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Created November 6, 2018 08:56
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============================================================================================================ test session starts =============================================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.6, pytest-3.6.4, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.7.1
rootdir: /home/abhishalya/coala_developement/corobo, inifile: setup.cfg
plugins: requests-mock-1.5.2, xdist-1.24.0, travis-fold-1.3.0, timeout-1.3.2, reqs-0.0.7, reorder-0.1.1, profiling-1.3.0, mock-1.10.0, instafail-0.3.0, forked-0.2, error-for-skips-1.0.0, env-0.6.2, cov-2.6.0
collected 44 items
tests/ ... [ 6%]
tests/ .. [ 11%]
tests/ .. [ 15%]
tests/ ........... [ 40%]
tests/ . [ 43%]
tests/ . [ 45%]
tests/ . [ 47%]
tests/ . [ 50%]
tests/ .F
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TestLabHub.test_assign_cmd _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
self = <tests.labhub_test.TestLabHub testMethod=test_assign_cmd>
def test_assign_cmd(self):
mock_issue = create_autospec(GitHubIssue)
self.mock_repo.get_issue.return_value = mock_issue
mock_dev_team = create_autospec(github3.orgs.Team)
mock_maint_team = create_autospec(github3.orgs.Team)
mock_dev_team.is_member.return_value = False
mock_maint_team.is_member.return_value = False
self.teams['coala developers'] = mock_dev_team
self.teams['coala maintainers'] = mock_maint_team
mock_dict = {
'REPOS': {'a': self.mock_repo},
'TEAMS': self.teams,
self.inject_mocks('LabHub', mock_dict)
testbot = self
cmd = '!assign{}/{}/issues/{}'
# no assignee, not newcomer
mock_issue.assignees = tuple()
self.mock_team.is_member.return_value = False
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
'You need to be a member of this organization '
'to use this command.')
# no assignee, newcomer, initiatives/gci
self.mock_team.is_member.return_value = True
mock_maint_team.is_member.return_value = False
mock_dev_team.is_member.return_value = False
mock_issue.labels = 'initiatives/gci',
mock_issue.assignees = tuple()
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
'You are not eligible to be assigned'
' to this issue')
# no assignee, developer, initiatives/gci
mock_maint_team.is_member.return_value = False
mock_dev_team.is_member.return_value = True
mock_issue.labels = 'initiatives/gci',
mock_issue.assignees = tuple()
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
'You are not eligible to be assigned'
' to this issue')
mock_dev_team.is_member.return_value = False
# no assignee, newcomer, difficulty/low
mock_issue.labels = PropertyMock()
mock_issue.labels = ('difficulty/low', )
mock_issue.assignees = tuple()
self.mock_team.is_member.return_value = True
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
'You\'ve been assigned to the issue')
# no assignee, newcomer, no labels
self.mock_team.is_member.return_value = True
mock_issue.labels = tuple()
mock_issue.assignees = tuple()
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
'not eligible to be assigned to this issue')
# no assignee, newcomer, difficulty medium
mock_issue.labels = ('difficulty/medium', )
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
'not eligible to be assigned to this issue')
# no assignee, newcomer, difficulty medium
mock_dict = {
'TEAMS': {
'not-coala newcomers': self.mock_team,
'not-coala developers': mock_dev_team,
'not-coala maintainers': mock_maint_team,
self.inject_mocks('LabHub', mock_dict)
self.labhub.config['GH_ORG_NAME'] = 'not-coala'
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
self.labhub.config['GH_ORG_NAME'] = 'coala'
mock_dict['TEAMS'] = self.teams
self.inject_mocks('LabHub', mock_dict)
# newcomer, developer, difficulty/medium
mock_dev_team.is_member.return_value = True
mock_maint_team.is_member.return_value = False
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
# has assignee
mock_issue.assignees = ('somebody', )
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
'already assigned to someone')
# has assignee same as user
mock_issue.assignees = (None, )
testbot.assertCommand(cmd.format('coala', 'a', '23'),
> 'already assigned to you')
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <tests.labhub_test.TestLabHub testMethod=test_assign_cmd>, command = '!assign', response = 'already assigned to you', timeout = 5
def assertCommand(self, command, response, timeout=5):
"""Assert the given command returns the given response"""
msg =
> assert response in msg, f'{response} not in {msg}.'
E AssertionError: already assigned to you not in The issue is already assigned to someone. Please check if the assignee is still working on the issue, if not, you should ask for reassignment..
../environments/coroboenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/errbot/backends/ AssertionError
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
tests/ F
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ TestLabHub.test_create_issue_cmd ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
self = <tests.labhub_test.TestLabHub testMethod=test_create_issue_cmd>
def test_create_issue_cmd(self):
# Start ignoring PycodestyleBear, LineLengthBear
# Ignoring assertion to prevent build failure for time being
# Creating issue in private chat
# testbot_private.assertCommand('!new issue repository this is the title\nbo\ndy',
# 'You\'re not allowed')
# Stop ignoring
# Creating issue in public chat
self.mock_team.is_member.return_value = True
testbot_public = self
!new issue repository this is the title
first line of body
second line of body
'Here you go')
self.global_mocks['REPOS']['repository'].create_issue \
'this is the title',
first line of body
second line of body
> Opened by @None at [text]()''')
E AssertionError: Expected call: create_issue('this is the title', 'first line of body\nsecond line of body\nOpened by @None at [text]()')
E Actual call: create_issue('this is the title', 'first line of body\nsecond line of body\nOpened by @batman at [text]()')
E pytest introspection follows:
E Args:
E assert ('this is the... at [text]()') == ('this is the ... at [text]()')
E At index 1 diff: 'first line of body\nsecond line of body\nOpened by @batman at [text]()' != 'first line of body\nsecond line of body\nOpened by @None at [text]()'
E Use -v to get the full diff
tests/ AssertionError
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
tests/ ......F
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TestLabHub.test_unassign_cmd ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
self = <tests.labhub_test.TestLabHub testMethod=test_unassign_cmd>
def test_unassign_cmd(self):
self.inject_mocks('LabHub', {'REPOS': {'example': self.mock_repo}})
mock_iss = create_autospec(IGitt.GitHub.GitHubIssue)
self.mock_repo.get_issue.return_value = mock_iss
mock_iss.assignees = PropertyMock()
mock_iss.assignees = (None, )
mock_iss.unassign = MagicMock()
self.mock_team.is_member.return_value = True
testbot = self
'you are unassigned now',
> timeout=10000)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <tests.labhub_test.TestLabHub testMethod=test_unassign_cmd>, command = '!unassign', response = 'you are unassigned now', timeout = 10000
def assertCommand(self, command, response, timeout=5):
"""Assert the given command returns the given response"""
msg =
> assert response in msg, f'{response} not in {msg}.'
E AssertionError: you are unassigned now not in You are not an assignee on the issue..
../environments/coroboenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/errbot/backends/ AssertionError
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Captured stdout call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
waiting on queue
message received
tests/ . [ 75%]
tests/ . [ 77%]
tests/ . [ 79%]
tests/ . [ 81%]
tests/ . [ 84%]
tests/ . [ 86%]
tests/ .... [ 95%]
tests/ . [ 97%]
tests/ . [100%]
Profiling (from /home/abhishalya/coala_developement/corobo/prof/
Tue Nov 6 14:22:24 2018 /home/abhishalya/coala_developement/corobo/prof/
9370962 function calls (8747201 primitive calls) in 149.098 seconds
Ordered by: cumulative time
List reduced from 2296 to 20 due to restriction <20>
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
44 0.000 0.000 149.086 3.388
44 0.000 0.000 149.085 3.388
44 0.000 0.000 149.084 3.388
44 0.003 0.000 149.084 3.388
1 0.000 0.000 122.050 122.050
333/188 0.160 0.000 94.995 0.505
8687 0.066 0.000 75.373 0.009
1 0.000 0.000 70.874 70.874<dictcomp>)
17374 25.095 0.001 53.234 0.003
5220 49.772 0.010 49.772 0.010 {method 'acquire' of '_thread.lock' objects}
1170 0.009 0.000 49.211 0.042
203 0.001 0.000 49.072 0.242
251 0.004 0.000 49.072 0.196
114 0.001 0.000 43.196 0.379
1120730/560373 0.680 0.000 27.380 0.000 {built-in method builtins.delattr}
560357 26.700 0.000 27.095 0.000
17267 1.393 0.000 24.719 0.001
17210 0.023 0.000 23.319 0.001
17210 0.034 0.000 23.296 0.001
32578/17210 1.336 0.000 23.263 0.001
----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.6.6-final-0 -----------
Name Stmts Miss Branch BrPart Cover Missing
answers/ 0 0 0 0 100%
plugins/ 0 0 0 0 100%
plugins/ 31 0 8 0 100%
plugins/ 12 0 4 0 100%
plugins/ 115 0 67 0 100%
plugins/ 5 0 0 0 100%
plugins/ 6 0 4 0 100%
plugins/ 20 0 6 0 100%
plugins/ 10 0 2 0 100%
plugins/ 51 0 19 0 100%
plugins/ 4 0 0 0 100%
plugins/ 5 0 0 0 100%
plugins/ 12 0 2 0 100%
plugins/ 14 0 2 0 100%
plugins/ 7 0 0 0 100%
plugins/ 13 0 2 0 100%
plugins/ 5 0 0 0 100%
plugins/ 19 0 6 0 100%
utils/ 0 0 0 0 100%
utils/ 0 0 0 0 100%
utils/ 20 0 6 0 100%
TOTAL 349 0 128 0 100%
Required test coverage of 100% reached. Total coverage: 100.00%
========================================================================================================== short test summary info ===========================================================================================================
FAIL tests/
FAIL tests/
FAIL tests/
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