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Last active November 14, 2021 17:45
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Terraform for each conditionals
# This is an example to bulk upload files to S3
# A local source directory and sample pattern are provided as variables.
# All matching files are uploaded to S3
locals {
file_list = toset(fileset(var.source_path, var.source_file_pattern))
# If you use terragrunt, use this local block instead to ignore
# the .terragrunt-source-manifest file it adds to each directory.
# This is useful if there is no common pattern to files.
file_list = toset([for k in toset(fileset(var.source_path, var.source_file_pattern)) : k if length(regexall(".*terragrunt.*", k)) == 0])
variable "s3_bucket" {
description = "S3 bucket to upload the files to"
variable "s3_key" {
description = "Sub-directory on S3 to upload the files to"
variable "source_path" {
description = "Source directory on local to watch for files to upload"
variable "source_file_pattern" {
description = "Pattern to match for files"
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "this" {
for_each = local.file_list
bucket = var.s3_bucket
key = format("%s/%s", var.s3_key, each.key)
source = format("%s/%s", var.source_path, each.key)
etag = filemd5(format("%s/%s", var.source_path, each.key))
# This is an example to upload files to S3 "conditionally"
# A list of files is in the local variable files_list.
# If the file exists on disk, it's uploaded, otherwise
# terraform skips to the next item in files_list.
locals {
files_list = toset(["file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt"])
variable "s3_bucket" {
description = "S3 bucket to upload the files to"
variable "s3_key" {
description = "Sub-directory on S3 to upload the files to"
variable "source_path" {
description = "Source directory on local to watch for files to upload"
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "this" {
for_each = toset([for k in local.files_list : k if fileexists("${path.module}/${k}")])
bucket = var.s3_bucket
key = format("%s/%s", var.s3_key, each.key)
source = format("%s/%s", var.source_path, each.key)
etag = filemd5(format("%s/%s", var.source_path, each.key))
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