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Created July 6, 2018 15:40
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import sys
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nltk
from utilities import cleanText
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
sentiment_analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() # Our Great Sentiment Analyzer
def analyze(name):
linesList = cleanText(name + '.txt')
neutral, negative, positive = 0, 0, 0
for index, sentence in enumerate(linesList):
print("Processing {0}%".format(str((index * 100) / len(linesList))))
# Ignore Emoji
if re.match(r'^[\w]', sentence):
scores = sentiment_analyzer.polarity_scores(sentence)
# We don't need that component
scores.pop('compound', None)
maxAttribute = max(scores, key=lambda k: scores[k])
if maxAttribute == "neu":
neutral += 1
elif maxAttribute == "neg":
negative += 1
positive += 1
total = neutral + negative + positive
print("Negative: {0}% | Neutral: {1}% | Positive: {2}%".format(
negative*100/total, neutral*100/total, positive*100/total))
# Plot
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