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Created April 29, 2012 17:44
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PHP-5.4.1 `make test` summary on ubuntu 11.10
TIME END 2012-04-29 17:38:09
Exts skipped : 51
Exts tested : 26
Number of tests : 12079 8170
Tests skipped : 3909 ( 32.4%) --------
Tests warned : 0 ( 0.0%) ( 0.0%)
Tests failed : 8 ( 0.1%) ( 0.1%)
Expected fail : 36 ( 0.3%) ( 0.4%)
Tests passed : 8126 ( 67.3%) ( 99.5%)
Time taken : 206 seconds
Test open_basedir configuration [tests/security/open_basedir_linkinfo.phpt] XFAIL REASON: BUG: open_basedir cannot delete symlink to prohibited file. See also
bugs 48111 and 52176.
Inconsistencies when accessing protected members [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_008.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Discussion:
Inconsistencies when accessing protected members - 2 [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_009.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Discussion:
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770.phpt] XFAIL REASON: See Bug #48770
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770_2.phpt] XFAIL REASON: See Bug #48770
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770_3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: See Bug #48770
Initial value of static var in method depends on the include time of the class definition [Zend/tests/method_static_var.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Maybe not a bug
DateTime::add() -- fall type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-fall-type2-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- fall type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-fall-type3-type2.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- fall type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-fall-type3-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- spring type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-spring-type2-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- spring type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-spring-type3-type2.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::add() -- spring type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_add-spring-type3-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- fall type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-fall-type2-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- fall type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-fall-type3-type2.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- fall type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-fall-type3-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- spring type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-spring-type2-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- spring type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-spring-type3-type2.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::diff() -- spring type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_diff-spring-type3-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- fall type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-fall-type2-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- fall type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-fall-type3-type2.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- fall type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-fall-type3-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- spring type2 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-spring-type2-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- spring type3 type2 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-spring-type3-type2.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
DateTime::sub() -- spring type3 type3 [ext/date/tests/DateTime_sub-spring-type3-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Various bugs exist
Bug #52062 (large timestamps with DateTime::getTimestamp and DateTime::setTimestamp) (32 bit) [ext/date/tests/bug52062.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Waiting for resolution of the 32-bit case.
Bug #53437 (Crash when using unserialized DatePeriod instance) [ext/date/tests/bug53437.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Bug #53437 Not fixed yet
RFC: DateTime and Daylight Saving Time Transitions (zone type 3) [ext/date/tests/rfc-datetime_and_daylight_saving_time-type3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: RFC not implemented yet
Bug #42718 (unsafe_raw filter not applied when configured as default filter) [ext/filter/tests/bug42718.phpt] XFAIL REASON: FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW not applied when configured as default filter, even with flags
Bug #60634 (Segmentation fault when trying to die() in SessionHandler::write()) [ext/session/tests/bug60634.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Long term low priority bug, working on it
Bug #60634 (Segmentation fault when trying to die() in SessionHandler::write()) - fatal error in write during exec [ext/session/tests/bug60634_error_1.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Long term low priority bug, working on it
Bug #60634 (Segmentation fault when trying to die() in SessionHandler::write()) - exception in write during exec [ext/session/tests/bug60634_error_2.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Long term low priority bug, working on it
Bug #60634 (Segmentation fault when trying to die() in SessionHandler::write()) - fatal error in write after exec [ext/session/tests/bug60634_error_3.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Long term low priority bug, working on it
Bug #60634 (Segmentation fault when trying to die() in SessionHandler::write()) - exception in write after exec [ext/session/tests/bug60634_error_4.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Long term low priority bug, working on it
Bug #60634 (Segmentation fault when trying to die() in SessionHandler::write()) - fatal error in close during exec [ext/session/tests/bug60634_error_5.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Long term low priority bug, working on it
Bug #45712 (NaN/INF comparison) [ext/standard/tests/math/bug45712.phpt] XFAIL REASON: Bug 45712 not fixed yet.
Test 7: DTD tests [ext/dom/tests/dom007.phpt]
Test posix_kill(), posix_get_last_error and posix_strerror() functions : basic functionality [ext/posix/tests/posix_kill_basic.phpt]
Bug#60106 (stream_socket_server silently truncates long unix socket paths) [ext/standard/tests/streams/bug60106.phpt]
Test setlocale() function : basic functionality - setting system locale to a specific [ext/standard/tests/strings/setlocale_basic1.phpt]
Test setlocale() function : basic functionality - set locale using an array [ext/standard/tests/strings/setlocale_basic2.phpt]
Test setlocale() function : basic functionality - passing multiple locales as argument [ext/standard/tests/strings/setlocale_basic3.phpt]
Test setlocale() function : usage variations - passing multiple valid/invlaid locales as argument [ext/standard/tests/strings/setlocale_variation1.phpt]
Test setlocale() function : usage variations - Setting all available locales in the platform [ext/standard/tests/strings/setlocale_variation2.phpt]
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