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Last active August 30, 2016 16:38
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Type Checked PHP (methods, functions are not yet supported)
class TypedPHPException extends Exception {
function __construct($msg,$file,$line)
class TypeMistmatchException extends TypedPHPException {};
class TypeNotFoundException extends TypedPHPException {};
function type_list($typestring,$file,$line)
static $types=["bool","false","true","null","int","float","string","array"];
foreach ($list as $t)
if (!in_array(strtolower($t), $types) and !class_exists($t))
throw new TypeNotFoundException("Type '{$t}' does not exist.",$file,$line);
return $out;
function type_check_args($class,$method_name,$args)
#TODO: need arg names to match via doc, change arg{$i} names to the actual arg names.
$r=new ReflectionMethod($class,$method_name);
if (!preg_match("/@return\s+(.*?)\s+/", $doc,$match))
return false;
foreach ($types as $type)
if ((is_object($arg) and strtolower(get_class($arg))==strtolower($type))) return true;
elseif (strtolower(gettype($arg))==strtolower($type)) return true;
throw new TypeMistmatchException("Type of return argument '".gettype($arg).
"' does not match any of the allowed types: '".implode(" or ",$types)."'",$file,$endline);
return false;
function type_check_return($class,$method_name,$arg)
$r=new ReflectionMethod($class,$method_name);
if (!preg_match("/@return\s+(.*?)\s+/", $doc,$match))
return false;
foreach ($types as $type)
if ((is_object($arg) and strtolower(get_class($arg))==strtolower($type))) return true;
elseif (strtolower(gettype($arg))==strtolower($type)) return true;
throw new TypeMistmatchException("Type of return argument '".gettype($arg).
"' does not match any of the allowed types: '".implode(" or ",$types)."'",$file,$endline);
return false;
function typed_autoload($class)
if (strtolower(substr($class,0,5))=="typed")
if (!class_exists($class))
trigger_error("class {$class} not found");
return false;
return false;
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
$filename = $reflection->getFileName();
$startline = $reflection->getStartLine(); // getStartLine() seems to start after the {
$endline = $reflection->getEndLine();
if (class_exists($newclass))
$contents = file($filename);
$class_code=array_slice($contents, $startline,$endline-$startline);
foreach ($reflection->getMethods() as $method_reflection)
$method_ispublic=preg_match("/Method \[(.*?) public method .*? \]/",$method_code);
if (!$method_ispublic) continue;
$method_isref=preg_match("/Method \[(.*?) method &.*? \]/",$method_code);
preg_match("/- Parameters\s+\[(.*?)]\s+/",$method_code,$match);
if ($match)
for ($i=0;$i<$paramcount;++$i)
$isref=preg_match("/Parameter #{$i} \[.*?&.*?\]/", $method_code);
$optional=preg_match("/Parameter #{$i} \[ <optional> .*? = (.*?) \]/", $method_code,$optional_val);
if ($optional)
// echo "isref:";
// var_dump($isref);
// echo "optional:";
// var_dump($optional);
// if ($optional)
// var_dump("optional value:",$optional_val);
if ($isref)
if ($optional)
// var_dump($paramcount);
// var_dump($args);
// echo($method_code);
if ($paramcount)
$args_forward=implode(",",array_map(function($x){ return "\$arg".$x;}, range(0,$paramcount-1)));
if ($method_isref)
$signature="function {$method_isref}{$method_name}(".implode(",",$argsSig).") {
return \$r;
$methods_signature=implode("\n\t\t",array_map(function($x){return $x['signature'];}, $methods));
$source_code=("class Typed{$class} extends $class {
function type_check_return(\$class,\$method_name,\$arg)
function type_check_args(\$class,\$method_name,\$args)
// var_dump($source_code);
return true;
const ZERO=0;
class World
function &b()
function a()
class Hello extends World {
public $x;
function __construct(&$t)
private function p() {}
* [a description]
* @param string $x [description]
* @return int [description]
function a($x='hello')
echo $this->x++;
$x=new TypedHello($t);
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