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Created July 16, 2019 11:02
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// check this out; with the static land approach of modeling instances as values,
// you can actually witness functor instances for the classes themselves.
// this gives you instances for free when you have structure preserving morphisms from a
// type that has some instance to a type for which you want that instance:
const { adt, match } = require("@masaeedu/adt")
// :: type Eq v = { equals: v -> v -> Boolean }
// :: type Contravariant f = { contramap: (b -> a) -> f a -> f b }
// :: type Iso x y = { to: x -> y, from: y -> x }
// :: Contravariant Eq
const Eq = (() => {
// :: (b -> a) -> Eq a -> Eq b
const contramap = ba => ({ equals }) => ({ equals: b1 => b2 => equals(ba(b1))(ba(b2)) })
return { contramap }
// Let's say NonNegativeInt is the type inhabited by non-negative JS integers
// :: Eq NonNegativeInt
const eqInt = (() => {
const equals = x => y => x === y
return { equals }
const Nat = adt({ Z: [], S: ["Nat"] })
const { Z, S } = Nat
// :: Nat -> NonNegativeInt
const natToInt = match({
Z: 0,
S: x => 1 + natToInt(x)
const eqNat = Eq.contramap(natToInt)(eqInt)
const tests = [
// => [true, false, true]
// in the contrived example above we have a simple `Eq` instance for integers, and we have an equivalence
// preserving morphism from church numerals to integers, so for free we get an `Eq` instance for church numerals
// in languages with typeclasses and typeclass instances as a distinct concept it would be quite annoying to express this,
// whereas when using simple types you don't even need a distinct `Functor`/`Contravariant`/etc.
// from the one you'd use to represent instances for normal types like arrays or functions
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