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Created February 29, 2024 15:21
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Valid Parentheses
s = "({})"
o/p: true
s = "(){}[]"
o/p: true
s = "(]"
o/p: false
- loop the string & grab each char
- initalize a hash map with parentheses
- if its opening, load them in the stack
- else if its closing, pop from the stack
- check if the key exists in the hashmap against looped char
- at the end of the loop return true
- when stack is empty
Time & Space complexity O(n)
const validParentheses = (str) => {
let holder = []
const matching = {
"(": ")",
"[": "]",
"{": "}"
for (const s of str) {
if(s in matching) {
else {
if (matching[holder.pop()] != s) {
return false
return holder.length === 0
Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String
i/p: s = "abbaca",
First remove the "bb" to get "aaca".
Next, remove the "aa" to get "ca"
o/p: "ca"
- in a loop grab each char,
- if stack empty then load a char or preload a char
- check if the top char is similar to peek (stack[stack.length - 1])
- then don't add them to stack & pop the char
- if different add them to stack
Time & Space complexity O(n)
const removeDuplicates = (str) => {
let holder = []
for (const s of str) {
if(holder.length === 0 || (holder[holder.length - 1]) != s) {
else {
console.log('s', holder.join(""))
return holder.join("");
Backspace String Compare
- If they are equal when both are typed into empty text editors. '#' means a backspace character.
s = "ab#c" and t = "ad#c"
return true. Because of the backspace, the strings are both equal to "ac".
- need to compare 2 strings
- use closure & create a function
- load each char & push them into stack,
- if # pop a char from the stack
- then compare & return the response
Time & Space complexity O(n)
const backspaceCompare = (r, t) => {
let build = s => {
let stack = []
for (const str of s) {
if(str != '#') {
else {
return stack.join("");
return build(r) === build(t)
Simplify Path:
Change path to canonical path
i/p: /a/b//c/.././d/..f/
o/p: /a/b/f
- loop the string & grab each char follow these steps
- push char into stack
- /, //, ., ignore
- .. pop char
- at the end of loop join the string with /
Time & Space Analysis ; O(N)
const simplifyPath = (path) => {
let stack = [];
const dirs = path.split("/");
console.log('dirs', dirs)
for (const dir of dirs) {
if(dir === '..' && stack.length === 0 ) {
if(dir === '..' && stack.length !== 0 ) {
else if (dir != '' && dir != '.') {
console.log('stck', '/' +stack.join('/'))
return '/' + stack.join('/')
Make the string great again
- loop each char
- use peek
- pop from stack if peek & char are unequal && char.tolower & peek.toLower
- else push them on to stack
- end of the loop, join the string & return
const makeGood = (str) => {
let stack = [];
for (const s of str) {
const peek = stack[stack.length - 1];
if(stack.length > 0 && peek !== s && s.toLowerCase() === peek.toLowerCase()) {
else {
console.log('str', stack.join(''))
return stack.join('')
// Queue
let queue = [];
let queue = [1,2,3];
// Enqueueing/adding elements
// Dequeuing/removing elements
queue.shift(); // 1
queue.shift(); // 1
// Check element at front of queue (next element to be removed)
queue[0]; // 3
// get size
queue.length; // 3 = function(t) {
while (this.queue.length && this.queue[0] < t - 3000) {
return this.queue.length
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