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Last active December 30, 2024 18:54
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const MAX_TOKENS = 200;
// For more cool AI snippets and demos, follow me on Twitter:
* Completes your prompt with GPT-3
* @param {string} prompt Prompt
* @param {number} temperature (Optional) Temperature. 1 is super creative while 0 is very exact and precise. Defaults to 0.4.
* @param {string} model (Optional) GPT-3 Model to use. Defaults to "text-davinci-003".
* @return Completion returned by GPT-3
* @customfunction
function AI(prompt, temperature = 0.4, model = "text-davinci-003") {
const url = "";
const payload = {
model: model,
prompt: prompt,
temperature: temperature,
max_tokens: MAX_TOKENS,
const options = {
contentType: "application/json",
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + SECRET_KEY },
payload: JSON.stringify(payload),
const res = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options).getContentText());
return res.choices[0].text.trim();
* Classifies an item into a fixed set of categories
* @param {range} categories Set of categories
* @param {string} item Item to classify
* @param {range} rules (Optional) Set of rules written in plain text
* @return Completion returned by GPT-3
* @customfunction
function CATEGORIZE(categories, input, rules=[]) {
const prompt = "The available categories are " + => `"${c}"`).join(", ") + ". " + rules.join(". ") + "The category for '" + input + "' is ";
const completion = AI(prompt, 0, "text-davinci-003");
// Replace "s and .s at the start and end of the string
return completion.replace(/^"/g, '').replace(/["|.]{0,2}$/, '');
// For more cool AI snippets and demos, follow me on Twitter:
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It's Great. Thank you vary much

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Thank you!

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@abi , can you explain about CATEGORIZE function?

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@abi, I modified the prompt parameter inside function AI by manually inputting a string value but somehow gpt's responses does not take this into account. How should I modify the prompt to be sent to openAI correctly?

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add a new ChatGPT account and it comes out like this

15:45:48 Error Exception: Request failed for returned code 429. Truncated server response: { "error": { "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.", "type": "insufficient_q... (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response) AI @ Có`

I have the same error.
How did you fix this error?
Could you please tell me?

Exception: Request failed for returned code 429. Truncated server response: { "error": { "message": "Rate limit reached for text-davinci-003 in organization org-2QaMd1zCxnHUJbSJOvatW139 on requests per min. Limi... (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response) (строка 28).

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Will this still work in January, or will it be discontinued? Will you upgrade it? Thanks.

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abi commented Dec 6, 2023

Sorry I'm not updating this script any longer.

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Sorry I'm not updating this script any longer.

Will it still work if we just change the model name to a new one? Are you doing freelance work, how can I reach out to if you are?

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i try this with divinc 002 it not work

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