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A tutorial on Guzzle Promises in PHP
* Promise-based programming tutorial.
* In this tutorial, we use promises to tackle several concurrent problems and make them run faster.
* Promises are now available in most languages (C#, PHP, Javascript, etc.).
* What they do is, instead of doing a long-running, I/O blocking task
* (e.g., read a file, fetch a URL, etc.), they promise to do it in the future
* and return the result.
* Using this *promise*, we can do things that we wanted to do with the result, e.g.,
* send it to another task or to the user.
* Think of it like a cheque instead of actual money. You can pay for other goods using this
* cheque, you can split it in half, aggregate multiple cheques, and do whatever you want.
* In the end, to actually get cash after all of your operations, you need to WAIT() on the
* final result. However, if you didn't use cheques, you would need to wait on each
* operation independently, resulting in a lot longer wait, rather than wait once for all of
* the cheques to cash concurrently.
* A promise object is returned from the promise-based I/O library (e.g., GuzzleHttp in PHP).
* It's result can be chained to another action using ->then() function on the promise object.
* This means that ->then() will be executed once the promise is fulfilled.
* ->then() itself returns another promise, which can be used in another ->then().
* Again, think of a cheque that you receive for $100, and another for $50, and
* once both are cashed ->then() you send a cheque for $150 to someone else.
* Then you ->wait() on the final promise to settle.
* To handle exceptions (i.e., cheque failed to cash, even though it was promised),
* a promise object also has ->otherwise() function, which again returns a promise
* that has execption handling.
* It is expected that the description above did not make promises clear. That's
* why there are 7 examples included in this code that show exactly how they work.
* PHP currently supports promises for HTTP requests using the Guzzle library.
* It also supports promises for other operations using the PHP/React library.
* Node.js supports promises for almost all I/O, as does C#.
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; # `composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle` before running.
# Usage: php me.php [1-7]
if (isset($argv[1]) and function_exists("example_{$argv[1]}"))
for ($i=0;$i<10;++$i)
function_exists("example_{$i}") and call_user_func("example_{$i}");
* List of sites to fetch, used in all examples
* @return array of string
function sites()
return [
0 => '',
1 => '',
2 => '',
3 => '',
4 => '',
5 => '',
6 => '',
7 => '',
8 => '', // Should cause error
9 => '',
* Fetch sites sequentially, using GuzzleHttp, and without promises.
* Provided as the baseline of what we want to do.
* Takes 12.78s on my box.
function example_1()
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
# Example 1: fetching $sites sequentially
echo "Example 1: fetching websites sequentially\n";
foreach (sites() as $site)
try {
$res = $client->request('GET', $site);
echo ".";
catch (Exception $e) {
echo "x";
echo " Took ", timer(), " seconds to fetch ", count(sites()), " websites.", PHP_EOL;
* Fetches websites sequentially, like example 1.
* However, uses Promises to show how they work.
* Specifically, only error handling and success handling is replaced with
* the promise's then() and otherwise() callbacks.
* Takes 12.72s on my box.
function example_2()
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
echo "Example 2: fetching websites sequentially using promises\n";
foreach (sites() as $site)
$promise = $client->requestAsync('GET', $site);
$res = $promise->then(function ($res) {
// then() runs on fulfillment of the promise
echo ".";
})->otherwise(function ($err) {
// otherwise() runs on rejection of the promise, i.e., error
echo "x";
})->wait(); // wait() blocks until the promise is resolved.
echo " Took ", timer(), " seconds to fetch ", count(sites()), " websites.", PHP_EOL;
* Similar to example 2, uses promises to fetch the sites.
* However, aggregates all the promises into 1 promise instead of
* waiting on each one of them to finish.
* Then waits on the aggregate promise, resulting in concurrent execution
* of all promises.
* Takes 2.37s on my box
function example_3()
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
echo "Example 3: fetching websites concurrently using promises\n";
$promises = [];
foreach (sites() as $site)
$promise = $client->requestAsync('GET', $site);
$promise = $promise->then(function ($res) {
// then() returns a new (modified) promise
echo ".";
$promise = $promise->otherwise(function ($err) {
// otherwise() returns a new (modified) promise
echo "x";
$promises[] = $promise;
// We do not wait for this promise here.
// We want to wait on all promises together.
// Aggregate promises into one promise, which returns all results as array
$res = GuzzleHttp\Promise\all($promises)->wait();
echo " Took ", timer(), " seconds to fetch ", count(sites()), " websites.", PHP_EOL;
* Similar to example 3, however, odd sites (2x+1) are dependent on even sites (2x),
* i.e., first site[0] needs to be fetched and then site[1], but site[0] and site[2]
* can be fetched in parallel.
* Uses sites()/2 promises, each of which has a then() clause that fetches another website.
* Each promise's then() clause also prints its corresponding site index, to see the order
* of execution.
* Takes 3.9s on my box (roughly 2x of example 3, which is expected)
* Note that if the dependency chain was longer than 2, then the code would become ugly.
* For example, if we needed to do X, which dependend on Y, which dependend on Z, which
* depended on W (W->Z->Y->X), we could either do them sequentially,
* or using 4 chained ->then() clauses. The latter would be very ugly and unreadable
* code. The former would mean that two functions doing the same cannot be done
* concurrently (as we see in example 7).
function example_4()
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
echo "Example 4: fetching websites using promises, but n+1 is dependent on n\n";
$promises = [];
for ($i=0; $i<count(sites()); $i+=2)
$next = sites()[$i+1];
$promise = $client->requestAsync('GET', sites()[$i]);
$promise = $promise->then(function ($res) use ($client, $next, $i) {
echo $i;
return $client->requestAsync('GET', $next)->then(function ($res) use ($i) {
echo $i+1;
return $res;
->otherwise(function ($err) {
// this otherwise() handles errors for both site[$i] and site[$i+1]
echo "x";
$promises[] = $promise;
$res = GuzzleHttp\Promise\all($promises)->wait();
echo " Took ", timer(), " seconds to fetch ", count(sites()), " websites.", PHP_EOL;
* A simple crawler, which fetches the site, then fetches all links in that site
* (and repeats, if needed).
* In each round, fetches all links, then processes all the results to extract new links,
* and sends these links to the next round.
* Causes errors because after round 0, there are too many links to open in parallel,
* resulting in file I/O exhaustion and many errors on fetching links.
* This is solved in example 6, which is more complicated. This example serves as a reference.
* Takes 36.80s on my box, with 246 fetched URLs (0.15s per URL)
function example_5()
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
echo "Example 5: crawling websites using promises, going deep twice\n";
// Add https:// to all sites
$new_links = array_map(function($_) {return "https://{$_}";}, sites());
$depth = 2; // how deep to go in crawling
$success = 0;
for ($round=0; $round<$depth; ++$round)
echo "Round {$round}: ";
// Create requests
$promises = [];
foreach ($new_links as $link)
$promises[] = $client->requestAsync('GET', $link)
->then(function ($res) use ($link, &$success) {
echo ".";
$success++; // Count success, because many fail in this example
return [$link, $res];
->otherwise(function ($err) use ($link) {
echo "x";
// Run requests
$results = [];
$concurrency = 7;
GuzzleHttp\Promise\each_limit($promises, $concurrency, function ($res, $id) use (&$results) {
$results[$id] = $res;
// Extract links from results
foreach ($results as $tuple)
list($origin, $res) = $tuple;
if (!$res) continue; // Can be null for failed ones
// Extract base of URL from full URL
preg_match("|^(https?://.*?)/|i", $origin."/", $matches);
$base = $matches[1];
// Extract all <a href=...> from the page
$body = $res->getBody();
$links = preg_match_all('/<a\s+href\s*=\s*[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*?>/i', $body, $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $link)
if (strpos($link, "javascript")!==false) continue; // Skip javascript links
$link = html_entity_decode($link);
if (!preg_match("#^https?://#", $link)) // If relative URL, add base
$link = $base.$link;
$new_links[] = $link;
$new_links = array_unique($new_links); // Remove duplicates
echo count($new_links), " new links discovered.\n";
echo "{$success} links crawled.\n";
echo " Took ", timer(), " seconds to crawl ", count(sites()), " websites.", PHP_EOL;
* Similar in behavior to example 5, however, users a generator and a queue
* to dynamically add URLs and process them.
* Because we are not creating too many requests in parallel, there are no errors.
* Requests are created as they are needed for execution, using PHP's generator
* feature (yield).
* Also once the result of one fetch is available, it is processed immediately
* and resulting URLs are added back to the queue.
* Takes 58.61s on my box, fetching 366 URLs (0.16s per URL)
* @return [type] [description]
function example_6()
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
echo "Example 6: crawling websites using promises, going deep twice, processing immediately\n";
// Put the list of sites as entry points of queue, with depth 0
$queue = array_map(function($_) {return [0, "https://{$_}"];}, sites());
$max_depth = 2; // How deep to go in crawling
$success = 0; // How many links crawled
$link_generator = function() use (&$success, &$queue, $client, $max_depth) {
while (!empty($queue))
list($depth, $link) = array_shift($queue);
$promise = $client->requestAsync('GET', $link)
->then(function ($res) use (&$queue, $link, $depth, $max_depth) {
echo $depth?":":".";
if ($depth+1 >= $max_depth) return; // If already at max_depth, don't process results
preg_match("|^(https?://.*?)/|i", $link."/", $matches);
$base = $matches[1];
$links = preg_match_all('/<a\s+href\s*=\s*[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*?>/i', $res->getBody(), $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $newlink)
if (strpos($newlink, "javascript")!==false) continue; // Skip javascript links
$newlink = html_entity_decode($newlink);
if (!preg_match("#^https?://#", $newlink)) // If relative URL, add base
$newlink = $base.$newlink;
array_push($queue, [$depth+1, $newlink]);
->otherwise(function ($err) use ($link) {
echo "x";
yield $promise; // Return this request for execution
$concurrency = 7;
GuzzleHttp\Promise\each_limit($link_generator(), $concurrency)->wait();
echo $success, " links crawled.\n";
echo " Took ", timer(), " seconds to crawl ", count(sites()), " websites.", PHP_EOL;
* Example 7 is similar to Example 4, where 1 is dependent on 0, and 3 is dependent on 2.
* This time, 1 is dependent on 0, 2 on 1, 3 on 2, 4 on 3. (0->1->2->3->4)
* Similarly, 6 dependent on 5, 7 on 6, 8 on 7, 9 on 8. (5->6->7->8->9)
* Instead of nesting 5 then()->then() resulting in an ugly code,
* we will use coroutines. A coroutine is internally serial (not concurrent),
* but multiple coroutines can be run concurrent to each other!
* This is based on the magic of generators and yield. Each coroutine has 1
* active request at a time, and multiple coroutines can have a set of active,
* concurrent requests together.
* This is similar to async keyword in other language such as Node.js and C#,
* where multiple "async FUNC()" statements can be run together at multiple
* points of a program.
* Takes 7.82s on my box, a little less than 2x example 4.
function example_7()
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
echo "Example 7: fetching websites using promises, 0->1->2->3->4 and 5->6->7->8->9, via coroutine/async\n";
$new_links = array_map(function($_) {return "https://{$_}";}, sites());
$promises = [];
for ($i=0;$i<count(sites()); $i+=5)
$chunk = array_slice(sites(), $i, 5);
// Create coroutine for $chunk of the entire sites
$promises[] = GuzzleHttp\Promise\coroutine(function() use ($chunk, $client) {
foreach($chunk as $link)
// Return each request sequentially, using yield
yield $client->requestAsync('GET', $link)
->then(function ($res) use ($link) {
echo ".";
return [$link, $res];
->otherwise(function ($err) use ($link) {
echo "x";
$res = GuzzleHttp\Promise\all($promises)->wait(); // Run all coroutines concurrently
echo " Took ", timer(), " seconds to fetch ", count(sites()), " websites.", PHP_EOL;
* Reset timer and return time passes since last call.
* @return string
function timer()
static $timer = null;
$res = "Timer Started";
if ($timer !== null)
$res = sprintf("%.2f", microtime(true)-$timer);
$timer = microtime(true);
return $res;
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