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Created August 31, 2018 11:51
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Use redis-cli to create a Redis Cluster on Docker (with Redis 5.0)
#------------ bootstrap the cluster nodes --------------------
start_cmd='redis-server --port 6379 --cluster-enabled yes --cluster-config-file nodes.conf --cluster-node-timeout 5000 --appendonly yes'
docker network create $network_name
echo $network_name " created"
#---------- create the cluster ------------------------
for port in `seq 6379 6384`; do \
docker run -d --name "redis-"$port -p $port:6379 --net $network_name $redis_image $start_cmd;
echo "created redis cluster node redis-"$port
for port in `seq 6379 6384`; do \
hostip=`docker inspect -f '{{(index .NetworkSettings.Networks "redis_cluster_net").IPAddress}}' "redis-"$port`;
echo "IP for cluster node redis-"$port "is" $hostip
cluster_hosts="$cluster_hosts$hostip:6379 ";
echo "cluster hosts "$cluster_hosts
echo "creating cluster...."
echo 'yes' | docker run -i --rm --net $network_name $redis_image redis-cli --cluster create $cluster_hosts --cluster-replicas 1;
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