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Created October 9, 2019 17:04
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Just another one really
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import { compose, map, prop, pipe, curry, reduce, propOr, identity, add, pluck, max, reject,propEq} from 'ramda'
const combine = curry((g, c) => x => (<div>{g(x)} {c(x)} </div>));
const combineComonents = (...args) => {
const [first,] = args;
return reduce((acc, c) => combine(acc, c), first, rest);
const mapStateProps = curry((f, g) => compose(g, f)); // This is the same as Pipe
// const result = todoHeader(state);
// Header component
const Header = title => (<h1>{title}</h1>);
const getHeader = prop('title')
const TodoHeader = mapStateProps(getHeader, Header);
// Footer component
const Footer = (year) => (<div> this is our footer {year}</div>);
const TodoFooter = mapStateProps((props) => props.year, Footer);
//Todo List refactored
const getTodosAndProps = (props) => ({todos: props.todos, onDelete: props.dispatch(deleteTodo)});
const mapPropsToitem = ({todos, onDelete}) => {
return map((todo) => Item(todo, onDelete), todos);
const ItemList = items => (<ul> {items} </ul>);
const Item = (item, onDelete) => (<li key={}> {item.content}<button onClick={() => onDelete(}> Delete this todo </button></li>)
const TodoList = mapStateProps(getTodosAndProps, compose(ItemList, mapPropsToitem));
//Add button
// Header component
const addTodoButton = ({onSave}) => (<button onClick={() => onSave('hallo')}>Add a todo item</button>);
const TodoAdd = mapStateProps((props) => ({onSave: props.dispatch(addTodo)}), addTodoButton);
// const TodoList = compose(ListItems, map(Item), getTodos);
// TodoList :: getTodos -> ItemLi
const addOne = add(1);
const getAllIds = pluck('id');
const getMax = reduce(max, 0);
const getNextId = compose(addOne, getMax, getAllIds);
const ADD_TODO = 'add_todo';
const DELETE_TODO = 'delete_todo';
const addTodo = content => ({ type: ADD_TODO, content});
const deleteTodo = id => ({type: DELETE_TODO, id});
const intitalState = {todos: [{
id: 1,
content: 'the content of my stuffs'
id: 2,
content: 'Am in a loop or something'
id: 3,
content: 'Am a nard'
}], title: 'A todo List', year: 1997};
const createReducer = (init, handlers) => {
return (state = init, action) => {
return propOr(identity, prop('type', action), handlers)(state, action);
const todos = createReducer([], {
[ADD_TODO](state, action){
return [
{id: getNextId(state), content: action.content, completed: false},
[DELETE_TODO](state, action){
return reject(propEq('id',, state)
const year = createReducer('', {});
const title = createReducer('', {});
const reducer = combineReducers({todos, year, title});
const store = createStore(reducer, intitalState);
const bindAction = curry((dispatch, actionCreators) => compose(dispatch, actionCreators));
const bindActionCreators = bindAction(store.dispatch);
const App = combineComonents(TodoHeader, TodoAdd, TodoList, TodoFooter);
const getRender = node => app => render(app, node)
const renderDom = getRender(document.getElementById('app'));
const run = store.subscribe(() => {
return renderDom(<App {} dispatch={bindActionCreators}/>);
const init = store.dispatch({type: "@@init"});
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