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Created December 27, 2016 17:02
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Here is the code for the Youtube Video
# Code for Part 1 of the video series
# Special thanks to Siraj Raval for his excellent work in the community, inspired me to do this
# Special thanks to Andrej Karpathy and his blog-post ""
# Special thanks to iamtrask and his blog-post ""
import math
import random
# _____________
# | |
# | |
# value of x1 | | value of y1 ->
# ----------------| op |------------------
# deravitive x1 | | deravitive y1 <-
# | |
# |___________|
# A TWO INPUT OPERAND (-, +, *, /)
# _____________
# value of x1 | |
# ----------------| |
# deravitive x1 | | value of y1 ->
# | op |------------------
# value of x2 | | deravitive y1 <-
# ----------------| |
# deravitive x2 |___________|
# ... extrapolate for more gates
# exponential gate
# _____________
# | |
# | |
# x1 | | y1
# --------| exp |--------
# dx1 | | dy1
# | |
# |___________|
class exponentiate:
def __init__(self, x1):
# input
self.x1 = x1
# output
self.y1 = 0
# deravitive values
self.dx1 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.y1 = math.exp(self.x1)
def backpropagate(self):
self.dx1 = math.exp(self.x1) * self.dy1
# Negation Gate
# _____________
# | |
# | |
# x1 | | y1
# --------| - |--------
# dx1 | | dy1
# | |
# |___________|
class negate:
def __init__(self, x1):
# input
self.x1 = x1
# output
self.y1 = 0
# deravitive values
self.dx1 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.y1 = -1 * self.x1
def backpropagate(self):
self.dx1 = -1 * self.dy1
# Addition gate
# _____________
# x1 | |
# --------| |
# dx1 | | y1
# | + |--------
# x2 | | dy1
# --------| |
# dx2 |___________|
class add:
def __init__(self, x1, x2):
# input
self.x1 = x1
self.x2 = x2
# output
self.y1 = 0
# deravitive values
self.dx1 = 0
self.dx2 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.y1 = self.x1 + self.x2
def backpropagate(self):
self.dx1 = self.dy1
self.dx2 = self.dy1
# Subtraction Gate
# _____________
# x1 | |
# --------| |
# dx1 | | y1
# | - |--------
# x2 | | dy1
# --------| |
# dx2 |___________|
class subtract:
def __init__(self, x1, x2):
# inputs
self.x1 = x1
self.x2 = x2
# outputs
self.y1 = 0
# deravitive values
self.dx1 = 0
self.dx2 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.y1 = self.x1 - self.x2
def backpropagate(self):
self.dx1 = self.dy1
self.dx2 = -1 * self.dy1
# Multiplication Gate
# _____________
# x1 | |
# --------| |
# dx1 | | y1
# | * |--------
# x2 | | dy1
# --------| |
# dx2 |___________|
class multiply:
def __init__(self, x1, x2):
# inputs
self.x1 = x1
self.x2 = x2
# outputs
self.y1 = 0
# deravitive values
self.dx1 = 0
self.dx2 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.y1 = self.x1 * self.x2
def backpropagate(self):
self.dx1 = self.x2 * self.dy1
self.dx2 = self.x1 * self.dy1
# Division Gate
# _____________
# x1 | |
# --------| |
# dx1 | | y1
# | / |--------
# x2 | | dy1
# --------| |
# dx2 |___________|
class divide:
def __init__(self, x1, x2):
# inputs
self.x1 = x1
self.x2 = x2
# outputs
self.y1 = 0
# deravitives
self.dx1 = 0
self.dx2 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.y1 = self.x1 / self.x2
def backpropagate(self):
self.dx1 = self.dy1 / self.x2
self.dx2 = -1 * (self.x1 * self.dy1) / (self.x2 * self.x2)
# Sigmoid Gate
# _____________
# | |
# | |
# x1 | | y1
# --------| sig |--------
# dx1 | | dy1
# | |
# |___________|
class sigmoid:
def __init__(self, x1):
# input
self.x1 = x1
# output
self.y1 = 0
# deravitive
self.dx1 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.temp_negate = negate(self.x1)
self.temp_exp = exponentiate(self.temp_negate.y1)
self.temp_add = add(1, self.temp_exp.y1)
self.temp_divide = divide(1, self.temp_add.y1)
self.y1 = self.temp_divide.y1
def backpropagate(self):
self.temp_divide.dy1 = self.dy1
self.temp_add.dy1 = self.temp_divide.dx2
self.temp_exp.dy1 = self.temp_add.dx2
self.temp_negate.dy1 = self.temp_exp.dx1
self.dx1 = self.temp_negate.dx1
# 3 way add gate
# _____________
# | |
# x1 | |
# --------| |
# dx1 | |
# x2 | | y1
# --------| + |--------
# dx2 | | dy1
# x3 | |
# --------| |
# dx3 | |
# |___________|
class add_3:
def __init__(self, x1, x2, x3):
# input values
self.x1 = x1
self.x2 = x2
self.x3 = x3
# outputs
self.y1 = 0
# deravitives
self.dx1 = 0
self.dx2 = 0
self.dx3 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.add_1 = add(self.x1, self.x2)
self.add_2 = add(self.add_1.y1, self.x3)
self.y1 = self.add_2.y1
def backpropagate(self):
self.add_2.dy1 = self.dy1
self.add_1.dy1 = self.add_2.dx1
self.dx3 = self.add_2.dx2
self.dx2 = self.add_1.dx2
self.dx1 = self.add_1.dx1
# 4 way add gate
# _____________
# | |
# x1 | |
# --------| |
# dx1 | |
# x2 | |
# --------| |
# dx2 | | y1
# x3 | + |--------
# --------| | dy1
# dx3 | |
# x4 | |
# --------| |
# dx4 | |
# |___________|
class add_4:
def __init__(self, x1, x2, x3, x4):
# input values
self.x1 = x1
self.x2 = x2
self.x3 = x3
self.x4 = x4
# outputs
self.y1 = 0
# deravitives
self.dx1 = 0
self.dx2 = 0
self.dx3 = 0
self.dx4 = 0
self.dy1 = 0
def activate(self):
self.add_1 = add(self.x1, self.x2)
self.add_2 = add(self.add_1.y1, self.x3)
self.add_3 = add(self.add_2.y1, self.x4)
self.y1 = self.add_3.y1
def backpropagate(self):
self.add_3.dy1 = self.dy1
self.add_2.dy1 = self.add_3.dx1
self.add_1.dy1 = self.add_2.dx1
self.dx4 = self.add_3.dx2
self.dx3 = self.add_2.dx2
self.dx2 = self.add_1.dx2
self.dx1 = self.add_1.dx1
# #
# This is the design for our first neural network #
# #
# Neural Network 1 Input layer, 0 Hidden layer, 1 Output layer, see the Power - Point
# Here is the implementation of the Neural Network
class Net:
def __init__(self):
# inputs
self.x1 = 0
self.x2 = 0
self.x3 = 0
self.step_size = 0.01
# outputs
self.expected = 0
# randomly seeded values
self.a = random.uniform(-1, 1)
self.b = random.uniform(-1, 1)
self.c = random.uniform(-1, 1)
# deravitive for the synapses
self.da = 0
self.db = 0
self.dc = 0
# output
self.out = 0
# deravitive input
self.dout = 0
def activate(self):
# multiply here for a, b, and c. Look at the PDF/Powerpoint
self.multiply_x1 = multiply(self.x1, self.a)
self.multiply_x2 = multiply(self.x2, self.b)
self.multiply_x3 = multiply(self.x3, self.c)
# add here
self.add_block = add_3(self.multiply_x1.y1, self.multiply_x2.y1, self.multiply_x3.y1)
# sigmoid here
self.sigmoid_block = sigmoid(self.add_block.y1)
self.out = self.sigmoid_block.y1
def backpropagate(self):
# backpropagate sigmoid
self.sigmoid_block.dy1 = self.dout
# backpropagate add block
self.add_block.dy1 = self.sigmoid_block.dx1
# backpropagate multiply block 1
self.multiply_x1.dy1 = self.add_block.dx1
# backpropagate multiply block 2
self.multiply_x2.dy1 = self.add_block.dx2
# backpropagate multiply block 2
self.multiply_x3.dy1 = self.add_block.dx3
# derivitives at a, b and c
self.da = self.multiply_x1.dx2
self.db = self.multiply_x2.dx2
self.dc = self.multiply_x3.dx2
def train_once(self):
# activate
# calculate error
self.dout = self.expected - self.out
# backpropagate
# correct synapse values
self.a = self.a + self.step_size * self.da
self.b = self.b + self.step_size * self.db
self.c = self.c + self.step_size * self.dc
# #
# Here our first problem of the PDF/powerpoint is solved #
# #
# [0, 0, 1] => 0
# [1, 1, 1] => 1
# [1, 0, 1] => 1
# [0, 1, 1] => 0
# Create Neural Network
# initialize with first dataset, we will do jank batch training on the neural net
# there is the training
neural_net_1 = Net()
# You don't need to worry about this part its just for displaying information#
########################### START: DISPLAY INFO ##############################
# Print Synapses Before Training
print("Synapse Weights")
print(" ")
print("a = " + str(neural_net_1.a))
print("b = " + str(neural_net_1.b))
print("c = " + str(neural_net_1.c))
print(" ")
# Before training display
print("Before Training")
print(" ")
print("[0, 0, 1] => 0")
neural_net_1.x1 = 0
neural_net_1.x2 = 0
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 0
print("> " + str(neural_net_1.out))
print(" ")
print("[1, 1, 1] => 1")
neural_net_1.x1 = 1
neural_net_1.x2 = 1
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 1
print("> " + str(neural_net_1.out))
print(" ")
print("[1, 0, 1] => 1")
neural_net_1.x1 = 1
neural_net_1.x2 = 0
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 1
print("> " + str(neural_net_1.out))
print(" ")
print("[0, 1, 1] => 0")
neural_net_1.x1 = 0
neural_net_1.x2 = 1
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 1
print("> " + str(neural_net_1.out))
print(" ")
print("As you see the values do not Match")
############################ END: DISPLAY INFO ###############################
# Actual Training using the set of data
for x in range(100000):
# [0, 0, 1] => 0
neural_net_1.x1 = 0
neural_net_1.x2 = 0
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 0
# [1, 1, 1] => 1
neural_net_1.x1 = 1
neural_net_1.x2 = 1
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 1
# [1, 0, 1] => 1
neural_net_1.x1 = 1
neural_net_1.x2 = 0
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 1
# [0, 1, 1] => 0
neural_net_1.x1 = 0
neural_net_1.x2 = 1
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 0
if x % 1000 == 0:
print(" ")
# You don't need to worry about this part its just for displaying information#
########################### START: DISPLAY INFO ##############################
# Print Synapses After Training
print("Synapse Weights")
print(" ")
print("a = " + str(neural_net_1.a))
print("b = " + str(neural_net_1.b))
print("c = " + str(neural_net_1.c))
print(" ")
# values after training
print("After Training")
print(" ")
print("[0, 0, 1] => 0")
neural_net_1.x1 = 0
neural_net_1.x2 = 0
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 0
print("> " + str(neural_net_1.out))
print(" ")
print("[1, 1, 1] => 1")
neural_net_1.x1 = 1
neural_net_1.x2 = 1
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 1
print("> " + str(neural_net_1.out))
print(" ")
print("[1, 0, 1] => 1")
neural_net_1.x1 = 1
neural_net_1.x2 = 0
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 1
print("> " + str(neural_net_1.out))
print(" ")
print("[0, 1, 1] => 0")
neural_net_1.x1 = 0
neural_net_1.x2 = 1
neural_net_1.x3 = 1
neural_net_1.expected = 1
print("> " + str(neural_net_1.out))
print(" ")
############################ END: DISPLAY INFO ###############################
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