self, 118556500 sub,
119 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, default
num_exits_ind_good_miss: 108890368 totc, 462 num, 1106 minc, 235693 avg, 935743 maxc, 266482 self, 108623886 sub,
108 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, ind target not in cache
num_exits_dir_miss: 246616025 totc, 849 num, 1173 minc, 290478 avg, 1101581 maxc, 598442 self, 246017583 sub,
246 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, dir target not in cache
num_exits_not_in_cache: 355506393 totc, 1311 num, 1106 minc, 271171 avg, 1101581 maxc, 864924 self, 354641469 sub,
355 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, all target not in cache
num_exits_ind_bad_miss_bb2bb: 53060306 totc, 3482 num, 653 minc, 15238 avg, 853547 maxc, 1585581 self, 51474725 sub,
53 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, BB2BB, ind target ...
num_exits_ind_bad_miss_bb: 53060306 totc, 3482 num, 653 minc, 15238 avg, 853547 maxc, 1585581 self, 51474725 sub,
53 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, from BB
num_exits_ind_bad_miss_trace2trace: 1385 totc, 1 num, 1385 minc, 1385 avg, 1385 maxc, 324 self, 1061 sub,
0 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, trace2trace, ind target ...
num_exits_ind_bad_miss_trace2bb_nth: 18451 totc, 11 num, 1134 minc, 1677 avg, 2916 maxc, 4401 self, 14050 sub,
0 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, trace2BB not trace head, ind target
num_exits_ind_bad_miss_trace2bb_th: 236410 totc, 116 num, 1120 minc, 2038 avg, 40874 maxc, 46593 self, 189817 sub,
0 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, trace2BB trace head, ind target
num_exits_ind_bad_miss_trace2bb: 254861 totc, 127 num, 1120 minc, 2006 avg, 40874 maxc, 50994 self, 203867 sub,
0 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, trace2BB, ind target
num_exits_ind_bad_miss_trace: 256246 totc, 128 num, 1120 minc, 2001 avg, 40874 maxc, 51318 self, 204928 sub,
0 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, from trace
num_exits_ind_bad_miss: 53316552 totc, 3610 num, 653 minc, 14769 avg, 853547 maxc, 1636899 self, 51679653 sub,
53 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, ind target in cache but not table
num_exits_dir_syscall: 455757 totc, 32 num, 455 minc, 14242 avg, 165614 maxc, 15716 self, 440041 sub,
0 ms, 0 ms out,in dispatch exit, syscall handling
logging:2006057042 totc, 126528 num, 2727 minc, 15854 avg, 969503 maxc,2006057042 self, 0 sub,
2006 ms, 1 ms out,in LOG
overhead_empty: 993606 totc, 10000 num, 76 minc, 99 avg, 39118 maxc, 993606 self, 0 sub,
0 ms, 0 ms out,empty block overhead
overhead_nested: 1333909 totc, 10000 num, 108 minc, 133 avg, 686 maxc, 1333909 self, 0 sub,
1 ms, 0 ms out,nested block overhead
syscall_fcache: 4670 totc, 3 num, 1310 minc, 1556 avg, 1983 maxc, 4670 self, 0 sub,
0 ms, 0 ms out,in syscalls [not propagated]
fcache_default: 72695049 totc, 7825 num, 3885 minc, 9290 avg, 140289 maxc, 72695049 self, 0 sub,
72 ms, 0 ms out,in fcache, default
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082aec78
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082aec78: name=process_kstats_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/stats.c:159
rank=82 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x0 prev=0x00000001082ae220
lock count_times_acquired= 2 0 0 0 0+2 process_kstats_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/stats.c:159
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082aec78: name=process_kstats_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/stats.c:159
rank=82 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae220
lock count_times_acquired= 2 0 0 0 0+2 process_kstats_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/stats.c:159
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082ae220
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082ae220: name=all_threads_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:270
rank=6 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x0 prev=0x00000001082ae2a8
lock count_times_acquired= 8 0 0 0 0+2 all_threads_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:270
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082ae220: name=all_threads_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:270
rank=6 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae2a8
lock count_times_acquired= 8 0 0 0 0+2 all_threads_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:270
mutex_delete lock 0x00000001082ae2a8
mutex_delete 0 lock 0x00000001082ae2a8: name=thread_initexit_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:274
rank=4 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x0 prev=0x00000001082ae9b8
lock count_times_acquired= 4 0 0 0 0+2 thread_initexit_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:274
remove_process_lock 0 lock 0x00000001082ae2a8: name=thread_initexit_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:274
rank=4 owner=0 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae9b8
lock count_times_acquired= 4 0 0 0 0+2 thread_initexit_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/dynamo.c:274
(Begin) All statistics @1509 (21041197:01.262):
Peak threads under DynamoRIO control : 1
Threads ever created : 1
Total signals delivered : 1
System calls, pre : 25
System calls, post : 3
Ignorable system calls : 3
Non-ignorable system calls : 3
Application modules with code : 6
Application code seen (bytes) : 26869
Interpreted calls, direct and indirect : 397
Interpreted indirect calls : 92
Interpreted indirect jmps : 51
Interpreted rets : 186
Dynamic option synchronizations : 1
Dynamic option synchronizations, no change : 1
Code origin addresses checked : 1472
Code origin addresses in last area : 1429
Shared deletion region walks : 1
Fragments added to lazy deletion list : 40
Fragments freed from lazy deletion list at exit : 40
Generated code protection changes : 3
Protection change calls : 3
Protection change pages : 6
Fragments generated, bb and trace : 1509
Basic block fragments generated : 1469
Trace fragments generated : 40
Trace building reset: no trace head : 40
Number of bbs in all emitted traces : 154
Maximum number of bbs in a trace : 13
Trace wannabes prevented from being traces : 5170
Shadowed trace head deleted : 40
Trace heads re-marked : 6
Future fragments generated : 1425
Shared fragments generated : 1352
Shared bbs generated : 1312
Shared traces generated : 40
Private fragments generated : 157
Private bbs generated : 157
Shared future fragments generated : 1203
Unique fragments generated : 1509
Maximum fragment requested size in bytes : 661
Maximum fragment size in bytes : 643
Maximum instrs in a bb : 57
Direct exit stubs created : 1970
Indirect exit stubs created : 359
Separate stubs created : 1121
Rip-relative instrs seen : 469
Rip-relative unreachable leas : 178
Rip-relative unreachable non-leas : 201
Rip-relative unreachable spills avoided : 35
BBs with one indirect exit : 329
BBs with one direct exit : 448
BBs with two direct exits : 692
BB direct exits >SHRT_MAX from fragment tag : 157
BB direct exits <=SHRT_MAX from fragment tag : 1813
BB cbr fall-through <=SHRT_MAX from fragment tag : 706
BBs using post-linkstub fragment offset : 579
BBs that write OF but no other arithmetic flags : 962
BBs that read a flag before writing any : 15
BBs that write no arithmetic flags : 492
BBs that write no arithmetic flags, end in ib : 180
Cbrs sharing a single exit stub : 719
Fragments requiring post_linkstub offs : 619
Fragments smaller than minimum fcache slot size : 295
Fragments final size < minimum fcache slot size : 289
Fragments deleted for any reason : 1509
Fragments deleted on thread/process death : 1315
Trace heads marked : 167
Trace fragments targeted by IBL : 1
Exits due to IBL cold misses : 4101
Trace fragments extended : 154
Trace building private copies created : 154
Trace building private copies deleted : 154
Trace building private copies futures deleted : 216
Trace building private copies futures avoided : 154
Trace inline-ib comparisons : 30
Trace inline-ib no eflag restore needed : 19
Trace fragments extended, ibl exits updated : 30
Branches linked, direct : 1194
Branches linked, indirect : 389
Fcache exits, total : 7828
Fcache exits, system call executions : 3
Fcache exits, from traces : 933
Fcache exits, from BBs : 6892
Fcache exits, total indirect branches : 4102
Fcache exits, non-trace indirect branches : 3965
Fcache exits, ind target not in cache : 462
Fcache exits, ind target extending a trace, BAD : 30
Fcache exits, ind target in cache but not table : 3610
Fcache exits, from BB, ind target ... : 3482
Fcache exits, BB->BB, ind target ... : 3482
Fcache exits, from trace, ind target ... : 128
Fcache exits, trace->trace, ind target ... : 1
Fcache exits, trace->BB not trace head, ind tgt : 11
Fcache exits, trace->BB trace head, ind target : 116
Fcache exits, dir target not in cache : 849
Fcache exits, link not allowed : 2849
Fcache exits, target trace head : 2718
Fcache exits, extending a trace : 124
Fcache exits, non-ignorable system call : 25
Fcache exits, no link shared <-> private : 7
Fcache exits needing cbr disambiguation : 2413
Fragments with OF restore prefix : 11
Fcache bb peak capacity (bytes) : 4096
Fcache bb peak used (bytes) : 320
Fcache bb fragment bodies (bytes) : -279172871986
Fcache bb direct exit stubs (bytes) : -2254
Fcache bb align space (bytes) : 599
Fcache shared bb peak capacity (bytes) : 61440
Fcache shared bb peak used (bytes) : 58812
Fcache shared bb align space (bytes) : -1026
Fcache shared bb empty space (bytes) : 1468
Fcache shared bb free coalesce prev : 635
Fcache shared bb free coalesce next : 668
Fcache shared bb return last : 8
Fcache shared trace peak capacity (bytes) : 8192
Fcache shared trace peak used (bytes) : 6432
Fcache shared trace fragment bodies (bytes) : -5
Fcache shared trace align space (bytes) : 17
Fcache shared trace empty space (bytes) : 6432
Fcache shared trace free coalesce prev : 16
Fcache shared trace free coalesce next : 18
Fcache shared trace return last : 6
Peak fcache combined capacity (bytes) : 73728
Peak fcache units on live list : 4
Peak fcache units on free list : 4
Fcache unit lookups : 7382
Peak special heap units : 5
Special heap align space (bytes) : 8
Peak special heap capacity (bytes) : 36864
Peak heap units on live list : 15
Peak heap units on free list : 5
Peak heap align space (bytes) : 4153
Peak heap bucket pad space (bytes) : 13312
Heap allocs in buckets : 42875
Heap allocs variable-sized : 41
Total reserved memory : 131072
Peak total reserved memory : 1519616
Guard pages, reserved virtual pages : 4
Peak guard pages, reserved virtual pages : 56
Current stack capacity (bytes) : 114688
Peak stack capacity (bytes) : 147456
Mmap capacity (bytes) : -163840
Peak mmap capacity (bytes) : 86016
Mmap reserved but not committed (bytes) : -86016
Peak mmap reserved but not committed (bytes) : 167936
Peak heap claimed (bytes) : 483631
Current heap capacity (bytes) : 36864
Peak heap capacity (bytes) : 602112
Heap reserved but not committed (bytes) : 8192
Peak heap reserved but not committed (bytes) : 311296
Current total memory from OS (bytes) : 131072
Peak total memory from OS (bytes) : 1519616
Current vmm blocks for unreachable heap : 64
Peak vmm blocks for unreachable heap : 259
Current vmm blocks for stack : 32
Peak vmm blocks for stack : 42
Peak vmm blocks for unreachable special heap : 5
Current vmm blocks for reachable heap : 8
Peak vmm blocks for reachable heap : 50
Peak vmm blocks for cache : 64
Peak vmm blocks for reachable special heap : 16
Peak vmm blocks for reachable special mmap : 7
Our virtual memory blocks in use : 104
Peak our virtual memory blocks in use : 443
Allocations using multiple vmm blocks : 30
Blocks used for multi-block allocs : 443
Current vmm virtual memory in use (bytes) : 425984
Peak vmm virtual memory in use (bytes) : 1814528
Total times mutexes acquired : 123843
Number of safe reads : 56
Peak vmarea vector length : 82
Peak dynamo areas vector length : 1
Peak executable areas vector length : 6
-pad_jmps fragments size overestimated : 816
-pad_jmps excess instances failed to be returned : 14
-pad_jmps excess bytes failed to be returned : 392
-pad_jmps body bytes shared bb : 3936
-pad_jmps excess bytes shared bb : 3726
Bytes shared frags ever : 43862
-pad_jmps start_pcs shifted shared bb : 98
-pad_jmps start_pcs shifted bytes shared bb : 210
-pad_jmps excess bytes released shared bb : 2700
-pad_jmps no pad exits shared bb : 1805
-pad_jmps body bytes shtrace : 213
-pad_jmps excess bytes shtrace : 199
Bytes shared frags ever : 5922
-pad_jmps start_pcs shifted shtrace : 4
-pad_jmps start_pcs shifted bytes shtrace : 9
-pad_jmps excess bytes released shtrace : 216
-pad_jmps inserted nops shtrace : 2
-pad_jmps inserted nop bytes shtrace : 5
-pad_jmps no pad exits shtrace : 162
-pad_jmps body bytes temp : 462
-pad_jmps excess bytes temp : 436
Bytes temp frags ever : 6463
-pad_jmps start_pcs shifted temp : 12
-pad_jmps start_pcs shifted bytes temp : 26
-pad_jmps excess bytes released temp : 1044
-pad_jmps no shift stubs temp : 222
-pad_jmps no pad exits temp : 240
-pad_jmps body bytes bb : 9
-pad_jmps excess bytes bb : 9
Bytes bb frags ever : 207
-pad_jmps no shift stubs bb : 6
-pad_jmps no pad exits bb : 6
(End) All statistics
Heap bucket usage counts and wasted memory:
0 8 count= 526 peak_count= 128 peak_wasted= 0 peak_align= 699
1 24 count= 24927 peak_count= 823 peak_wasted= 3296 peak_align= 312
2 72 count= 7283 peak_count= 378 peak_wasted= 2584 peak_align= 1373
3 104 count= 9251 peak_count= 481 peak_wasted= 168 peak_align= 1694
4 112 count= 1 peak_count= 1 peak_wasted= 0 peak_align= 0
5 128 count= 662 peak_count= 634 peak_wasted= 24 peak_align= 12
6 152 count= 122 peak_count= 25 peak_wasted= 16 peak_align= 72
7 184 count= 6 peak_count= 6 peak_wasted= 0 peak_align= 16
8 248 count= 65 peak_count= 65 peak_wasted= 2736 peak_align= 24
9 256 count= 9 peak_count= 9 peak_wasted= 0 peak_align= 4
10 512 count= 23 peak_count= 23 peak_wasted= 4688 peak_align= 20
11 -1 count= 41 peak_count= 38 peak_wasted= 1008 peak_align= 20
Non-persistent global units heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 137K, #= 1312, 1= 128, new= 137K, re= 0K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 8K, #= 1203, 1= 24, new= 8K, re= 19K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 64K, #= 5, 1=32776, new= 72K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 11K, #= 80, 1= 328, new= 10K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 1355, 1= 48, new= 0K, re= 94K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 4K, #= 8, 1= 1216, new= 4K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 226 KB
Reachable global units heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 533, 1= 24, new= 0K, re= 12K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 1, 1= 8, new= 0K, re= 0K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 0 KB
Uprotected global units heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 1K, #= 3, 1= 288, new= 1K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 9K, #= 2, 1= 6936, new= 9K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 2, 1= 16, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 1K, #= 13, 1= 320, new= 0K, re= 0K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 12 KB
Racy Up-to-date Process heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 138K, #= 1469, 1= 152, new= 138K, re= 20K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 8K, #= 1425, 1= 24, new= 8K, re= 24K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 66K, #= 10, 1=32776, new= 74K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 7K, #= 6, 1= 2128, new= 7K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 76K, #= 83, 1=65536, new= 75K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 155, 1= 40, new= 0K, re= 10K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 1512, 1= 48, new= 0K, re= 105K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 9K, #= 37516, 1= 104, new= 27K, re= 1778K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 43K, #= 288, 1= 4000, new= 40K, re= 2K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 3K, #= 161, 1= 16, new= 0K, re= 3K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 32K, #= 5, 1=32768, new= 32K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 15K, #= 17, 1= 5064, new= 17K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 9K, #= 2, 1= 6936, new= 9K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 26K, #= 1122, 1= 1216, new= 26K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 2, 1= 16, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 57K, #= 265, 1=22568, new= 51K, re= 5K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 495 KB
Updated-at-end Process (max is total of maxes) heap breakdown:
BB Fragments: cur= 0K, max= 138K, #= 1469, 1= 280, new= 138K, re= 20K
Coarse Links: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Future Frag: cur= 0K, max= 8K, #= 1425, 1= 48, new= 8K, re= 24K
Frag Tables: cur= 0K, max= 66K, #= 10, 1=33360, new= 74K, re= 0K
IBL Tables: cur= 0K, max= 7K, #= 6, 1= 2416, new= 7K, re= 0K
Traces: cur= 0K, max= 76K, #= 83, 1=66376, new= 75K, re= 0K
FC Empties: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 155, 1= 40, new= 0K, re= 10K
Vm Multis: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 1512, 1= 96, new= 0K, re= 105K
IR: cur= 0K, max= 18K, #= 37516, 1= 256, new= 27K, re= 1778K
RCT Tables: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
VM Areas: cur= 0K, max= 43K, #= 288, 1= 4000, new= 40K, re= 2K
Symbols: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
TH Counter: cur= 0K, max= 3K, #= 161, 1= 16, new= 0K, re= 3K
Tombstone: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Hot Patching: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Thread Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 32K, #= 5, 1=32768, new= 32K, re= 0K
Memory Mgt: cur= 0K, max= 16K, #= 17, 1= 8584, new= 17K, re= 0K
Stats: cur= 0K, max= 9K, #= 2, 1= 6936, new= 9K, re= 0K
SpecialHeap: cur= 0K, max= 26K, #= 1122, 1= 1239, new= 26K, re= 0K
Client: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Lib Dup: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 0, 1= 0, new= 0K, re= 0K
Clean Call: cur= 0K, max= 0K, #= 2, 1= 16, new= 0K, re= 0K
Other: cur= 0K, max= 57K, #= 265, 1=27000, new= 51K, re= 5K
Total cur usage: 0 KB
Total max (not nec. all used simult.): 505 KB
Currently live process locks:
1 lock 0x00000001082ae9b8: name=innermost_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:227
rank=94 owner=73119 owning_dc=0x0000000000000000 0x2e2f726500000000 prev=0x00000001082ae9b8
lock count_times_acquired= 92 0 0 0 0+2 innermost_lock(mutex)@/Users/runner/work/dynamorio/dynamorio/core/utils.c:227
Currently live process locks: 1, acquired 92, contended 0 (current only)
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