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Created January 16, 2019 15:19
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#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace arma;
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
rowvec rdirichlet(const vec & alpha){
int K = alpha.n_rows;
rowvec y(K);
for(int k=0;k<K ;k++){
y[k] = R::rgamma(alpha[k],1);
rowvec out = y/sum(y);
rowvec rcate(const rowvec & p){
int K = p.n_cols;
rowvec cump = cumsum(p);
rowvec x(K);
double U = R::runif(0,1);
x[0] = 1;
for(int k=1; k<K; k++){
if(cump[k-1]<U & U<=cump[k]){
x[k] = 1;
vec colSums(const mat & X){
int nCols = X.n_cols;
vec out(nCols);
for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++){
out(i) = sum(X.col(i));
vec colMeans(const mat & X){
int nCols = X.n_cols;
vec out(nCols);
for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++){
out(i) = sum(X.col(i))/X.n_rows;
vec colSums(const imat & X){
int nCols = X.n_cols;
vec out(nCols);
for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++){
out(i) = sum(X.col(i));
vec colMeans(const imat & X){
int nCols = X.n_cols;
vec out(nCols);
for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++){
out(i) = sum(X.col(i))/X.n_rows;
vec rowSums(const mat & X){
int nRows = X.n_rows;
vec out(nRows);
for(int i = 0; i < nRows; i++){
out(i) = sum(X.row(i));
rowvec softmax(const rowvec & x){
double tmp = max(x);
rowvec res = exp(x-tmp)/sum(exp(x-tmp));
return res;
double logsumexp(const rowvec & x){
double tmp = max(x);
return tmp + log(sum(exp(x-tmp)));
double multi_lpmf(rowvec W, double M, rowvec p){
int K = W.n_cols;
double lp = 0;
for(int k=0; k<K; k++){
if(!(W[k]==0 && p[k]==0)){
lp = lp + W[k]*log(p[k])-lgamma(W[k]+1);
lp = lp + lgamma(M+1);
return lp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List binom_mult_Gibbs(vec y, vec s, mat W, int L, vec phiini, mat pini, vec rhoini, double alpha, double gamma, double beta, int iter){
vec M;
M = rowSums(W);
int N = y.n_rows;
int K = W.n_cols;
rowvec unnorm(L);
cube z = zeros(N,L,iter);
mat ztmp = zeros(N,L);
mat Wz = zeros(N,L);
mat phi = zeros(iter,L);
phi.row(0) = phiini.t();
cube p = zeros(L,K,iter);
p.slice(0) = pini;
mat ptmp = pini;
mat rho = zeros(iter,L);
rho.row(0) = rhoini.t();
mat loglik = zeros(iter-1);
for(int i=1;i<iter;i++){
for(int n=0;n<N;n++){
for(int l=0; l<L; l++){
unnorm[l] = beta*(std::log(phi.row(i-1)[l]) + R::dbinom(y[n],s[n],rho.row(i-1)[l],true) + multi_lpmf(W.row(n),M[n],ptmp.row(l)));
loglik(i-1) += logsumexp(unnorm/beta);
ztmp.row(n) = rcate(softmax(unnorm));
phi.row(i) = rdirichlet(colSums(ztmp)+1);
for(int l=0; l<L; l++){
rho.row(i)[l] = R::rbeta(beta*sum(ztmp.col(l) % y)+gamma,beta*sum(ztmp.col(l) % (s-y))+gamma);
rho.row(i) = sort(rho.row(i));
Wz = W.each_col() % ztmp.col(l);
ptmp.row(l) = rdirichlet(beta*colSums(Wz)+alpha);
p.slice(i) = ptmp;
z.slice(i) = ztmp;
return List::create(Named("p")=p,_["phi"]=phi,_["rho"]=rho,_["z"]=z,_["loglik"]=loglik);
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