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Created July 14, 2014 14:47
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Multi-processing Multi-Label Models
* This software is distributed under BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE file).
* Copyright(C) 2014 Abinash Panda
* Written(W) 2014 Abinash Panda
#include <shogun/features/DotFeatures.h>
#include <shogun/features/SparseFeatures.h>
#include <shogun/lib/Hash.h>
#include <shogun/mathematics/Math.h>
#include <shogun/structure/HashedMultilabelModel.h>
#include <shogun/structure/MultilabelSOLabels.h>
#include <shogun/lib/DynamicArray.h>
using namespace shogun;
: CStructuredModel()
CHashedMultilabelModel::CHashedMultilabelModel(CFeatures * features,
CStructuredLabels * labels, int32_t dim) : CStructuredModel(features, labels)
CStructuredLabels * CHashedMultilabelModel::structured_labels_factory(
int32_t num_examples)
return new CMultilabelSOLabels(num_examples, m_num_classes);
void CHashedMultilabelModel::init(int32_t dim)
SG_ADD(&m_false_positive, "false_positive", "Misclassification cost for false positive",
SG_ADD(&m_false_negative, "false_negative", "Misclassification cost for false negative",
SG_ADD(&m_num_classes, "num_classes", "Number of (binary) class assignment per label",
SG_ADD(&m_dim, "dim", "New joint feature space dimension", MS_NOT_AVAILABLE);
SG_ADD(&m_seeds, "seeds", "Vector of seeds used for hashing",
m_false_positive = 1;
m_false_negative = 1;
m_num_classes = 0;
m_dim = dim;
if (m_labels != NULL)
m_seeds = SGVector<uint32_t>(
((CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels)->get_num_classes());
SGVector<uint32_t>::range_fill_vector(m_seeds.vector, m_seeds.vlen);
m_seeds = SGVector<uint32_t>(0);
int32_t CHashedMultilabelModel::get_dim() const
return m_dim;
void CHashedMultilabelModel::set_misclass_cost(float64_t false_positive,
float64_t false_negative)
m_false_positive = false_positive;
m_false_negative = false_negative;
void CHashedMultilabelModel::set_seeds(SGVector<uint32_t> seeds)
REQUIRE(((CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels)->get_num_classes() == seeds.vlen,
"Seeds for all the classes not provided. \n");
m_seeds = seeds;
SGVector<float64_t> CHashedMultilabelModel::get_joint_feature_vector(
int32_t feat_idx, CStructuredData * y)
SG_ERROR("compute_joint_feature(int32_t, CStructuredData*) is not "
"implemented for %s!\n", get_name());
return SGVector<float64_t>();
SGSparseVector<float64_t> CHashedMultilabelModel::get_sparse_joint_feature_vector(
int32_t feat_idx, CStructuredData * y)
SGSparseVector<float64_t> vec = ((CSparseFeatures<float64_t> *)m_features)->
CSparseMultilabel * slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y);
ASSERT(slabel != NULL);
SGVector<int32_t> slabel_data = slabel->get_data();
SGSparseVector<float64_t> psi(vec.num_feat_entries * slabel_data.vlen);
index_t k = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < slabel_data.vlen; i++)
int32_t label = slabel_data[i];
uint32_t seed = (uint32_t)m_seeds[label];
for (int32_t j = 0; j < vec.num_feat_entries; j++)
uint32_t hash = CHash::MurmurHash3(
(uint8_t *)&vec.features[j].feat_index,
sizeof(index_t), seed);
psi.features[k].feat_index = (hash >> 1) % m_dim;
psi.features[k++].entry =
(hash % 2 == 1 ? -1.0 : 1.0) * vec.features[j].entry;
return psi;
float64_t CHashedMultilabelModel::delta_loss(CStructuredData * y1,
CStructuredData * y2)
CSparseMultilabel * y1_slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y1);
CSparseMultilabel * y2_slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y2);
ASSERT(y1_slabel != NULL);
ASSERT(y2_slabel != NULL);
CMultilabelSOLabels * multi_labels = (CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels;
return delta_loss(
multi_labels->get_num_classes(), 1, 0),
multi_labels->get_num_classes(), 1, 0));
float64_t CHashedMultilabelModel::delta_loss(SGVector<float64_t> y1,
SGVector<float64_t> y2)
REQUIRE(y1.vlen == y2.vlen, "Size of both the vectors should be same\n");
float64_t loss = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t i = 0; i < y1.vlen; i++)
#pragma omp atomic
loss += delta_loss(y1[i], y2[i]);
return loss;
float64_t CHashedMultilabelModel::delta_loss(float64_t y1, float64_t y2)
return y1 > y2 ? m_false_negative : y1 < y2 ? m_false_positive : 0;
void CHashedMultilabelModel::init_primal_opt(
float64_t regularization,
SGMatrix<float64_t> &A,
SGVector<float64_t> a,
SGMatrix<float64_t> B,
SGVector<float64_t> &b,
SGVector<float64_t> lb,
SGVector<float64_t> ub,
SGMatrix<float64_t> &C)
C = SGMatrix<float64_t>::create_identity_matrix(get_dim(), regularization);
SGSparseVector<float64_t> CHashedMultilabelModel::get_hashed_feature_vector(
int32_t feat_idx, uint32_t seed)
SGSparseVector<float64_t> vec = ((CSparseFeatures<float64_t> *)m_features)->
SGSparseVector<float64_t> h_vec(vec.num_feat_entries);
for (int32_t j = 0; j < vec.num_feat_entries; j++)
uint32_t hash = CHash::MurmurHash3(
(uint8_t *)&vec.features[j].feat_index,
sizeof(index_t), seed);
h_vec.features[j].feat_index = (hash >> 1) % m_dim;
h_vec.features[j].entry =
(hash % 2 == 1 ? -1.0 : 1.0) * vec.features[j].entry;
return h_vec;
SGVector<int32_t> CHashedMultilabelModel::to_sparse(SGVector<float64_t> dense_vec,
float64_t d_true, float64_t d_false)
int32_t size = 0;
for (index_t i = 0; i < dense_vec.vlen; i++)
REQUIRE(dense_vec[i] == d_true || dense_vec[i] == d_false,
"The values of dense vector should be either (%d) or (%d).\n",
d_true, d_false);
if (dense_vec[i] == d_true)
SGVector<int32_t> sparse_vec(size);
index_t j = 0;
for (index_t i = 0; i < dense_vec.vlen; i++)
if (dense_vec[i] == d_true)
sparse_vec[j] = i;
return sparse_vec;
CResultSet * CHashedMultilabelModel::argmax(SGVector<float64_t> w,
int32_t feat_idx, bool const training)
CMultilabelSOLabels * multi_labs = (CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels;
if (training)
m_num_classes = multi_labs->get_num_classes();
REQUIRE(m_num_classes > 0, "The model needs to be trained before using"
"it for prediction.\n");
int32_t dim = get_dim();
ASSERT(dim == w.vlen);
float64_t score = 0, total_score = 0;
CSparseMultilabel * slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(
SGVector<int32_t> slabel_data = slabel->get_data();
SGVector<float64_t> y_truth = CMultilabelSOLabels::to_dense(
slabel, m_num_classes, 1, 0);
SGVector<float64_t> y_pred_dense(m_num_classes);;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int32_t c = 0; c < m_num_classes; c++)
SGSparseVector<float64_t> phi = get_hashed_feature_vector(feat_idx,
score = phi.dense_dot(1.0, w.vector, w.vlen, 0);
if (score > 0)
y_pred_dense[c] = 1;
#pragma omp atomic
total_score += score;
SGVector<int32_t> y_pred_sparse = to_sparse(y_pred_dense, 1, 0);
CResultSet * ret = new CResultSet();
ret->psi_computed_sparse = true;
ret->psi_computed = false;
CSparseMultilabel * y_pred_label = new CSparseMultilabel(y_pred_sparse);
ret->psi_pred_sparse = get_sparse_joint_feature_vector(feat_idx, y_pred_label);
ret->score = total_score;
ret->argmax = y_pred_label;
if (training)
ret->delta = CStructuredModel::delta_loss(feat_idx, y_pred_label);
ret->psi_truth_sparse = CStructuredModel::get_sparse_joint_feature_vector(
feat_idx, feat_idx);
ret->score += (ret->delta - ret->psi_truth_sparse.dense_dot(1, w.vector,
w.vlen, 0));
return ret;
* This software is distributed under BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE file).
* Copyright(C) 2014 Thoralf Klein
* Written(W) 2014 Thoralf Klein
* Written(W) 2014 Abinash Panda
#include <shogun/features/DotFeatures.h>
#include <shogun/mathematics/Math.h>
#include <shogun/structure/MultilabelCLRModel.h>
#include <shogun/structure/MultilabelSOLabels.h>
using namespace shogun;
: CStructuredModel()
CMultilabelCLRModel::CMultilabelCLRModel(CFeatures * features,
CStructuredLabels * labels) : CStructuredModel(features, labels)
CStructuredLabels * CMultilabelCLRModel::structured_labels_factory(
int32_t num_labels)
return new CMultilabelSOLabels(num_labels, m_num_classes);
void CMultilabelCLRModel::init()
SG_ADD(&m_num_classes, "num_classes", "Number of (binary) class assignment per label",
m_num_classes = 0;
int32_t CMultilabelCLRModel::get_dim() const
int32_t num_classes = ((CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels)->get_num_classes();
int32_t feats_dim = ((CDotFeatures *)m_features)->get_dim_feature_space();
return feats_dim * (num_classes + 1);
SGVector<float64_t> CMultilabelCLRModel::get_joint_feature_vector(
int32_t feat_idx, CStructuredData * y)
SGVector<float64_t> psi(get_dim());;
int32_t num_classes = ((CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels)->get_num_classes();
int32_t num_pos_labels = (CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y))->
int32_t num_neg_labels = num_classes - num_pos_labels;
// the calibrated label is considered to be the last label
SGVector<float64_t> label_coeffs(num_classes + 1);;
// the label coefficients would be positive for the relevant/positive
// labels (P), negative for irrelevant/negative labels (N) and would be the
// difference of number of irrelevant labels and number of revelant labels
// for the calibrated/virtual label as
// labels_coeff = \sum_{i \in P}{l(i) - l(v)} + \sum_{j \in N}{l(v) - l(j)}
// where $v$ is the calibrated/virtual label
label_coeffs += CMultilabelSOLabels::to_dense(y, num_classes + 1, 1, -1);
label_coeffs[num_classes] = num_neg_labels - num_pos_labels;
CDotFeatures * dot_feats = (CDotFeatures *)m_features;
SGVector<float64_t> x = dot_feats->get_computed_dot_feature_vector(feat_idx);
int32_t feats_dim = dot_feats->get_dim_feature_space();
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t i = 0; i < num_classes + 1; i++)
float64_t coeff = label_coeffs[i];
for (index_t j = 0; j < feats_dim; j++)
psi[i * feats_dim + j] = coeff * x[j];
return psi;
float64_t CMultilabelCLRModel::delta_loss(CStructuredData * y1, CStructuredData * y2)
CSparseMultilabel * y1_slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y1);
CSparseMultilabel * y2_slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y2);
ASSERT(y1_slabel != NULL);
ASSERT(y2_slabel != NULL);
CMultilabelSOLabels * multi_labels = (CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels;
return delta_loss(
multi_labels->get_num_classes(), 1, 0),
multi_labels->get_num_classes(), 1, 0));
float64_t CMultilabelCLRModel::delta_loss(SGVector<float64_t> y1, SGVector<float64_t> y2)
REQUIRE(y1.vlen == y2.vlen, "Size of both the vectors should be same\n");
float64_t loss = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t i = 0; i < y1.vlen; i++)
#pragma omp atomic
loss += delta_loss(y1[i], y2[i]);
return loss;
float64_t CMultilabelCLRModel::delta_loss(float64_t y1, float64_t y2)
return y1 != y2 ? 1 : 0;
SGVector<int32_t> CMultilabelCLRModel::to_sparse(SGVector<float64_t> dense_vec,
float64_t d_true, float64_t d_false)
int32_t size = 0;
for (index_t i = 0; i < dense_vec.vlen; i++)
REQUIRE(dense_vec[i] == d_true || dense_vec[i] == d_false,
"The values of dense vector should be either (%d) or (%d).\n",
d_true, d_false);
if (dense_vec[i] == d_true)
SGVector<int32_t> sparse_vec(size);
index_t j = 0;
for (index_t i = 0; i < dense_vec.vlen; i++)
if (dense_vec[i] == d_true)
sparse_vec[j] = i;
return sparse_vec;
CResultSet * CMultilabelCLRModel::argmax(SGVector<float64_t> w, int32_t feat_idx,
bool const training)
CDotFeatures * dot_feats = (CDotFeatures *)m_features;
int32_t feats_dim = dot_feats->get_dim_feature_space();
CMultilabelSOLabels * multi_labs = (CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels;
if (training)
m_num_classes = multi_labs->get_num_classes();
REQUIRE(m_num_classes > 0, "The model needs to be trained before using "
"it for prediction\n");
int32_t dim = get_dim();
ASSERT(dim == w.vlen);
SGVector<float64_t> plus_minus_one(m_num_classes);
if (training)
CSparseMultilabel * y_true = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(
SGVector<int32_t> y_true_data = y_true->get_data();
for (index_t i = 0; i < y_true_data.vlen; i++)
plus_minus_one[y_true_data[i]] = 1;
float64_t score = 0, calibrated_score = 0;
// last label (m_num_class + 1)th label is the calibrated/virtual label
calibrated_score = dot_feats->dense_dot(feat_idx, w.vector + m_num_classes * feats_dim,
SGVector<float64_t> class_product(m_num_classes);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t i = 0; i < m_num_classes; i++)
score = dot_feats->dense_dot(feat_idx, w.vector + i * feats_dim,
class_product[i] = score - calibrated_score;
SGVector<float64_t> y_pred_dense(m_num_classes);;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t i = 0; i < m_num_classes; i++)
score = class_product[i] - plus_minus_one[i];
if (score >= 0)
y_pred_dense[i] = 1;
SGVector<int32_t> y_pred_sparse = to_sparse(y_pred_dense, 1, 0);
CResultSet * ret = new CResultSet();
ret->psi_computed = true;
CSparseMultilabel * y_pred = new CSparseMultilabel(y_pred_sparse);
ret->psi_pred = get_joint_feature_vector(feat_idx, y_pred);
ret->score = SGVector<float64_t>::dot(w.vector, ret->psi_pred.vector, dim);
ret->argmax = y_pred;
if (training)
ret->delta = CStructuredModel::delta_loss(feat_idx, y_pred);
ret->psi_truth = CStructuredModel::get_joint_feature_vector(
feat_idx, feat_idx);
ret->score += (ret->delta - SGVector<float64_t>::dot(w.vector,
ret->psi_truth.vector, dim));
return ret;
void CMultilabelCLRModel::init_primal_opt(
float64_t regularization,
SGMatrix<float64_t> &A,
SGVector<float64_t> a,
SGMatrix<float64_t> B,
SGVector<float64_t> &b,
SGVector<float64_t> lb,
SGVector<float64_t> ub,
SGMatrix<float64_t> &C)
C = SGMatrix<float64_t>::create_identity_matrix(get_dim(), regularization);
* This software is distributed under BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE file).
* Copyright(C) 2014 Abinash Panda
* Written (W) 2014 Abinash Panda
#include <shogun/features/DotFeatures.h>
#include <shogun/mathematics/Math.h>
#include <shogun/structure/MultilabelModel.h>
#include <shogun/structure/MultilabelSOLabels.h>
using namespace shogun;
: CStructuredModel()
CMultilabelModel::CMultilabelModel(CFeatures * features, CStructuredLabels * labels)
: CStructuredModel(features, labels)
CStructuredLabels * CMultilabelModel::structured_labels_factory(int32_t num_labels)
return new CMultilabelSOLabels(num_labels, m_num_classes);
void CMultilabelModel::init()
SG_ADD(&m_false_positive, "false_positive", "Misclassification cost for false positive",
SG_ADD(&m_false_negative, "false_negative", "Misclassification cost for false negative",
SG_ADD(&m_num_classes, "num_classes", "Number of (binary) class assignment per label",
m_false_positive = 1;
m_false_negative = 1;
m_num_classes = 0;
int32_t CMultilabelModel::get_dim() const
int32_t num_classes = ((CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels)->get_num_classes();
int32_t feats_dim = ((CDotFeatures *)m_features)->get_dim_feature_space();
return feats_dim * num_classes;
void CMultilabelModel::set_misclass_cost(float64_t false_positive, float64_t false_negative)
m_false_positive = false_positive;
m_false_negative = false_negative;
SGVector<float64_t> CMultilabelModel::get_joint_feature_vector(int32_t feat_idx,
CStructuredData * y)
SGVector<float64_t> psi(get_dim());;
SGVector<float64_t> x = ((CDotFeatures *)m_features)->
CSparseMultilabel * slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y);
ASSERT(slabel != NULL);
SGVector<int32_t> slabel_data = slabel->get_data();
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t i = 0; i < slabel_data.vlen; i++)
for (index_t j = 0, k = slabel_data[i] * x.vlen; j < x.vlen; j++, k++)
psi[k] = x[j];
return psi;
float64_t CMultilabelModel::delta_loss(CStructuredData * y1, CStructuredData * y2)
CSparseMultilabel * y1_slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y1);
CSparseMultilabel * y2_slabel = CSparseMultilabel::obtain_from_generic(y2);
ASSERT(y1_slabel != NULL);
ASSERT(y2_slabel != NULL);
CMultilabelSOLabels * multi_labels = (CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels;
return delta_loss(
multi_labels->get_num_classes(), 1, 0),
multi_labels->get_num_classes(), 1, 0));
float64_t CMultilabelModel::delta_loss(SGVector<float64_t> y1, SGVector<float64_t> y2)
REQUIRE(y1.vlen == y2.vlen, "Size of both the vectors should be same\n");
float64_t loss = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t i = 0; i < y1.vlen; i++)
#pragma omp atomic
loss += delta_loss(y1[i], y2[i]);
return loss;
float64_t CMultilabelModel::delta_loss(float64_t y1, float64_t y2)
return y1 > y2 ? m_false_negative : y1 < y2 ? m_false_positive : 0;
SGVector<int32_t> CMultilabelModel::to_sparse(SGVector<float64_t> dense_vec,
float64_t d_true, float64_t d_false)
int32_t size = 0;
for (index_t i = 0; i < dense_vec.vlen; i++)
REQUIRE(dense_vec[i] == d_true || dense_vec[i] == d_false,
"The values of dense vector should be either (%d) or (%d).\n",
d_true, d_false);
if (dense_vec[i] == d_true)
SGVector<int32_t> sparse_vec(size);
index_t j = 0;
for (index_t i = 0; i < dense_vec.vlen; i++)
if (dense_vec[i] == d_true)
sparse_vec[j] = i;
return sparse_vec;
CResultSet * CMultilabelModel::argmax(SGVector<float64_t> w, int32_t feat_idx,
bool const training)
CDotFeatures * dot_feats = (CDotFeatures *)m_features;
int32_t feats_dim = dot_feats->get_dim_feature_space();
CMultilabelSOLabels * multi_labs = (CMultilabelSOLabels *)m_labels;
if (training)
m_num_classes = multi_labs->get_num_classes();
REQUIRE(m_num_classes > 0, "The model needs to be trained before using "
"it for prediction\n");
int32_t dim = get_dim();
ASSERT(dim == w.vlen);
float64_t score = 0, total_score = 0;
SGVector<float64_t> y_pred_dense(m_num_classes);;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int32_t c = 0; c < m_num_classes; c++)
score = dot_feats->dense_dot(feat_idx, w.vector + c * feats_dim, feats_dim);
if (score > 0)
y_pred_dense[c] = 1;
#pragma omp atomic
total_score += score;
SGVector<int32_t> y_pred_sparse = to_sparse(y_pred_dense, 1, 0);
CResultSet * ret = new CResultSet();
ret->psi_computed = true;
CSparseMultilabel * y_pred = new CSparseMultilabel(y_pred_sparse);
ret->psi_pred = get_joint_feature_vector(feat_idx, y_pred);
ret->score = total_score;
ret->argmax = y_pred;
if (training)
ret->delta = CStructuredModel::delta_loss(feat_idx, y_pred);
ret->psi_truth = CStructuredModel::get_joint_feature_vector(
feat_idx, feat_idx);
ret->score += (ret->delta - SGVector<float64_t>::dot(w.vector,
ret->psi_truth.vector, dim));
return ret;
void CMultilabelModel::init_primal_opt(
float64_t regularization,
SGMatrix<float64_t> &A,
SGVector<float64_t> a,
SGMatrix<float64_t> B,
SGVector<float64_t> &b,
SGVector<float64_t> lb,
SGVector<float64_t> ub,
SGMatrix<float64_t> &C)
C = SGMatrix<float64_t>::create_identity_matrix(get_dim(), regularization);
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