- 🔮 Vanilla Javascript: The Godfather of the frontend world
- ⚛️ React: A lightweight front end library
- 🖼 CSS and SCSS: To dress an app
- 📦 Docker: Containrizing platform
- 🚀 Openshift: Container Orchestration
- 📱 Flutter: Fast-growing hybrid framework
- 🧮 Neo4j: Graph Database
- 📨 MobX: State Management Library
- 🗃 C# .netcore: Language and framework for backend development
- ☎️ Spring Boot: Simplified java framework to develop rest APIs
- 🖍 Ant Design: CSS Framework
- 📲 Ionic 3: Hybrid mobile application framework
- 💻 Angular: Another hero of frontend
- 🌐 Firebase: Versatile tool for storage, hosting, crash reports and so on
- 🗄 Sqlite: A lightweight database
- 📨 Redux: The lightweight state management library
- 📦 Docker: Containrizing platform
- 🚀 Kubernetes: Container Orchestration
- 🗞 Webpack: Bundling tool
- 🗳 Service Workers: A frontend cacher