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Created March 25, 2021 12:35
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-- name: QueryOne :one
SELECT 1 AS one;
// Code generated by pggen. DO NOT EDIT.
package pggen_test
import (
// Querier is a typesafe Go interface backed by SQL queries.
// Methods ending with Batch enqueue a query to run later in a pgx.Batch. After
// calling SendBatch on pgx.Conn, pgxpool.Pool, or pgx.Tx, use the Scan methods
// to parse the results.
type Querier interface {
QueryOne(ctx context.Context) (int32, error)
// QueryOneBatch enqueues a QueryOne query into batch to be executed
// later by the batch.
QueryOneBatch(batch *pgx.Batch)
// QueryOneScan scans the result of an executed QueryOneBatch query.
QueryOneScan(results pgx.BatchResults) (int32, error)
type DBQuerier struct {
conn genericConn
var _ Querier = &DBQuerier{}
// genericConn is a connection to a Postgres database. This is usually backed by
// *pgx.Conn, pgx.Tx, or *pgxpool.Pool.
type genericConn interface {
// Query executes sql with args. If there is an error the returned Rows will
// be returned in an error state. So it is allowed to ignore the error
// returned from Query and handle it in Rows.
Query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) (pgx.Rows, error)
// QueryRow is a convenience wrapper over Query. Any error that occurs while
// querying is deferred until calling Scan on the returned Row. That Row will
// error with pgx.ErrNoRows if no rows are returned.
QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...interface{}) pgx.Row
// Exec executes sql. sql can be either a prepared statement name or an SQL
// string. arguments should be referenced positionally from the sql string
// as $1, $2, etc.
Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...interface{}) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
// NewQuerier creates a DBQuerier that implements Querier. conn is typically
// *pgx.Conn, pgx.Tx, or *pgxpool.Pool.
func NewQuerier(conn genericConn) *DBQuerier {
return &DBQuerier{
conn: conn,
// WithTx creates a new DBQuerier that uses the transaction to run all queries.
func (q *DBQuerier) WithTx(tx pgx.Tx) (*DBQuerier, error) {
return &DBQuerier{conn: tx}, nil
const queryOneSQL = `SELECT 1 AS one;`
// QueryOne implements Querier.QueryOne.
func (q *DBQuerier) QueryOne(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) {
row := q.conn.QueryRow(ctx, queryOneSQL)
var item int32
if err := row.Scan(&item); err != nil {
return item, fmt.Errorf("query QueryOne: %w", err)
return item, nil
// QueryOneBatch implements Querier.QueryOneBatch.
func (q *DBQuerier) QueryOneBatch(batch *pgx.Batch) {
// QueryOneScan implements Querier.QueryOneScan.
func (q *DBQuerier) QueryOneScan(results pgx.BatchResults) (int32, error) {
row := results.QueryRow()
var item int32
if err := row.Scan(&item); err != nil {
return item, fmt.Errorf("scan QueryOneBatch row: %w", err)
return item, nil
CREATE TABLE test_tbl (test_column text);
-- name: QueryTwo :one
SELECT 2 AS two;
// Code generated by pggen. DO NOT EDIT.
package pggen_test
import (
const queryTwoSQL = `SELECT 2 AS two;`
// QueryTwo implements Querier.QueryTwo.
func (q *DBQuerier) QueryTwo(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) {
row := q.conn.QueryRow(ctx, queryTwoSQL)
var item int32
if err := row.Scan(&item); err != nil {
return item, fmt.Errorf("query QueryTwo: %w", err)
return item, nil
// QueryTwoBatch implements Querier.QueryTwoBatch.
func (q *DBQuerier) QueryTwoBatch(batch *pgx.Batch) {
// QueryTwoScan implements Querier.QueryTwoScan.
func (q *DBQuerier) QueryTwoScan(results pgx.BatchResults) (int32, error) {
row := results.QueryRow()
var item int32
if err := row.Scan(&item); err != nil {
return item, fmt.Errorf("scan QueryTwoBatch row: %w", err)
return item, nil
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