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Last active April 9, 2020 03:58
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Automatically converts .mkv files to .mp4
#!/usr/bin/env node
* conv.js: Watches dir and automatically converts .mkv files to .mp4
* Presets:
* - wait 3 mins after file creation to start ffmpeg conversion
* - wait 15 mins after ffmpeg conversion to delete the .mkv file
* I wrote this script for use with,
* but I can see it's use cases other places so I'm posting it on gist.
* - install screen, ffmpeg and node
* - cd to motion's target_dir
* - $ npm install watch
* - launch screen and run this script
* - start motion
* Written by Aaron Blakely <>
* Copyright 2020 (C) Ephasic Software
const fs = require("fs");
const exec = require("child_process").exec;
const watch = require("watch");
const mkvTest = /^(.*).mkv$/;
// config
const scanWait = 3 * 60000; // 3 min
const delWait = 15 * 60000; // 15 min
var fsTimeout = [];
var fsi = 0;
function doDirScan() {
fs.readdirSync(__dirname).forEach(function(f) {
if (mkvTest.test(f)) {
if (fs.existsSync(f.replace('.mkv', '.mp4'))) {
console.log(`[scanner] Skipping previously converted file: ${f}`);
function doFFmpegConv(f) {
console.log(`[conv] Converting file: ${f} to ${f.replace('.mkv', '.mp4')}`);
var ffmpeg = exec(`/usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "${f}" -r 15 -c copy "${f.replace('.mkv', '.mp4')}"`);
ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', function(d) {
fs.appendFile("./ffmpeg-stdout.log", d, function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
setTimeout(function() {
if (fs.existsSync(f)) {
if (mkvTest.test(f) && fs.existsSync(f.replace('.mkv', '.mp4'))) {
console.log(`[post-conv] Removing mkv file: ${f}`);
fs.unlinkSync(f.replace('.mp4', '.mkv'));
}, delWait);
watch.watchTree(__dirname, {ignoreDotFiles: true}, function(f, curr, prev) {
if (typeof f === "object" && prev === null && curr === null) {
console.log("[init-scan] completed inital scan");
if (!fsTimeout[fsi]) {
setTimeout(doDirScan, scanWait);
fsTimeout[fsi] = setTimeout(function() { fsTimeout[fsi] = null }, 5000);
} else if (typeof f === "string" && typeof curr === "object" && prev === null) {
if (!fsTimeout[fsi]) {
console.log(`[scanner] new file created: ${f}`);
setTimeout(function() {
}, scanWait);
fsTimeout[fsi] = setTimeout(function() { fsTimeout[fsi] = null }, 5000);
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