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Created December 9, 2021 17:48
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const parseInput = (input: string): number[][] => {
const rows = input.trim().split('\n');
return rows.reduce((res, rawRow) => {
const nums = rawRow.split('').map(Number);
return [...res, nums];
}, []);
export const solveP1 = (input: string) => {
const map = parseInput(input);
const totalRows = map.length;
const totalCols = map[0].length;
let totalRisk = 0;
for (let row = 0; row < totalRows; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < totalCols; col++) {
const curr = map[row][col];
const above = map[row - 1]?.[col];
const right = map[row][col + 1];
const below = map[row + 1]?.[col];
const left = map[row][col - 1];
const filtered = [above, right, below, left].filter(n => Number.isFinite(n));
if (curr < Math.min(...filtered)) {
totalRisk += 1 + curr;
return totalRisk;
export const solveP2 = (input: string) => {
const map = parseInput(input);
const heightMap = createHeightMap(map);
const totalRows = heightMap.length;
const totalCols = heightMap[0].length;
const lowestPoints: Array<MapCell> = [];
// Find lowest points to start from
for (let row = 0; row < totalRows; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < totalCols; col++) {
const curr = heightMap[row][col];
const { above, right, below, left } = getNeighbourCells(curr, heightMap);
const filteredHeights = [above, right, below, left].filter(c => !!c).map(c => c.height);
if (curr.height < Math.min(...filteredHeights)) {
// Enqueue
const visitQueue: Array<MapCell> = [];
const basins: Array<MapCell[]> = [];
// Visit lowest points to find basins
while (lowestPoints.length) {
const lowPoint = lowestPoints.pop();
let currentBasin = [];
while (visitQueue.length) {
// Ignore visited cells
const curr = visitQueue.pop();
if (curr.visited) continue;
// Otherwise, visit...
curr.visited = true;
// Neighbours
const { above, right, below, left } = getNeighbourCells(curr, heightMap);
[above, right, below, left].forEach((direction) => {
if (direction && !direction.visited && direction.height !== 9) {
// Enqueue
return => basin.length).sort((a, b) => a > b ? -1 : 1).slice(0, 3).reduce((a, b) => a * b);
type MapCell = {
height: number;
visited: boolean;
row: number;
col: number;
type HeightMap = MapCell[][];
const createHeightMap = (map: number[][]): HeightMap => {
const totalRows = map.length;
const totalCols = map[0].length;
const res: HeightMap = [];
for (let row = 0; row < totalRows; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < totalCols; col++) {
const curr = map[row][col];
const newCell: MapCell = {
height: curr,
visited: false,
res[row][col] = newCell;
return res;
type NeighbourCells = {
above?: MapCell;
right?: MapCell;
below?: MapCell;
left?: MapCell;
const getNeighbourCells = (cell: MapCell, heightMap: HeightMap): NeighbourCells => {
const { row, col } = cell;
const above = heightMap[row - 1]?.[col];
const right = heightMap[row][col + 1];
const below = heightMap[row + 1]?.[col];
const left = heightMap[row][col - 1];
return { above, right, below, left };
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