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Created April 21, 2012 05:07
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class Dnscell.Collections.Domains extends Backbone.Collection
url: "/api/zones"
model: Dnscell.Models.Domain
class Dnscell.Routers.Domains extends Backbone.Router
routes: {
'dns_management/domains/': 'index'
'dns_management/domains': 'index'
'hosts/:id': 'hosts'
'dns_management/domains/:id': 'show_zone'
# initialize: ->
# @collection = new Dnscell.Collections.Domains()
# index: ->
# #view = new Dnscell.Views.DomainsIndex(collection: @collection)
# #view.render()
# @collection.fetch({
# success: ->
# view = new Dnscell.Views.DomainsIndex(collection: @collection)
# view.render()
# })
initialize: (id) ->
@collection = new Dnscell.Collections.Domains()
success: =>
# I can use here
index: =>
console.log # but it is undefine here
#Backbone.history.navigate("dns_management/domains/#{'combine')}".replace(/\./g, '_') , true)
hosts: (id) ->
show_zone: (id) ->
#console.log "#domain_#{'id')}"
# success: =>
# #alert collection.length
# $('#domains').html("")
# view = new Dnscell.Views.DomainsIndex(collection: @collection)
# view.render()
hosts = new Backbone.Collection;
hosts.url = "/api/hosts/#{id}/hosts"
success: =>
hostsView = new Dnscell.Views.Hosts(collection: hosts)
error: ->
# alert 'ko'
$('.host_list').html('<td>No host(s)</td>')
render_sidebar: =>
view = new Dnscell.Views.DomainsIndex(collection: @collection)
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