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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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WebForms example using Skybrud.Social for Twitter OAuth authentication
using System;
using Skybrud.Social.OAuth;
using Skybrud.Social.Twitter;
using Skybrud.Social.Twitter.OAuth;
using Skybrud.Social.Twitter.Objects;
namespace Skybrud.Social.Test.Twitter {
public partial class OAuth : System.Web.UI.Page {
public string Action {
get { return Request.QueryString["do"]; }
public string AuthorizationCode {
get { return Request.QueryString["code"]; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Initialize a new OAuth client with information about your app
TwitterOAuthClient oauth = new TwitterOAuthClient {
ConsumerKey = "Your Twitter API key",
ConsumerSecret = "Your Twitter API secret",
Callback = "Your callback URL"
if (Request.QueryString["do"] == "login") {
// Get a request token from the Twitter API
OAuthRequestToken token = oauth.GetRequestToken();
// Save the token information to the session so we can grab it later
Session[token.Token] = token;
// Redirect the user to the authentication page at
} else if (Request.QueryString["oauth_token"] != null) {
// Get OAuth parameters from the query string
string oAuthToken = Request.QueryString["oauth_token"];
string oAuthVerifier = Request.QueryString["oauth_verifier"];
// Grab the request token from the session
OAuthRequestToken token = Session[oAuthToken] as OAuthRequestToken;
if (token == null) {
Content.Text = "<p>An error occured. Timeout?</p>";
} else {
// Some information for development purposes
Content.Text += "<p>Request Token: " + token.Token + "</p>";
Content.Text += "<p>Request Token Secret: " + token.TokenSecret + "</p>";
// Update the OAuth client with information from the request token
oauth.Token = token.Token;
oauth.TokenSecret = token.TokenSecret;
try {
// Obtain an access token from the request token and OAuth verifier
OAuthAccessToken accessToken = oauth.GetAccessToken(oAuthVerifier);
// Update the OAuth client with the access token and access token secret
oauth.Token = accessToken.Token;
oauth.TokenSecret = accessToken.TokenSecret;
// Initialize a new TwitterService instance based on the OAuth client
TwitterService service = TwitterService.CreateFromOAuthClient(oauth);
// Get information about the authenticated user
TwitterUser user = service.Account.VerifyCredentials();
// Some information for development purposes
Content.Text += "<b>Hi " + (user.Name ?? user.ScreenName) + "</b> (" + user.Id + ")<br />";
Content.Text += "<p>Access Token: " + accessToken.Token + "</p>";
Content.Text += "<p>Access Token Secret: " + accessToken.TokenSecret + "</p>";
} catch (Exception ex) {
Content.Text += "<pre style=\"color: red;\">" + ex.GetType().FullName + ": " + ex.Message + "\r\n\r\n" + ex.StackTrace + "</pre>";
} else if (Request.QueryString["denied"] != null) {
// Get OAuth parameters from the query string
string oAuthToken = Request.QueryString["denied"];
// Remove the request token from the session
// Write some output for the user
Content.Text += "<p>It seems that you cancelled the login!</p>";
Content.Text += "<p><a href=\"OAuth.aspx?do=login\">Try again?</a></p>";
} else {
Content.Text += "<p><a href=\"OAuth.aspx?do=login\">Login with Twitter</a></p>";
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