Copying data from Firebase Firestore to a Google Sheet in real time via Cloud Functions
If you are trying this,then you might have come across to another post from CodingDoug in which he had done the same using Firebase Realtime Database.
Here is the link to his work , if you want with Realtime Database.
For the setup ,you can refer to the link.
The firestore structure for the database is :-
This script , appends a row to the existing sheet when ever there is a new document created under the collection "Customer1"
(You change it according to your requirements)
Here in the file index.ts in line number:31 has the sheet name: new (Again you can update it according to your requirement)
Moreover from line 36-38 (obj["name"], obj["net-amount"], obj["mobile"]) are the fields I was using (You can update it).
Thats It . Enjoy.
thank you's Works for me